Chapter 7

"What is being Hokage to you?"

"Being Hokage, huh?" Daiki said with a distracted look on his face and Kushina kinda felt bad about putting the attention on the young man but Satsuki's words seemed to almost have put Mikoto in another one of her episodes so she thought that a sudden change could bring her back to her senses.

She was also curious about his answer, as a former pursuer of the dream of becoming Hokage herself she wanted to know how a Senju saw it. The only other Senju she knew was Tsunade and that old drunkard was not only outside of the village but her opinion the position was well known to her after many talks with old man Hiruzen.

"Huh, what are you talking about mom? Isn't being Hokage about being respected?" Her daughter asked with an adorable tilt of her head. But before she could say anything, Daiki answered her.

"Not in the way you think." The last Senju of Konoha looked at her daughter with a hard look in his eyes.

"I remember that you claimed that you would become Hokage and make everyone respect you. That is backwards."


"You don't get respect if you become Hokage. Because you can't be Hokage without being respected in the first place." Daiki said and Kushina felt bad about never explaining that to her daughter herself. Guess she was just so excited with her daughter inhering her's and… Minato's dream even after the way people looked at her that she forgot to teach her what being Hokage was.

"And what is being Hokage to me… it is the pinnacle of the shinobi. Ours is a life where a single mistake can cost us our lives or the lives of our comrades, but as humans it isn't possible to never make mistakes." The young Senju said and at that moment, Kushina no longer saw a young man before her. It was… unexplainable.

"A Hokage is the one who reaches the pinnacle of such life. A being that makes other nations remember that they can't mess with Konoha. A Hokage is a being that should be feared and respected. Being Hokage means to keep winning. In other words…" And then all Kushina could see before her was definitely not an academy student.

"…it means to stop being human." But something beyond human.


"Do you think I was being too dramatic?" I asked Shutara. The quartet of waifus had left the house a while ago and the Great Weave Guard had covered their room with a fabric that was soundproof and didn't let anyone see inside while still letting the light in.

Shutara's weaving was kinda bullshit like that.

"A little bit. But it's not like what you said was wrong." She said as she had one of her golden artificial arms bring her cup to her smiling lips.

"I disagree, our lord has acted exactly in a way that befitted his station." And Soi Fon disagreed with her vehemently, not seeing anything I did to be anything close to wrong.

"It was in a way that befitted his station as the last of the Senju clan and the heir of Senju Hashirama, that is true. But I have no doubt that both mothers will talk to the Hokage and relay this talk to him. It wouldn't exactly be productive if the old man pays too much attention on us. More than he already does anyway." Shutara countered and Soi Fon had to concede that she had a point.

"It's done anyway and we can't change it." I said with a sigh, not seeing any point or continue this conversation.

"There are few things I want to test out. Do any of you have any questions?" I asked to the trio before me and as expected, it was Shutara who had questions.

"The dear guests that just left, I believe they are targets?" She asked but from the look in her eyes it was obvious that she already knew the answer.

"Yup." I said as I waved my hand in front of me and a screen appeared where my hand was. The Company had changed quite a bit throughout the years, or so the Recruiter claimed, as they now used holographic interfaces connected to one's soul rather than smartphones.

Lucky me since there was no such thing as smartphones in this world. And if somebody tried to make such technology that would make communication from afar, they would find themselves with a knife in their neck faster than they can say 'I got Ninja'd'.

"Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto are both tier six while Naruko and Satsuki are tier seven. Though those two are high ranked because of being the reincarnations of the sons of this world's messiah rather than actual power. Their power is just tier four with Satsuki being closer to tier five." I explained as I looked at the screen.

"Meaning that capturing all of them will get us one hundred and eighty credits." Shutara said with her robotic hand on her chin.

"And get four of the most powerful people in the village under our control." Nene added before taking another sip from her cup.

"Normally getting as many people as possible under our control and collect credits would be the best strategy but Daiki-sama's Jewel method is… ill suited for such a task." Shutara said as she looked at me, more than likely wondering why I would choose the jewels rather than the stamp.

"In order to get more credits I can just complete Company missions, not to mention I still have thirty eight credits." I said as I took a look at the available missions.

'Becoming Hokage' mission was a very long term one with no choice of rejection, but I could still take other missions that had some nice completion rewards. The problem with that was once I took a mission I couldn't take another one until the first one was completed. So I couldn't just take the mission with the biggest pay and say 'that's ok', doing so would actually lose me potential credits.

So many decisions and so little time.

"Daiki-sama, what about we…"