
A small smile escaped Li Chunhua's face when she saw Shao Jingfei was back to his usual self again. Because of a moment of sympathy, she just promised to visit his cafe/house again without thinking. Hopefully, she wouldn't be attacked by cats again. 

"Haha, that's a good laugh." Shao Jingfei calmed down after a while. "I still haven't answered your question yet, have I?"

Li Chunhua's expression turned serious. "What do you think of it?"

"I think you are gradually becoming better. However, your sister probably wants to fix your fixation on her. You love her too much, even more than you love yourself, and that's not very healthy."

"I see, so I should receive treatment after all?"

"It's up to you. Caiyi won't feel glad either if you do it because she told you so. If you want to get better, that desire should come from yourself."

"But how can I….when I don't even understand what is wrong with myself?"