How close are you to him?

"I'm fine, thankfully. But you surely didn't call me just to ask how I am doing, right?"

"Chill, Young Miss. I was just about to get into that. But before that, aren't you going to ask how I am doing? You are as cold as always."

"No, I didn't mean that. How are you, Detective Tang?"

"Busy and poor as always, but I'm still working on the case I told you about before."

"I see," Li Caiyi glanced around to make sure no one was around, which was stupid because she was the only one inside. Then, she asked in a low voice, "Is there any progress with my sister's medicine research?"

There was a tired sigh coming from the other side. "We did find something, but I'm afraid this isn't very good news."

"What? What is it?" Li Caiyi asked apprehensively.

"So far, my friend has found out most of the ingredients used to make that. The result showed that it would be dangerous if your sister suddenly stopped consuming these drugs completely."