Chapter 20 - Asher and Aaron

Tamer Asher William (POV)

Asher William. "Dalia, replay my Uncle's video one more time."

[Message from AppUser Russian General Alexander Williams:

"Comrades! Today, I must tell you all that our glorious President is no more! He died a hero while trying to protect our way of life from those Metal Garudas. Sadly he was unable to stop them from cutting down our entire government. Thankfully I managed to survive the massacre, and I wish to let you know that hope is not lost.

Many years ago, our Leader sired a child with my sister who took up the holy cloth. But before you curse our Leader, know this! The child was born with a pure soul and a body that reflects it. His hair and skin are white as snow. There was no anger in his heart for being abandoned by his father. There were no tears on his cheeks when his mother took her own life in shame. Only sweet innocence graced his face as the world treated him as a sinful mistake. The people of Russia and the rest of the world were ignorant of his existence and parentage. For years the boy grew up hidden in bunkers in the company of Nuns sworn to secrecy of the state.

Years went by, and the boy began reading our holy book like a fish that craves water to survive. His knowledge of our faith rivaled that of our most outstanding spiritual leaders.

I took the liberty to inform the Pope in Rome of the child's existence. He visited the boy in Saint Petersburg in secret to confirm the rumors. But the boy's caretakers recorded him secretly admitting to his subordinates that my nephew was no ordinary child.

A trace of the divine exists in him, and those who surround him are filled with warmth every time they gaze upon his face.

How could a boy born from the vilest of sin be so pure in mind and body? Why would our Lord in Heaven curse this child with the fate of being hidden away from society? Was his birth an accident or divine intervention?

Everyone says the Lord works in mysterious ways to test our faith. We are being tested by the Devil and the horrors spawned from his unholy pillars that ravage our great cities. As they ruined the Earth, the bunker home to the boy was cracked open like an egg. When the life of the holy child was threatened, heaven answered his cry for aid.

An ancient Beast long forgotten by time cut itself from the most exquisite marble to rise out of the Earth and blessed the boy with the power to smite the evil away by unleashing heaven's fury through holy lightning.

The metal-winged monsters from Hell fell before his radiant light by the dozens. Their cowardly leaders had to summon a new fresh horde from the pillar, yet none could penetrate the Holy Aura surrounding his glimmering body.

Though the foul beasts outnumbered him, the boy blessed by the heavens refused to submit to the evil monsters and protected the Cathedral of St. Issac from being defiled for five days without rest.

But without aid from us, can he hold out forever? Does our Lord want us to turn our backs on the child who has been blessed by him? Have his parent's atrocious sin blinded us to the Saint he is born to be?

Dear Comrades! I believe that the Lord is using him as his instrument to grant us salvation. Therefore I will not abandon him as our Leader has for the last sixteen years. On the contrary, I will be the sole guardian to the boy and make sure he finds his rightful place in all of our hearts.

But first, I must bring him to the UGP HQ in Seward, Alaska. Only there will I be capable of guiding him into the man that can lead us out of this apocalypse.

Before the first light of dawn tomorrow, I swear on my sister's name and our fallen Leader's name that I will get the boy out of the enemy territory. This is the least I can do as his Uncle and the only family member that cares for his welfare]

Asher. "Play it again!"

Asher watched the video three more times in succession. Each time he heard it, his mind raced with excitement.

Every Tamer or AppUser in Russia would be listening to this message about him.

"Maybe even the world?"

Asher could not believe his Uncle had revealed his existence. His life is about to change for good!

His mind tried to recollect the events that led up to this moment.

For the last sixteen years, the Krasnatov family made sure no one knew him. Sister Alena and her brother Mr. Aleski provided for all his needs.

His father hired them to care for him in secret and out of sight of the public lest his existence destroyed his father's tight grip on Russian society. Luckily Asher's caretakers did not deny him the chance to learn the world through his Holo Screens. His Uncle was the only man allowed to visit him from time to time ever since his mother passed when he was a year old.

For years Asher dreamed of making a friend. Someone to play with him or talk to about his favorite movies or TV shows. But every time, he was reminded by his caretakers that the way he was conceived was one of the highest Taboo in a religious society.

Even if his heart was pure, others would treat him as a monster. Even his father never bothered to visit him even once when his half-brother Sergei learned of his existence.

Asher wanted to meet his brother and tell him he really admired him. He had followed his brother's accomplishments every day for over a decade.

They were almost identical, only he was albino, and Sergei had an Olive skin tone with Black hair.

He dreamed that his brother would one day visit him and play one round of Yu-gi-oh!

That was the only online TCG game he could play where the chat system was disabled, and all the players remained anonymous. So Asher spent all his allowance building every Deck in the game, both new and old.

The game has been around for several decades, with over 50000 unique digital cards to collect, and he needed 3 of each to create the perfect Decks.

Asher watched every series that ever came out and loved the Pendulum Summoning method with the Odd-Eyes Dragon card family.

So when he received the egg from the Monster App, he prayed and willed the egg to hatch into an Odd-Eyes-shaped Dragon card or one of its versions. He trained like a madman until he hatched the egg in the second week of the month before the apocalypse was supposed to begin.

Since he could not communicate to the outside world about his achievement. Mash Royce claimed that title, but it didn't bother Asher much.

When the Monster App asked him to make choices during the fertilization stage, Asher went with Mind, Mountain, Intelligence, Dinosaur, Lightning.

Once Asher completed the last five stages, a baby Saurophaganax whose body is like a two-foot-tall living white marble sculpture was born.

It had the features of the Odd-Eyes Dragon Card, including two different colored eyes made from gems, namely Emerald and Topaz. Yet it was an Albino like him in almost every other aspect.

The baby carnivore dinosaur was always growling in anger at anyone who dared to come near his Tamer. Even in the infant form, its body arced with enough electricity to stun Mr. Aleski, who thought a giant mutant lizard had somehow broken into the bunker and wanted to kill it on sight.

Asher named it Aaron and talked to him every day like Aaron was a human.

He would share every detail of his life with Aaron, including how happy he was to finally have a real friend. Aaron would make cute growls as replies, but it could tell Asher wanted to hear human words and felt upset that he couldn't do it.

Whenever Asher went to sleep, Aaron would come out of the Monster App on his own and interact with the A.I. Butler Dalia to teach him how to speak like his Tamer. But, no matter how many times Aaron tried to talk, all that came out was a cute Dino growl.

[The problem is not with you wanting to speak. It is your body being designed in a way that prevents you from doing so. If you had the proper vocal cords, then you might be able to speak like a parrot atleast]

Dalia's reasoning was meant to make Aaron realize that it could never happen, but instead, it gave Aaron an idea.

What if... Aaron altered his internal vocal cords to that of a parrot? Dinosaurs and Birds weren't that different, according to Asher's teachings.

It wasn't easy, but Aaron used his Intelligence to figure out a way to restructure his vocal cords to speak. It took a few hours, but Aaron succeeded when he finally formed his first word, 'Asher.'

Asher thought he was hallucinating when he heard his name coming from a voice he had never heard before. He woke up and saw Aaron standing on the other side of his bed and yelling 'Asher' over and over in triumph.

Aaron then let out a heavy-smoker parrot-like roar that made him realize changing his vocal cords had a side effect. He could no longer roar or growl like a Dinosaur.

Asher could not believe it at first, but Dalia informed him what Aaron was up to after demanding an explanation. Over the next few hours, Aaron would try to talk back to him by making human-like words such as Thirsty, Hungry, and Sleepy. But they all sounded something between a crocodile growl and snake hiss, which initially caused Asher to shiver whenever he heard the words.

Aaron could speak short sentences after studying the whole night. Still, he liked using foul words because it amused him to see the look on Asher's innocent face.

Aaron wanted to be what his Tamer could not be. So he tried to be Asher's inner voice and protect him from those who wanted to hurt him mentally and physically.

One day, sister Alena asked Asher to stop playing with Aaron as if it were a real creature and suggested getting him a new phone without the Monster App.

She even suggested getting a therapist to make Asher understand that this relationship with a digital monster was unhealthy. If he continued to ignore her warnings, she would have no choice but to take away his phone.

Aaron growled at her while saying, 'Aaron is real, Bitch!' before Asher unsummoned him to stop Aaron from ripping her throat out or electrocuting her.

Sadly, Sister Alena fainted when she heard Aaron talk for the first time. Since then, his caretakers refused to come close to Aaron because they feared what that little monster would do to them if they angered it.

The day after that, the world entered the first day of the apocalypse. Asher and Aaron watched all the videos worldwide while eating popcorn together like they were watching a movie.

Asher. "I wonder if these monsters can all talk like you."

Aaron. "Asher go up and find out?"

Asher. "Haha, you learned how to make jokes? We would be killed on the spot if we tried that."

Aaron. "Asher will stay hidden forever?"

Asher. "Do I look like I have a choice?"

Aaron. "Is Asher scared?"

Asher. "Scared for my life? No one knows me, and those who do wish I never existed. But I still wish to live."

Aaron. "Asher wants to go out?"

Asher. "Now that those monsters are killing everyone in the city, I think I like sitting where I am."

Aaron did not like that answer. As they watched the monsters kill people on the monster app screen, something inside Aaron made him get restless.

Aaron. "Asher! Aaron needs to meditate."

Asher. "Meditate for what, Aaron?"

Aaron. "Get stronger to protect Asher."

Asher. "They won't find us in this bunker. No one other than My father and Uncle knows that we are down here."

Aaron. "If instincts tell Aaron to meditate, then Aaron meditates!"

It was the first time Aaron disagreed with Asher and went to another room to meditate in peace for 4 hours.

Asher secretly watched as his monster meditated while using his tail to support his body in the air like a stand.

Aaron opened his eyes after four hours and roared like a Heavy Smoker-Parrot in triumph.

Aaron. "Asher, choose Monster-User Fusion and Enhanced Elemental Damage."

Asher. "What?"

Asher asked before the system from the monster-app asked him to make his choices.

Asher. "How did you know these questions?"

Aaron. "Aaron is the system, and the system is Aaron."

Asher. "Then can't you select the choices yourself?"

Aaron. "System and Aaron obey Asher before! Now Asher obeys Aaron and System."

Asher. "You sound like Yoda from Star Wars right now, but if it is what you want, then I don't mind selecting it."

Aaron. "Aaron will evolve now! But Aaron needs bigger room to grow."

Asher. "Let's go to the storage room. There is a lot of space there. I am curious to see how big you will become."

Aaron could no longer hold back his evolution when they reached the storage room. His body is enveloped in a bright white orb that shatters to reveal a twelve-foot-tall Dinosaur that looks like a pure white version of an Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V!

"No way! You are almost identical to that Card!"

Aaron's body was made of ancient polished white marble armor scales. Precious orbs made from gemstones bubble up in irregular intervals and sizes along his spine to the tip of his tail. Three sizeable white marble horns shaped like a trident have grown over Aaron's head.

Aaron. "Aaron is real!"

Aaron lets out a horrible Heavy-Smoker Parrot Roar that grabs the attention of the bird monsters above ground. Then, the ceiling starts cracking under the pressure of attacks from the other side, trying to breakthrough.

Asher. "Why did you do that?"

Aaron. "Fuse with Aaron and fight!"

Asher. "They will come after us! And I don't know how to fight."

Aaron. "The world will know Asher! Aaron will do all the fighting for Asher!"

Asher. "You are giving me no choice! Monster-User Fusion activate!"

After this point, Asher has no memory of what he did when he fused with Aaron. However, he woke up five days later when Aaron finally deactivated the combat style.

Asher noticed the ceiling had been re-sealed by some Gem Crystal filling. Fortunately, it was hard enough that the monsters above couldn't breakthrough.

His caretakers were still alive, but they were terrified of Asher and his phone. So they had sealed themselves deep within the bunker to avoid getting killed in the crossfire between the monsters.

When Asher looked around the base, he saw something horrific. The bodies of most of the monsters Aaron defeated had been dismembered by him, or half was eaten.

When Asher looked at his phone, he saw the message from his Uncle that was addressed to the world. He used the announcement to fill in the gaps of what happened when he was not controlling his body.

But the most crucial information that he got from that announcement was that before sun-rise on the seventh day, help would come to take him away from the bunker.

The world now knows Asher exists! He did not have to hide anymore! The world looked at him as a savior!

Wait, a Saviour? It was not Asher who fought those monsters. It was Aaron, and that meant Aaron was the true savior. But before he could summon Aaron out, the Earth shook violently. The battle to save Asher in the city of Saint Petersburg had begun.