Chapter 3: In laws

"Ughhhh" as I groaned fist thing in the morning and stretched my arms.

"...the hell happened last night?" I asked my self.

I looked to my right side and saw Miyuki laying in my bed.After I saw the scene in front of me I finally remembered what happened.


After we submitted the marriage papers and documents.Miyuki and I decided to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients for dinner.

"Ummm,what do you want for dinner?" she asked me blushing as I looked at her.

"Zaru Udon...I guess.."I answered.

As she walked to the food section I decided to buy some canned beer to beat the summer heat.And after we paying the groceries we walked out way home.

"(Ring)....(Ring)...(Ring)" sound of my phone ringtone as I picked it up from my pocket and answer the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Ahhh...Ryu-kun you finally picked up" the voice from the call said.

"Ahhh...Okaa-san(mom)"I said as I stopped walking and signalled Miyuki to go first and I will follow.

"What's up?" I asked my mom on the phone.

"Ahh,I just wanna tell you that we're coming home tomorrow"she answered.

"Ehhh really" my reaction.

"That's all" she said before hanging up.

"Now that I think about it,summer break was about to end..(sigh)" I whimpered to my self as I entered the apartment building and headed to the elevator.

After we eat dinner I asked Miyuki to drink with me and after that I don't remember anything more,maybe because I passed out.


And now here we are,in the same bed.And I don't know if I've done something or if we crossed the line last night.I was trying to remember everything when I heard a knock on the the door.

"I'm in my room who the hell will..." as I opened the door and shocked for whats behind the door not finishing my thoughts.

"Kaaaaa-san(mom)"I shouted.


Hana Houtarou my mother with a long black hair and blue eyes.My little sister Kanna Houtarou she's 6 years younger than me with short blonde hair with blue eyes.

(End of Introduction)

"What's wrong Ryu-kun" miyuki asked while getting out of the bed wearing shorts and a long jacket.

"Who was that?"asked mom while pointing her fingers in shock.

"Ahhh,nii-chan(big brother)you bring home a girl you perv" my little sister Kanna teasing me.

"Wait a minute...let me explain first" I said rubbing my head.

A few moments later

I explained what happened yesterday and the other day.As we're sitting in the living room and waiting for their reaction.

" you're married"mom's reaction while shaking.

"Ye..yes" I answered avoiding eye contact.

"(Sigh) should have told me when I called yesterday that you're already married..(sigh)" she said.

"Uumm...anyway,that also means you're my daughter in law"she said looking at Miyuki.

"Nice to meet you" mom said followed by a smile.

"Ummm...Im Miyuki...nice to meet you,kaa-san(mom)"Miyuki replied while avoiding eye contact.

"Well then let's eat"she said,before heading to the kitchen.

While eating mom keep on asking weird question to Miyuki.And then I heard my phone ringing.

"Excuse me kaa-san(mom)" I said before going in the leaving room.

"Hello"I said after answering.

"Ahhh,Ryu-senpai"replied by the voice on the phone.

"Ahh,Yumi-chan it's you...what's up? "I asked her before sitting in the couch.

"I just wanna ask if you're available tomorrow?" She said.

"Yeah...but why...are you asking for a date."I answer,teasing her.

"Nahh,in your dreams...hahahaha" she answered.before I heard Yuji's voice laughing.

"Wanna hang out in the beach tomorrow?"Yuji's finally speaking.

"Ohh,ok I'm in....ummm...can I bring someone with me" I asked.

"It's fine...but it's unusual for you to bring someone... could it be your girlfriend" Yuji asked,teasing me.

"Naaah,that's impossible..hahaha" Yumi added.

"Don't bworry she's a family member" I whimpered.

"Ok bye senpai (senior)" she said before hanging up.

"...(sigh)..we only have 3 days before school days huh...what a pain..(sigh)" I whimpered.

"Who's that?" Mom asked.

"Yumi she's asking me to hangout with them tomorrow at the beach" I explained.

"So your bringing Miyuki-chan with you"she asked glaring at me.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"So,'re coming right?"she asked holding her hands .

"Hmm" she whimpered bowing in response.

"So that's a yes" mom said,standing up she pulled her by hand.

"Let's go shopping for your swimsuit" she asked her.

"Ahhh,now that I remembered your parents said they will bring your clothes here" I said out of the blue.

"Uhm,so for now I only have few clothes to wear" she answered.

"Then you better come with mom to buy some" I suggested.

"Ryu-kun your not coming?"she asked.

"Of course he can't. Women's swimsuit should be a surprise" Mom said.

"It's fine you can go with them,I can't go with you anyways...My classmate texted me to come over at his house to do some thing" I explained to Miyuki and she simply nodded in response.They left at 10 AM...And I left a few minutes later.

In my classmate's house

"What take you so long?" a familiar voice started speaking.

"Ahh,sorry Houki...anyway why did you call me here" I asked,glaring at him.

"Here look at this.." as he show me random pictures of the same women.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked him.

"Ahhh...It's Yukimura-sensei(teacher)" he said doing a superhero pose.

"I knew there was something about it" I whimpered.


Houki Sasagawa,he was a friend of mine from high school.He was 4'8 tall with a clean hair cut and his eyes are dark brown. And as you know he was super duper incredibly total idiot.He always asked for my opinion for every single stupid thing that he does.As for now he was deeply in love to our teacher and for some reasons he was stalking her

(End of Introduction)

"You called me just for this" I said glaring at him with dead eyes and pokerface.

"Houtarou-kun...that's should be concerned about your best friend's love life you know" he said doing dramatic pose.

"You idiot stop the act...what the deal of calling me here?" I asked.

.....I left after he told me everything and headed to the supermarket to buy some canned beer.

"To find out her relationship status huh..." I whimpered before drinking the beer.

"(sigh)...I should head home" I said to my self.

Meanwhile in the Clothing store

Miyuki's POV

"Miyuki-chan...Ryu's favorite color is black.." Hana-san said while showing me a black pair of bikini.

"Try it.." she added before handing it to me and pushing me to the changing room.

"Wooooow,you look sexy Miyuki-nee(big sister)" Kanna's reaction after I opened the curtains of the changing room.

"Th....then..I'm going to take it" I said before closing the curtains and change to my normal clothes.

After paying the swimsuit we headed to the supermarket since it's almost noon and we need to buy groceries.

Ryu's POV

"Ohh" my reaction as I saw mom and Miyuki heading to the supermarket.

"Kaa-san...what are you doing here" I asked.

"Buying groceries for lunch.."she said.

After that we go home and play videogames with Miyuki and Kanna until night.