Chapter 24

"Kill them!" The one I assume to be the leader of the trio of brothers yelled and the other two brothers dashed towards us with manic grins on their faces.

"Yurinojō-san, Kikunojō-san! Protect the merchants! Team 13, deploy!" Yugao sensei yelled out as she jumped towards the brother who acted as the leader while Chocho and Sumire went after the large one. Leaving me with…

"Suiton: Suiten Hōfutsu(Water Release: Water Heavens Convergence)!" The one with tonfas who went through several hand seals and then bubbles of water started to rise from the ground and gathered around him.

"Too bad for you kid! You have no chance against me, Ruiga-sama! My jutsu can extract water from the ground and freely manipulate it!" The moron freely disclosed how his technique worked. Didn't know that people actually did that.

"And now, Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Then he bit his thumb and placed his hand in the giant bubble of water, causing smoke to appear and then disperse to reveal that the giant bubble now contained a school of piranhas in it.

"Eat him!" He yelled and the water advanced towards me.

Honestly, it was an impressive jutsu. It allowed one to use high level water ninjutsu in a place without a water source, and this guy he even had the idea to summon inside the bubble and control it so that his summons could be just as deadly as in water in a place like this. Considering they were piranhas, that was pretty damn deadly.

But it had a very obvious weakness.

"Ration: Raiga(Lightning Fang)!" I went through several hand seals and let a sphere of pure electricity form before me and sent it towards the bubble.

Lightning plus water, everyone knows the result. The piranhas were grilled to a very well cooked state and burst into smoke.

"W-What?!" The Janin brother before me cried out in shock, a state that I took advantage as I swiftly moved beside him, unsealed my Bardiche and took off his head.

I couldn't help but think that this had been surprisingly easy. The guy must have been a vet low tier five or even a tier four. Considering that they had taken over a country, I was expecting… not much since the one country they had taken over was the Land of Vegetables but I was expecting something.

Instead I had gotten one moron with one impressive jutsu that was more of a gimmick in his hands that actually froze up when his strategy didn't work.

Wonder how the others are dealing with their opponents?


"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Sumire slammed her hand to the ground and called upon Nue. The beast was at the size of an adult tiger now, a result of Sumire's training.

"Huh, an interesting beast. Not that it will save you!" The large enemy said as he threw the mace of his kusarigama towards them, causing them to jump away.

Chocho threw several kunais towards the man but they never reached him. Instead the man threw the mace once more and somehow all the kunais stuck to his weapon. With another swing of his chain the kunais were released and sent towards the kunoichi pair.

"It's no use! None of your weapons can touch me, the living magnet Jiga-sama!" The man yelled as he continued to swing his weapon, smashing the ground and making rocks fly towards his opponents.

"Then we'll just beat you without weapons!" Chocho yelled as she ran towards him while evading the rocks.

"Bubun Baika no Jutsu(Partial Multi Size Technique)!" She yelled as her hand grew several times larger and she threw an enormous punch to Jiga.

Not seeing a way to avoid the hit, Jiga threw off his weapon and used both his arms to catch Chocho's fist.

"Don't underestimate me, brat!" The large ninja yelled and the veins on his arms bulged as he put all his strength into them and threw Chocho to the sky.

"Now your mine!" He said as he prepared to throw a kunai but before he could do so, a sharp pain on his shoulder stopped him. While he was trying to deal with Chocho, Nue had sneaked up on him and now had its jaw on Jiga's shoulder.

"You damn animal!"

"Suiton: Suireiha(Water Spirit Wave)!" A orb of water connected with his chest and threw him away, until he made a stop on the ground due to friction.

"Damn… brats." He grunted as he tried to get up but then he saw that a shadow was on him so he looked up, to see Chocho who had her giant fist cocked back and glowing with chakra as she fell towards him.

"Take that!" And then her fist connected with Jiga, creating a crater with her opponent in its middle.


"Your brothers are both defeated." Yugao said as she clashed swords with her opponent. Her worries about these brothers were unfounded. They were weak, that's why she didn't simply kill the last brother and went to assist her students. Real battle experience wasn't easily obtained but this trio was weak enough to give them experience without putting them in real danger.

She kinda felt silly about how she worried before.

"That simply means that they were weak. If they aren't dead I'll kill them myself and take their portions of this country. Becoming the sole ruler of this land!" Renga said with a manic smile. Poor man didn't even realize that Yugao was toying with him.

"Take this!" Though his jutsu was somewhat interesting. He was using a jutsu that froze the moisture in the air and formed disks. It was similar to Hyoton of Yuki clan and the ninjas of the Land of Snow. But it was also far inferior.

"You Konoha trash have no chance against me! I will kill you all and then kill that little bitch princess as well! That's how I will make my place as this land's ruler irrefutable!" There wasn't any meaning to prolong this battle anymore.

"Mikazuki Moya(Crescent Moon Haze)." Yugao disappeared from Renga's eyes and then he felt something warm but also cold around his sides. When he looked down, he met the sight of Yugao's blade coming in from his right side and going out from his left side.

Yugao pulled her blade out and then swung it upwards, decapitating the shinobi with delusions of grandeur.

It was over.