Happy Birthday (4)

Li Junjie opened his eyes, and the scene turned back to the current timeline. The child who could only lay down on the floor with injured legs or hands wasn't there anymore.

There were so many things he failed to do. Li Junjie remembered how he gradually gave up trying to save himself from the pain. Even if he knew Li Caiyi was mistreated inside the house, he didn't dare say anything about it.

Li Junjie had had enough of the pain and the pressure. However, whenever he looked at Li Caiyi, his guilt would manifest. So much that he had to avert his eyes from what happened in the house and bury his feeling inside. 

It was better if he didn't feel too attached to anything. Li Junjie didn't even mind if Li Caiyi hated him forever for this. 

He was convinced that everything that went wrong within the house came from Li Jirong's twisted obsession with the family's honor and prestige. No, not the family, but his own.