
Do I like Sakura? not just as a friend but...

This thought never occurred to me before hence when senior Sasaki asked this out, it clung to my mind like a moth clinging to a tree. Okay, that wasn't a good example of how I felt right now. Regardless, because of it, I couldn't look straight at Sakura. Whenever our eyes met, I could feel a surge of emotion stirring inside my chest. Was it embarrassment? I hope it was.

Friday, and was my last chance to talk to Sakura. Or rather, acted normally towards her, at least for this week. I spent most of the morning glancing at her, hence I couldn't remember what our teacher saying earlier. It felt as though those words were blocked by my intense willingness to be with Sakura. Okay, now that didn't sound normal. I should remind myself to put a limit between me and Sakura.

Letting my mind wander, I heard a chime that brought me back to my senses. My palm slid from my chin and I almost struck my head on my desk. Fortunately, that outcome wouldn't occur for now, though if I would continue acting like this, I was sure that outcome would appear in the future.

I took a last look at Sakura before fleeing the room. She was busy tidying up her desk, so I was sure she didn't notice me this time. I just realized she caught me peeking at her more often, after all.

Walking hastily down the hallway—since running wasn't allowed here, I pulled the straps of my bag. I wondered what Sakura think of me right now. I hope she wouldn't misunderstand my behavior. Then again, avoiding people like this would surely make anyone misunderstand things.

I sighed and turned to the corner when suddenly, I felt something bump into me.

I lowered my gaze only to see the root of why was I acting this strange lately.

"Oh my, oh my. If it isn't my junior," she smirked, crossing her arms together as though those villains I saw in a movie.

*Hmmm, what is that for?* I asked but I remembered Sakura saying to respect Senior so I kept that one to myself. Not that I didn't have any respect for any seniors, of course.

"So...going home already?" She stood on her toes and peeked behind me as though searching for a certain person. Then, she quickly retracted and mumbled, "I forgot, you're the one who's following her."

*Her?* I pondered, but the only person who came to my mind was Sakura.

I took another look at Senior's grin. Honestly, it made me quite uncomfortable. But then again, I never felt comfortable whenever Senior was around. I wondered why was that.

Senior didn't really talk to me as much as she talked to Sakura. Evidently, I wasn't fond of books as much as they were. I suppose that was the reason why the two of them spent time interacting with each other in every club activity, and each time I saw that I could some sort of gloomy feeling forming inside my chest. Then again, thinking Senior would steal Sakura from me made me...WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING?!

I nodded, shutting my mouth.

Since it was the last day of the week, we weren't really necessary to attend our after-class club, or so what Senior said. Frankly, sometimes I felt Senior didn't really take things seriously. She was like a leaf going with the flow of the wind or such. Nevertheless, I still wasn't quite fond of her.

I tried to walk around Senior but she swiftly dashed in front of me, blocking my way.


I fixed her an inquiring glance but she showed no response to move out of my way. Then, I tried going to the left. Her hair fluttered as she whirled elegantly and blocked my way.


"No, can't do!"

"Why?" I asked.

She crossed her arms and gently tilted her head sideways as though she was thinking something deeply. Though I had the chance to run passed her while her head was wandering like this, I considered waiting for her answer.

*Perhaps, Senior has something to say about the club but she just can't remember it...* Considering it was Senior Sasaki we were talking about, that possibility crossed my mind as I watched her head tilt left and right as though a metronome. Frankly, with her small physique and the way she moved right now, she looked like a child thinking about what to play next. I kept that thought to myself.

Ultimately, she raised her hand which gave me a start and waved it. She looked passed me and I felt my heart jump for a second.

"It took you so long, Sakura!"

"Sakura!?" I jolted and swiftly turned my gaze to the back.

*So that was it...* I thought as I felt someone just bluntly play a trick on me.

"Sorry for the trouble, Senior Sasaki," Sakura said as she came up with us.

"Don't worry about it. You are one of my cute juniors, after all," she grinned and threw her fingers in a peace sign to Sakura.

"Thank you, though the latter part might not be true." Sakura gave Senior a strained smile before turning her face to me.

Unsure what to do, I kept my mouth tucked.

As much as I wanted to make my escape, having Senior in front of me and Sakura at the back means losing my way to escape. Ultimately, I gave up.


Struggling to find the right word, I ended up with, "Ye... Yes, ma'am?" straightening my back. Our eyes met together and I could feel myself starting to shrink again. I knew I didn't do anything wrong, but somehow, I couldn't look straight at her.

"You're turning red, you know," she said, tilting her head as she looked at my face. *Now I could feel my head overheating again.*

Trying to get my act together, I slightly averted my face. I discreetly pinched myself but it seemed Sakura saw it and made a light smile.

As Sakura looked at Senior once again, I realized that the two seemed to plan it together just to catch me.

"Oh, ah... I forgot I still have something to do!"

Senior made terrible acting before turning around with her limbs losing all of their joints and went to the corner. Though I could still see her head poking, peaking at us. The other student might wonder what was a second-year student doing in our building–never mind acting like a fugitive in the corner as they walked passed her.

As Sakura called out my name, I instinctively turned to her with my face facing the floor. My heart beats so fast and I could feel a sweat creeping down my back.

"What you were doing is not good, you know," she reprimanded.

Her words sunk into me as though a lion's bite. The thing that I feared the most was Sakura started to hate me. Aside from being my responsibility as a student, Sakura was the reason why I never skipped school. Not that I neglected my studies, of course. Probably, if I didn't meet Sakura again, I would go back to me when I was in middle school when I felt everything around me was just passing by—just go with the flow without a certain destination.

Finally, the silence broke when Sakura heaved a sigh. Her voice softened as she asked, "Are you free this weekend?"

I shot her a confused look but she just replied with a smile, inquiring me to answer her question.

"Y-yes, why?" Hesitantly, I answered.

"Would you mind going on a date with me?"

Suddenly, the noises from the corridor disappeared as though something had blocked my ears. No... Actually, the noise was still there but it was buried under the fireworks popping inside my chest. It was so loud that my mind could barely register what I'd just heard.


Summer was just right around the corner but I could already see colors painting the sky.