Forget Me Not

As we entered the cafeteria, the usual noise greeted me. Since it was lunch break, most of the tables were already occupied hence we promptly searched for a vacant one.

Compared to the warm and comfortable air in the hallway, the atmosphere inside the cafeteria was rather heavy. Whether it was because of the number of students inside or just because of the intimidating aura of the seniors, honestly, I couldn't tell.

After we found a vacant table, Ueno and Ichikawa headed to the ticket machine to order our meals. They volunteered to do that since we might lose our seats if we all left the table.

Evidently, our school used a ticket system where we bought a ticket for our meal and handed it to the register to claim our orders. To be honest, I found it quite troublesome to wait in two lines but part of me was amused by how organized it was. For a moment, I wondered what would the world turn out if all people patiently lined up like that. Ultimately, I scratched this thought since I knew it wouldn't happen. People don't have lots of time on their hands hence they naturally spent it on things that had more value for them. Obviously, waiting in a long line was the least important one.

"Miss Fujihara!"

My gaze was caught by Ichikawa waving her hand at me wildly in front of the register. Ueno, by her side, landed her hand on Ichikawa's head in a chop. It seemed as though she was reprimanding her. I let out a light laugh as I watched them doing the mother-daughter act again.

"They seemed like a good friend," Senior mused across from me.

"I suppose you're right," I answered then peeled off my gaze from them since Ichikawa seemed wouldn't stop waving if she still saw us looking at them.

"So, have you already thought of joining my club, Sakura?" she asked, hand on her chin.

"Joining club?" I looked at her, baffled.


"Oh right..."

I lowered my gaze in contemplation. Then I remembered what Senior said to me the day we'd first met, *'I saw you walking near our club room, so I thought, it's my chance to recruit the popular first year so... Would you like to join our club?'*

That time I thought she was weird and left her. I knew it was rude but I didn't want to get myself in any trouble.

"I thought you aren't joining any club, Sakura," Eimi, who was sitting by my side, cut in with her head tilted.

"Right, that was my plan but..."

Evidently, I was tempted. Senior was in the literature club which meant I could have an access to any books in the library if ever I joined her. I remember her saying this line to me with a suspicious grin on her face. It felt as though I was whispered by some sort of bad spirit, not that I believed in one, of course.

Speaking of school clubs, Eimi also didn't join one, wasn't she? Or I just didn't notice it. Right after the class ended, we always walked home together since the bus that I always took and the way to her house were in the same direction.

As this thought came into my mind, I decided to ask her.

"Uu...mmm right, I haven't joined any. I thought it would be great if Sakura and I joined the same club, but you decided not to so..." she answered, flustered.

Perplexed, I hung my head and contemplated why would it be great if things went out that way. After a lot of thinking, I gave up and scratched this thought. It was Eimi we were talking about, after all. Knowing her, she just wanted to act like my guardian or something. Though sometimes it was troublesome, somehow it made me feel relieved to know that she was there for me.

*And just the thought of me—couldn't see her as a friend made my chest gloomed.*

I wondered when would that day happen, the day that all my worries would disappear and learn to entrust myself to someone. Frankly, I still couldn't see myself doing that. Part of me was still scared of the heat I felt back then. Evidently, even though I had learned a lot of things from the books, there were still things that could make me cower. I just hope that this time I wouldn't run as I did back then.

Then, I got back to my senses as I heard Eimi's voice.

"Sakura?" She had her head tilted as she looked at me. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, no," I replied instinctively, as though I was ready to say these words before she even asked.

She clapped her hands together as though she just realized something and say, "Oh, your mind wander again. I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

For a second, I contemplated how did she know that. And as though she read my mind.

"Whenever Sakura fell silent, she was thinking," she added as though a matter of fact, while pointing her index finger upward.

I felt embarrassed as I found out there was someone who could read my behavior. But then again, that embarrassment eventually disappeared as I realized her answer was too vague. Obviously, all people who suddenly fell silent were thinking.

"And I think Sakura looks pretty whenever she is lost in thoughts."

Though I didn't know what was her latter answer for, I replied to her with *thanks* and she just nodded, her gaze downward. She seemed to realize what she had just said and felt embarrassed since I could see her cheeks blushed. Evidently, complimenting someone about their looks wasn't as easy as someone thinks.

Getting back to the former topic, though I did say I wouldn't join any club in high school, I already considered the literature club. I had a lot of books in my mini library at home but it wouldn't hurt anyone to have some more, right? I could borrow any books I wanted and returned them after I finished them.

"So... Senior..."

I called out to Senior. The sun's rays passed through the window by our side and met our skin. That day, I decided to become a member of the literature club