The Captain

France, October 4th 1803

7:46 PM

Lukas was in one of the tents that had the task of taking in the wounded. Right now, he was on his way care of a soldier who seemed to have a deep deep cut on his stomach.

He still felt pretty angry due to the fact that his plan was a huge failure. Ever since then, he has been thinking about it, however, he still felt bad if he wasn't doing anything, so he was trying to take care of a few of his wounded partners to try to focus on something else.

However, that didn't seem to work very well, since Lukas seemed to be doing everything on automatic mode. 

Soon, Lukas kneeled down beside the man, who slowly opened his eyes. He had been complaining about bodyaches and extreme weakness. He probably had a fever, since his face was flushed too.

Lukas sighed. "So, Matteo, what do you feel again?" he asked.