
*Would it be too exaggerated to bring something for Sakura? I mean... I was on my way to her house, in other words, visiting her, so it was alright to bring some stuff for her, right? That was what a normal visitor would do hence there was nothing wrong with it.*

I nodded as I hugged the paper bag with sweets inside. Having a satisfied grin on my face, I dismounted the bus as its door slid open. Fortunately, the rain had long let up, leaving the road with puddles as though an endless obstacle on the way.

Though the rain had stopped, the breeze still felt chilly when it grazed my skin. Especially, the back of my legs.

Quietly, I stood under the shed with the bench stood at my back, but I chose to stand since I could see myself biting my nails again, and waited for Sakura to pick me up. Having that said, however, I wasn't sure she'd be here in a minute. There were still 30 minutes before the time we had decided, after all.

Looking around and to the inside of the paper bag and back, I started to wonder why did I decide to arrive this early. Did my enthusiasm strike again, making my common sense dull?

*"It seems that's right."*

Lately, I noticed that my mind unconsciously wandered to Sakura. Though I felt somewhat happy(?) about it, somehow, part of me felt weird about it. Did I really want to protect Sakura *that* much? To the point that she visited my mind in and out 24/7? Was that even normal?

For some reason, I felt like I could replace her sister's position. Or not. She loved her big sister too much, after all. Me, as her friend, the only thing I could do was watched her by her side and pushed all the boys away from her. She was too popular, so sometimes I was having a bad time doing my work.

Thinking about it, she was already like that since fourth grade. People were inadvertently drawn to her like how a butterfly was drawn to a flower. Or was that too exaggerated? Personally, that was how I saw it. I suppose that was how I got attracted to Sakura, but since I wasn't the only one, I always need to put my guards up. Or else someone might take her away.

Akira and the bland...Kasumi, for example. They kept hindering my time with Sakura. Though I knew it would appear as *selfish,* I'd appreciate it if they stopped bothering me and Sakura.


I moved my mouth at every syllable of her name. Then cringed and asked what in the world was I doing. In the least, I was the only one who called her by her first name.


I froze and watched the reflection of the sky on one of the little pods in front of me. *Oh, I wasn't the only one,* I thought to myself as I realized Senior was calling Sakura by her first name, as well. How come I didn't realize that?

For some reason, I felt like someone had beaten me in my favorite game. I could feel a strange heaviness forming on top of me and slowly falling to my shoulders, crashing my soul and everything.

Wanting to let myself fall to the ground or tucked myself in a hole, I heard a familiar voice that brought light back to my face.


There was a hint of uncertainty in her voice as though she wasn't sure whether she was talking to the right person.

As I swept my gaze from the ground to her, the corner of her glasses glinted in the sunlight, making me lightly squint.

As the light eventually disappeared to the back of the clouds, I saw an adorable girl looking at me through her glasses. The tail of her braided hair fell to her right shoulder as she tilted her head, as though asking me what was I doing.

A moment after, I realized who that girl was and flinched backward. Her eyes widened in surprise and hastily reached for my hand. Fortunately, I didn't fall to my butt, or else my outfit would've been soaked in mud, and my plan to make Sakura compliment my looks today would be covered in dirt.

"Are you okay, Eimi?" she asked after she pulled me back to my feet. She brought her gaze close to mine and wandered down to my legs and my back as if inspecting my whole body.

Silently, I heard a voice screaming inside me. I could feel my face go hotter and my head went lighter, making my vision go spiral.

Not making her waited for my response, I opened my mouth. "Sa...sa-sa-sakura?"

"Sa...sa-sa-sakura?" she asked baffled, then let out a giggle.

Did I embarrass myself again? I sure did.

"Good...good morning, Sakura," I greeted, nearly stumbling on my words but I managed to control my voice.

"Yes, good morning, Eimi. Anyway, you sure are early. If I'm correct, we decided to meet up at..."

"Aaahhh, the wind feels so cold, right? I mean it rained, of course. Good thing, it only lasted 'till earlier." Panicked, I waved my hand aggressively, trying to change the topic of our conversation.

At this point, even I had no idea what in the world was I saying. I was struck by my sickness again. *Seriously, what am I doing?*

My mind was still all over the place as Sakura suggested to us to sit on the bench. I couldn't remember what I looked like in the process, but I knew my back was straight as a pen as I sat there. Hopefully, I didn't look stupid in front of Sakura, but as things were going, I wasn't sure I could still keep up my appearances.

As we wait for Akira and Kasumi to arrive, I watched Sakura biting back a yawn several times. There was a bag under her eyes, making me wonder if she stayed late at night.

She seemed to notice me looking in her direction, more specifically, her face hence she proceeded to her explanation.

"Oh, this?" she asked as she rubbed the side of her eye. "I stayed reading books until the sun peeked through the gaps between my curtains, so..."

"Is that so?" *well, Sakura is Sakura, after all,* I thought.

"Oh, and while I'm at it I finish my homework," she added.

Silently, I admired her for being too...umm, hardworking? Our two days off from school just started but she had already done our homework.

That reminds me, I hadn't touched my notebook and pen since yesterday. I should have brought it with me and had Sakura helped me with the subjects I struggled with. I let out a sigh as I realized I wasted a chance.

Then again, there was a fat chance that the other two would disturb us.

Pursing my lips, I kept my mouth shut as I twiddled my fingers together. Or rather, I couldn't think of anything to say now that we were just the two of us. I debated talking about school stuff since I knew Sakura was interested in nothing more than learning, but something in her face made me take a step back.

She was looking at the sky. Did she see something on it?

I followed her gaze but found nothing hence I quizically looked back at her. As I did so, I felt like I saw something different about Sakura today. To be honest, it wasn't just today. The time I met her again after a long time, I felt something about her had changed. Pinpointing it was useless. Nevertheless, it didn't change the fact that I wanted to protect her. Sakura is sakura, after all. No matter how many times the flower dried, something would bloom again. That, in the least, I know.