Why would he choose an ugly girl like you?

"Oh? Why do you want to know about this?" Ye Huizhong raised his brows in interest.

"I suspected that his death was related to my father, and the motive is closely related to Meng Pharmaceutical. There is no proof, but I think it is worth investigating."

"Hm. It seems your family holds a profound secret. I have been dealing with many people's secrets throughout my life, so I can tell you this. Sometimes, there is a secret that is better to be buried forever. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Li Caiyi nodded. Aside from curiosity, she also wanted to know whether this case had something to do with what happened in her previous life. 

Ye Huizhong looked at her thoughtfully. "Well, I will look into it some more. You are lucky that I found this case rather intriguing. Normally, I will charge you a high price for asking me to dig such old stuff."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye. I'm forever indebted to you."