Chapter 3 - Fluffals is not a Troll!

Egg - Unfertilized

To fertilize the egg, the User must complete the following stages in any order. Stages 6-10 will unlock if you clear stages 1-5.

Stage 1 - Walk/Run 5 Kilometers daily (3/5)

Stage 2 - 50 consecutive Push-ups daily (0/5)

Stage 3 - 50 consecutive Surya Namaskar/Greet the sun Yoga daily (1/5)

Stage 4 - 50 consecutive squats daily (1/5)

Stage 5 - 50 consecutive Leg Lifts daily (0/5)

Stage 6 - Locked

Stage 7 - Locked

Stage 8 - Locked

Stage 9 - Locked

Stage 10 - Locked

"Lina, have I lost weight?"

[User Dale has lost half a kilogram of body weight during the last five days]

"Looks like my workout is paying off! At this rate, I should lose at least three Kg by the end of the month, right?"

[Unfortunately, taking a day off and eating junk food on the fourth day might have negated the gains made]

"Cut me some slack, Lina! It's called a cheat day!"

[Will User Dale be resuming the workout today?]

"I am all good now, so ya I will. Which one of the tasks should I start off with today?"

[User Dale has not made much of any progress in Push-ups, Leg-lifts, Squats, and Surya Namaskars]

"You make it sound like I did not even try to complete them. On the contrary, I achieved over twenty sets in all those tasks before collapsing. Which should be praised and not scorned."

Dale unrolled a yoga mat and began the ritual of greeting the sun fifty times on it.

[It is admirable that User Dale has a positive outlook on failure]

"Failure is the best teacher, ya know?" Dale replied as he moved with his eyes closed.

[Is that why User Dale failed the driver's test three times?]

"Who drives these days when your Butler can do it? In fact, if it wasn't for my dad's brand new hovercar, I would not have attempted those tests."

[Reminder: Ownership of the Hover Car will only be transferred to User Dale upon obtaining a driver's license]

"It's so nice that my dad's Butler was transferred to me without any obstacle. If only he did that with everything else."

[Does User Dale plan to sell the vehicle?]

"Well, part of me wants to keep the hovercar as a keepsake. So I don't want to sell it. But, you see how complicated emotional attachments are to humans?"

[I understand the concept of keeping reminders of those who are deceased. But I fail to see the practicality of letting it gather dust when User Dale is struggling to keep the house]

"Well, that is the price you pay for having a deep bond with someone. It's difficult to let go. Now, will you let me exercise in peace or not?"

[Is this Monster App more important than finding a stable source of income or acquiring funds?]

"But what if it's not a game?"

[I do not understand]

"Don't you find it odd that a hacker capable of installing an undeletable App on every phone in the world with Artificial Intelligence just ignore the older phones? Granted, seventy percent of the world population is at least seven billion. Installing the Monster app on all of them is no cakewalk either, but I decided to go on Reddit to find out if anyone had a theory as to why Fluffals ignored the older phones."

[Did User Dale find any helpful information?]

"I found a community called the 'Fluffals is not a troll!' which consists of hundreds of thousands of people who all want to hatch the egg and see what's inside as soon as possible. The community discussions focus on why Fluffals needs DNA codes. If you think about it carefully, there isn't any tech on Earth that requires them other than medical institutions to identify blood samples or forensic departments to match DNA at crime scenes.

Passwords, Fingerprints, retina scans, voice patterns, and facial structure matter when unlocking or robbing high-security sites or physical and digital safes. How does it benefit a hacker to have a library of DNA codes that one can easily extract by collecting hair, saliva, or blood? It is easy to get those codes through other channels.

A Reddit user asked his Butler to activate the app without him being present in the room and discovered it was not possible without him holding the phone.

Other users tried exchanging DNA codes to see if they could access the Monster App using another ultra smartphone, but they failed to launch the app. For some reason, the Monster app will only launch if the DNA code registered matches the DNA of the person holding the phone. This shows that the app is synced with the person having the right phone and not the code alone. If anything happens to that phone, then the person loses all access to the Monster app, is what I learned so far."

[Why go through all that security on an app meant for trolling?]

"Exactly! Unless Fluffals is serious about saving the people who will heed his warning and complete his tasks. Most of the world ignores his message or is unaware of his message entirely due to government warnings. Those who fail to get the app and an egg of their own will want to steal it if the apocalypse happens. This way, the app won't work for them even if they get their hands on the DNA code. It is quite a piece of advanced technology for a prank."

[The egg is still a digital program that is no more than binary code with an image]

"No one has managed to hatch an egg so far, yet you are confident what will come from it. Don't you think there is a possibility that we are dealing with tech that is beyond human understanding?"

[User Dale suggests that 'The Majestic Pink Fluffals the Third' is a technologically advanced Alien?]

"I don't really care what Fluffals is, but I care about him being right. So there is no harm in completing his tasks and finding out. If it is all a joke, I would have wasted a month which I could have used to search for a job. But if it is true, I have taken the first step in surviving whatever apocalypse is coming. I doubt a steady-paying job will matter then. Either way, I have exercised my body for a month."