Chapter 1

"Just a little more, young master." I held back a groan as I kept doing push ups. It had been a few days since I had awakened into the 'extra normie' that I had chosen in the catalogue and I had a newfound respect for the previous me, not surprising since he was me after all, for doing this work out routine for years.

Anyway, my name is Daiki, Senju Daiki. Still can't believe they named me 'great tree' of all things. But yeah I am a member of the Senju clan.

The last one in Konoha.

It's just like the recruiter had explained. My choices in the catalog had been used to make a backstory for me. So I decided to for once do away with caution and took two templates. One for Hanami from Jujutsu Kaisen and one for Senju Hashirama. Who happened to be my great grandfather. And that fact made me very happy since the only other way having power over nature would be to be one of the many children Orochimaru had experimented on with my great grandfather's cells in order to recreate Mokuton. I checked, he did that in this universe too.

Which makes me wonder how much of my great grandfather's corpse was left considering how much people used his cells all the time in this universe.

"Here's your water, young master." I took the offered bottle and looked at my trainer and one of the waifus I had bought.

Soi Fon, the captain of the second squad in Bleach. But not in this universe, here she was one of the strongest ninjas in Konoha and a servant of the Senju clan due to her debt to my parents. Recruiter really did some good work with how he integrated people in this universe. All three waifus I had bought were a part of this universe through and through, and each one of them were my servants.

Though Soi Fon took her role as a servant especially seriously, seeing how she was kneeling even now. Guess putting her as a 'Devotee' had some effects, she was treating me like how her canon self treated Yoruichi. Not that I minded, it was hot.

"Thank you Soi Fon." I said and smiled as I watched her try to keep calm while vibrating with happiness. Considering how much of a bitch she could be to anyone but Yoruichi in Bleach, her acting like this to me was… very pleasing. And the satisfaction was made even better with the sight of the metal necklace with emerald on her neck. Her tempest jewelry that changed with the jewel of discord perk. It suited her.

"You two, it is time for you to stop." A voice came from the door, its owner was my second waifu and arguably the strongest person in the village as long as Gai doesn't use the eight gate. Not that anyone else even suspects it.

As far as anyone was concerned, the black haired beauty with the golden moon ornament behind her head was only an A rank ninja who worked with clothing for her lord. Not even Hokage knew exactly how strong Senjumaru Shutara was.

"We have a guest." Say the devil's name and he shall appear, for it actually was the Hokage who was with Shutara.

"Hokage-sama." I got up and lightly bowed at the leader of the village, my body seamlessly moving according to the memories I had received.

"Please relax, Daiki-kun. This is just a visit, no business." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a kind and elderly smile on his face.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." My feelings concerning the old man was… complicated. Me being the last Senju and the great grandson of his mentor meant that he had been, while not constant, a recurring figure in my life. And I had immense respect for him due to his mastery over all basic elements and almost every ninja art one could learn. His strength might be underwhelming compared to Senju Hashirama but he still deserved his title, the God of Shinobi.

Unfortunately he was too passive. This world was an alternate universe with differences but he still seemed to be not active enough against any kind of threat or slight. I knew that since both Hyuuga affair and the Uchiha Massacre had still happened, even if the latter's result was slightly different.

I was a Senju now and the thought of the village that my family built acting like pushovers, even if we could afford to, was… vexing.

Though I guess that was the difference between a guy who never saw war and a guy who lived through all three of the Shinobi wars.

"You will be graduating soon, do you think that you are ready for the life of a Shinobi?" The old man asked as he accepted a cup of tea from Shutara.

"I believe that I prepared to the best of my abilities. In the end all I can do is my best and make sure that is enough." I said respectfully, as respectfully as standing before a military leader while sweating from work out.

"A good answer. There is no such thing as being ready in the world of Shinobi for there is always a chance of things going awry, anything from misinformation to outright sabotage." The old man said as he took another sip from his tea.

"Though I hope that I don't have to tell you that you should never use Mokuton unless your or one of your teammates life is in danger." Hokage said with a hard look in his eyes.

Understandable considering the true danger of Mokuton. It wasn't the strongest bloodline since that title belonged to Rinnegan which possessed six ridiculous abilities and then followed by Tsuchikage's Jinton that could kill even a kage with a single jutsu.

The true danger of Mokuton was the fact it could subdue Bijuu and therefore the Jinchuurikis, the war deterrent weapons of the great villages. No superpower would like it if another one had the means to make their super weapons obsolete.

"I know, Hokage-sama." The old man nodded at my answer and smiled.

"Whelp, that's enough serious talk. Tell me, what have you been doing since we met the last time?" And grandfather Hokage is back.

Authors Note

Should I keep Soi Fon's name as Soi Fon or should I change it to Sui Feng?