"Lewis, I leave everything to you, to act as my proxy as i wont show my face at our office".
"Yes, President Lucas". Lewis nod his head.
"You just need to show up as my Proxy to every meeting and event. I will stay at the private room office while you're at the president room, but i will act like your assistant. Don't ever let anyone know who am i".
"Zoey, you stay with Lewis when you are at office, and Sebas will stay with me at the office. When working time is over, Lewis will go with whenever i go, Zoey and Sebas just stay around unnoticed".
"Yes, President Lewis". They are answering together.
"I already told you guys to stop calling me President. I think of you three as my family. Just call me Lucas, will ya?".
"Alright, Lucas". Says Lewis.
"Mkaay, Lucas". Said Zoey.
"Sigh.. Okay, Lucas". Said Sebas.
It was three years ago since they became my hand, feet, and ear. Without them, i will lose my self without anything else remains.
Since the day my parent's died, the three of them accompany me, telling me to hold on, while do everything they could to fulfill my command.
It was two months since i get back to my feet, decided to not showing my face in business world. Lucas who acting as my Proxy, showing himself to the media, telling the whole country that i am still in recuperation from falling sick and shock.
While drowning my self into alcohol, and my mouth craving for cigarette, almost every single second after my parents gone, Those three who keep me safe from everything and everyone.
"President! President Lucas! Open your eyes!".
"Ambulance! Doctors! Call the doctor and ambulance!".
"Calm down you two! Don't move him untill the ambulance arrives!".
'Ugh.. Everything is so blurry.. Why.. Those three.. Keep screaming.. Zoey even crying..'.
Crash.. Thud..
"President Lucas!". I heard Lewis voice as soon as i opened my eyes.
"Why are you looking at me like that.. Lewis.. I.. I'm okay". I lift my hand to wipe his tears.
My vision gets blurred once again, and everything Turn out black.