Chapter 22

Shigaraki Sumire was not sure how to process the last few minutes.

They were attacked by bandits and then the bandits were slaughtered by Daiki with exception of one left for Yugao sensei to interrogate. And then Yugao sensei told them that the Land of Vegetables had been taken over by a trio of shinobi brothers. And that they were looking for the daughter of the Daimyo they had killed.

Last but not least it was revealed that Shun-san that they had been escorting turned out to be a woman, the daughter of the former Daimyo, Haruna. Also Yurinoshin-san was actually named Yurinojō while Kikusuke-san's real name was Kikunojō.

"Please forgive us for lying. But we needed you all to deal with any bandits that might appear so that we could preserve our strength and defeat the Janin brothers." Kikunojō-san said as he bowed to them along with Yurinojō-san.

"That doesn't matter. Even if that was your plan this mission will bring our team against other Shinobi, meaning that it should have been considered to be at least a B Rank." Yugao sensei said and Sumire could see that her fellow purple haired kunoichi was not pleased.

"We did not possess the required funds for a B rank mission. And even if we did, such a mission would bring you all into conflict with Janin brothers. Our country's problem should be solved by us, the people of this country." Yurinojō-san said and despite all of her training under her father telling her to feel otherwise, she couldn't help but respect the man's determination.

An opinion that seemed like Daiki didn't share going by the way he snorted.

"Except we already are in conflict with Janin brothers due to killing their men. Not to mention your plan is completely dependent on the two of you being able to defeat three shinobi that you had to run away from. Your plan was doomed from the start." The Senju heir Said with a bored look in his eyes as he literally looked down upon the pair of shinobi who didn't seem to appreciate his words.

"We must defeat him! It is our duty to our departed lord!" Kikunojō said strongly as he got up.

"You ain't exactly impressive, I can already sense that. Are your duty and pride worth this country?" Daiki was merciless with his words and they seemed to be even effecting Haruna-san whose cold look was replaced with one of uncertainty.

"You bastard!"

"Don't do it, Kikunojō!" Yurinojō yelled at his friend who ran up to Daiki with his fist raised high only for the Senju heir to whip out his leg with a rather frightening speed and his foot connecting with Kikunojō's chin. Making the man collapse.

"Don't worry, he isn't dead. Unless he decides to continue being a dumbass and attack opponents who are his superior." Daiki snorted.

Though unlike what Sumire would have expected from the man, Yurinojō-san just sighed with a very small smile on his face.

"You truly are a Senju, Daiki-san. Your words remind me of Tsunade-sama." That got wide eyes from Daiki.

"You know my aunt?" And then Yurinojō-san told them about how Senju Tsunade had once came to the Land of Vegetables, and ended up with an enormous best at a casino. Later on her debt had been bought by the late Daimyo in exchange of her meeting his daughter along with young Yurinojō-san and Kikunojō-san. a very nice tale though Daiki's reaction was… kinda weird.

"So that's why you guys didn't have enough money. Your country is in an economical crisis." He said which caused Yurinojō-san to blink in bewilderment, an action mimicked by everyone around them.

"What? No, no we aren't on a economical crisis."

"Bullshit. There is no way that a Daimyo of a country this small could buy that drunkard's debt without putting the country in a economical crisis." Daiki deadpanned, ignoring all the weird looks he was getting.

"Our country isn't that small." Haruna-san muttered and Chocho patted her on her shoulder, which the princess didn't seem to mind much.


"In the end, the decision to whether we should continue or not is up to you three. You guys are quite talented but even with me I can't fully guarantee that you will survive." Yugao said, trying to make her students understand the danger.

She didn't think that she had much to worry about these Janin brothers, not to toot her own horn but she was an ANBU and as far as she knew each of these brothers were only B rank. She could pick them up one by one.

If she was by herself.

That's what made things tricky. She could deal with the Janin brothers but when you put her students and the caravan of merchants in the equation thing would get a bit more… uncertain.

"Do you think we can do it?" Daiki asked her.

"More than likely." They were pretty damn strong after all for Genin. In the worst case where all three of the Janin brothers attacked them, Yugao could take one, Daiki could take one and Sumire and Chocho could take one. And then she could help them after taking down her enemy. The chances of success was pretty high.

But there was a chance that her information was outdated and Kikunojō had also talked about the Janin brothers each having some sort of esoteric ninjutsu that had allowed them to kill all the guards. Such a possible ace in the hole was the reason she was hesitant.

"Then I say we go. If nothing else having another country indebted to Konoha would be good." The Senju heir nodded to himself and Yugao had to agree with that. In a world like theirs, one could never have enough allies.

"I think so too."

"Same here." And it seems like Sumire and Chocho were also in agreement. Then the mission would continue.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Yurinojō said as he bowed to them.

"Raise your head Yurinojō." The one who said that was the princess Haruna.


"Even if what they are doing is in our favor, they just admitted that they will be taking advantage of this country. That is all there is to it." The disguised daughter of Daimyo grunted and Yugao had to wonder what kind of incompetent hack the former Daimyo had chosen to tutor her in diplomacy.

Though they were about to go against the trio of shinobi who had killed her father so her words were more than likely result of stress, something that Yugao was willing to overlook.

But Daiki didn't seem to be willing to do that.

"You talk quite high and mighty for a girl who needs help."

"What I said is the truth. Something that had to be said especially because I am the daughter of this country's Daimyo." She said and Yugao could see that Daiki didn't have the patience for this princess.

"Ok. Let's talk in private." The Senju heir Said as he suddenly scooped the heir of the Land of Vegetables and put her under his arm like some sort of luggage.

"B-bastard! What do you think you are doing?!"

"Daiki-dono, please unhand Haruna-sama!" Yurinojō said but Daiki was already walking towards the woods.

"Don't worry, we'll just sort out our differences without people butting in every five seconds. We should be back in a minute or two." He said with a wave as the princess still struggled under his arm.

It was silent for a few moments after Daiki and Haruna had disappeared from their view but then the silent was shattered.

"AIIII!" With a shrill scream.

"What are you doing?! Did you forget who I am?! Stop! STOP! PLEASE JUST STOP!" Even Yugao was feeling somewhat concerned with what exactly her student was doing and her other students seemed to be feeling somewhat similar to her.

Yurinojō on the other hand…

"Haruna-sama!" The man yelled and was about to run towards the woods but before he could, Daiki and the princess returned.

Daiki looked like a man who was immensely satisfied while Haruna was… she was holding her butt with tears gathered around her eyes and a very bright blush on her face.

"I believe everything is settled." Daiki smiled.

"You damn brute." Haruna muttered lowly but not lowly enough as Daiki looked at her with a raised eyebrow and raised his hand, which somehow cause the princess to jump away with her hands still holding her butt.


Everybody around them blushed as they understood the implication of that. Yurinojō seemed ready to cry and Yugao had to admit, Daiki seemed to have a gift with making people understand his point. And she also had to admit that she probably needed to find a boyfriend. This was kinda hot and she hadn't gotten laid since she had broken up with Hayate.