Chapter 30 - Sergei and Asher

Day 7 A.F.P. 8:30 AM

Sergei and Asher sat on opposite sides of the dining table. There is a large assortment of cold meats, cheese, sour bread, scrambled eggs, roasted sausages, bacon, sliced fruits, two glass jugs filled with orange juice, and jams.

Sergei. "I had Petrov make us a simple breakfast when the Vice-Admiral messaged us that he was bringing you here to meet me."

Asher. "This is simple? I feel this could feed at least ten people easily."

Sergei. "Don't worry, I will give the leftovers to Ursus. He is almost the size of a full-grown Polar bear now. So even with this food, I still have to feed a quarter of the snacks in App's food dispenser to fill his belly."

Asher. "Why do you have to do that?"

Sergei. "If I fuse with him when he is hungry, I will constantly think about food until I cancel our fusion."

Asher. "Oh... his cravings become your cravings? Also, I didn't know their appetites increased as they grew bigger. I haven't fed Aaron since he evolved five days ago."

Sergei. "Now that you mention it! I was wondering, how did you fight all those days without food?"

Asher. "Actually... Aaron ate the edible body parts of the bird monsters. First, I thought he had done it just to scare the other bird monsters, but now I think it was because he needed to eat like your Ursus."

Sergei paused for a few seconds before asking.

Sergei. "Aaron? Weren't you in combat fusion form? So, don't you mean you ate them?"

Asher held back his reply for a few seconds to consider a few things before shaking his head.

Asher. "I haven't told anyone this, but Aaron was the one in control of my combat form during those five days. I only woke up last night before the rescue mission began."

Sergei took a few seconds to process the information.

Sergei. "Your monster can also speak like a human, right?"

Asher. "More like a heavy smoker Parrot, which still unsettles me when I hear Aaron speak. After hatching, he used to make cute Dino growls for a few days."

Sergei. "I would like to introduce Ursus to Aaron. Maybe he can be taught to speak too."

Asher. "Who knows, maybe he can help, but I feel that Aaron is unique. So please don't be disappointed if Ursus cannot learn to speak."

Sergei chuckled before clearing his throat to control himself.

Sergei. "Let's dig into the food before it gets too cold."

Thirty minutes later, the table was nearly empty of food or drink.

Asher. "I didn't realize I was so hungry."

Sergei. "Maybe our monster's ravenous appetite is infecting us?"

Sergei said as he chuckled. But Asher stared into space, deep in thought for several seconds before replying.

Asher. "What if it is more than their appetites?"

Sergei. "What do you mean?"

Asher. "I feel like Aaron's mind supported me or influenced my behavior ever since we fused.

A few weeks ago, I was too scared to even take a step out of my bunker. But somehow, I developed the courage to walk out of it and fought alongside the rescue team against the Pillar Guardian.

Surprisingly even after killing my caretakers and creating a metal monstrosity from the corpses, none of it caused me to panic. I did not notice it until a while ago before coming to meet you."

Sergei. "I would have chalked it up as a rush of adrenaline or your true self emerging in tough times, but recently I too have become unusually aggressive about everything since I fused with Ursus.

Well more aggressive than what I was trained to be by our Father. But maybe you are more affected by Aaron because of your time fused together. So there must be some side effects for being in that form for too long."

Asher. "Could be, but is it just us, or did anyone else experience this?"

Sergei. "I think I will drop by the Scientific Research Wing and ask them to look into this issue. It could be happening to other tamers as well."

Asher suddenly remembered a topic he wanted to discuss.

Asher. "I remember hearing about the support wings the Admiral mentioned when he announced the creation of the Tamer Battalion and U.G.P alliance. But I was sad to see there is no wing dedicated for spiritual healing and helping the non-Tamers."

Sergei stared at Asher for a few seconds in puzzlement, and then a thought struck him.

Sergei. "I guess since you grew up with the holy scripture, it might be a necessity for you. But unfortunately, the military doesn't give it much attention because they advocate a secular mindset. As for helping Non-Tamers, providing them protection is our primary role, and everything else is for the government to"

Asher. "But since there are no longer any active governments, who are taking care of their needs? It isn't the U.G.P... Also, I have seen many videos where Tamers just watch the misery of the masses from the sidelines without remorse. How can we let this continue without addressing it?"

Asher's passioned reply surprised Sergei.

Sergei. "What are you trying to tell me, Asher?"

Asher. "Before I came here to meet you. Admiral Arthur Radford had given me permission to take over an old abandoned church in the town of Seward. I plan to use that site to build a sanctuary for Tamers dedicated to helping the non-Tamers."

Sergei. "That sounds like a noble goal! I admit I assumed your Uncle was overblowing your dedication to faith and charity, but it is nice to know that isn't the case."

Asher. "So, will you help me with this project of mine?"

Sergei. "That depends on what kind of help you require from me."

Asher. "I don't know which tamers to approach first as they all seem very guarded around me. Maybe it is because of Aaron's actions or how I look. If you could point me in the right direction, I will handle the rest on my own with Aaron's help."

Sergei was intrigued by Asher's ambition.

Sergei. "Hmm... I know a few dozen tamers who have been looking for an excuse to get out of the H.Q. They have been groaning about not wanting to work for the U.G.P for a few days now, and many people are worried they will cause a ruckus if it is not addressed."

Asher. "Are they unable to find a role in the support wings?"

Sergei. "No, it's more like they don't recognize the military's authority. In their eyes, the U.G.P are remnants of a failed system that needs to be replaced with a new style of government. So far, it's been only rebellious gossip, but it is only a matter of time before the pressure makes them act rashly. So the Admiral assigned me to monitor them whenever I return here from a rescue mission in Canada."

Asher. "Do you think they will be willing to join me?"

Sergei. "It might not end well for them if they leave to create their own minor factions of rogue Tamers. Especially not after the message the U.G.P leadership received about Fluffals enslavement strategy. So getting them all to join your... 'church' just outside the H.Q might be the best option where I can continue to monitor them while giving them something important to take their minds off any rebellious thoughts."

Asher. "You don't know how much your support means to me, Sergei. I thought you hated me for so many years, but today all those fears were baseless."

Sergei smiled and couldn't help but chuckle.

Sergei. "Asher, the only thing I was worried about before meeting you was whether you planned to oppose my succession to replace our Father as the new leader of Russia."

Asher. "Why would I oppose you? I have no political aspirations. Plus, you are my older brother and the legitimate son of our Father. If I don't support you, I will fail my duty as a brother."

Sergei. "We are only half brothers... but you still call me brother?"

Asher. "I always thought of you as my brother! Ever since I was a child, you were the one who I wanted to connect with out of everyone who knew I existed."

Sergei blinked a few times in disbelief. He could not sense any falsehood within Asher's face or voice. Instead, he began feeling guilty for considering the worst-case option if Asher stood in his way.

Sergei. "Did the Admiral not tell you the real reason why you were brought here?"

Asher looked confused and then remembered the Admiral trying to bring it up before he interrupted him in the meeting before.

Asher. "I was not in the mood to listen when he tried. Has it to do with the succession?"

Sergei nodded and massaged his forehead while wondering how to explain it.

Sergei. "Most of the U.G.P leadership and a few tamers in the loop believe that your Uncle desires to use you as a pawn to appoint himself as the Regent of Russia."

Asher. "Regent? But you are already eighteen, so why is there a need for a regent?"

Sergei. "Did you not watch the video he made about you?"

Asher. "Yes, he revealed me to the whole world and said im destined to be their savior."

Sergei. "Do you believe in what he said about you being a holy chosen one?"

Asher. "Of course! The Lord must have chosen me to spread his light and purify the hearts of the damned. How else could I have received Aaron in the shape of the Odd-Eyes Dragon Card I loved and be capable of speaking to me?"

Sergei was stunned. It took him over a dozen seconds to comprehend Asher's grand delusion. Sergei almost questioned himself if a Lord actually manipulated things to get Asher everything he wanted for a few moments.

Sergei. "You are serious?"

Asher. "Is there a problem?"

Sergei did not know how to respond, but he eventually decided to play along with it.

Sergei. "Will you be announcing this to others? About your relationship with the Lord?"

Asher shook his head.

Asher. "I plan on letting the people decide whether Aaron and I are the Lord's instruments or not."

Sergei. "What if they don't? Will you still pursue your goals to make this Church for Tamers?"

Asher. "If one forces another into following them, they are no better than a dictator. Instead, I would prefer to lead them into the path of light by being an example worth following on their own."

Sergei reflected his views on Asher. The boy was misguided but pure of heart and passionate about saving others. The aura around Asher reminded Sergei of a figure he had been missing.

Sergei. "Honestly, I am starting to admire your zeal, Asher. You have a lot of our Father in you."

This time Asher was left stunned.

Asher. "Really? But he was ruthless and terrible to those who refused his will. Everyone called him the scourge of Moscow by behaving like a mad-dog towards the other superpowers."

Sergei. "If you only followed him through the world news, that was the side you must have seen. But I saw a man who would do anything to help his comrades and family. He always sacrificed himself to preserve Russia and act as a deterrence towards the other superpowers at that time."

Asher. "If that is what it takes to rule Russia, then are you sure you wish to be the leader? Because I don't sense any anger inside you, only loneliness."

Sergei. "You can sense that in me?"

Asher. "I have been alone too for a long time, so I can see it in people. I learned to love the Lord to fill that void, but I always noticed you looked empty inside when I saw you on the news with our Father. That is why I don't think you want to push people away or hurt others, just like me."

Sergei made an awkward smile.

Sergei. "I hope to be different from our Father. I genuinely wish to make the people love our family as much as the people of china love Zao's family."

Asher. "If you had that desire, why haven't you attempted to claim the seat of power?"

Sergei. "Until now, my only options were intimidation to keep the Generals in their place if I took over. That option was neither appealing nor feasible with just me and Ursus alone. But you have given me a way to amass a Tamer force not loyal to the U.G.P that could help me in my succession without upsetting anyone."

Asher. "You wish to use the followers I will recruit for your plans?"

Sergei. "In return for helping me, I will spread the word of your mission to help non-tamers. I will also be able to shield you and your followers from any interference from the U.G.P."

Asher paused to consider and then nodded with a smile.

Asher. "I like this idea a lot. We both will be able to work together and support each other like true brothers."

Sergei. "But will you be able to side with me even if it is your Uncle who opposes me?"

Asher. "I will make my Uncle give up his ambition for the seat of power peacefully. Since it will help restore order in our society and take away control from the military. The U.G.P must not be governed by the military for too long. Otherwise, they will never give up their power."

Sergei. "Will he listen to you?"

Asher. "If not, I will let Aaron do the talking and see if it works."

Sergei chuckled nervously. From what he heard about Aaron, that monster was not something you wished for as an enemy. Sergei then recollected his Father bragging about how difficult to beat Asher at a particular card game.

Sergei. "Asher, Do you still play Yu-gi-oh?"

Asher. "Until Aaron was born, I did."

Sergei. "Our Father once asked me if I could meet and play with you on Christmas. He hoped that I would treat you like a brother."

Asher. "He did? I remember asking him about it, but that was also the last time he ever visited me in that bunker."

Sergei. "The news about your existence had ruined my parent's marriage. So our Father made her disappear when she threatened him with divorce. I blamed you for that mess, and I refused every opportunity our Father offered to meet each other."

Asher. "I remember reading the news about her death. Did... our Father kill her?"

Sergei, "What? No! Even he had lines that he would not cross. So our Father arranged for her to disappear from society. The news about her death was just a cover story to pin on his political rival and throw him in jail."

Asher. "Oh! That is..."

Sergei. "Don't worry, I know how cruel it sounds. I brought this up to explain why I ignored you all those years. If I had tried to connect with you sooner, maybe we both would have been able to grow up together."

Asher. "Everything is the Lord's will, including my isolation, so don't worry about the past, elder brother."

Asher got up from the table, walked over to Sergei, and hugged him. Sergei patted his back awkwardly. He was not used to being embraced by anyone, and now a younger Albino version of himself was doing it.

Sergei. "Asher, you better get going and meet your Uncle. I will stop by the support wings to gather those Tamers for you and bring them to that Church."

Asher broke the hug and nodded. When he left Sergei's apartment, Petrov came into the Dinning room to clear the breakfast plates.

Petrov. "Will I have to start calling him, young master Asher now?"

Sergei. "I think that would be for the best."

Petrov. "Do you think he will keep his promise to support you?"

Sergei. "I am willing to trust him. Right now, he is the only ally I have who can amass the influence I need to put pressure on the military."

Petrov. "Wonder how the General is going to take the boy's rejection. He has been working so hard to Deify the boy to the people."

Sergei. "I doubt he can lay a finger on him without causing that monster inside of him to rage out."

Petrov. "You mean Aaron, the talking Dinosaur?"

Sergei. "Every time I looked into Asher's eyes, I felt I was looking at his monster. Something about his theory about Tamers and Monster fusion is very unsettling."

Petrov. "If it as you say, there could come a time when Asher cuts ties with you too, like with his Uncle."

Sergei. "Petrov, I fulfilled one of my Father's oldest wishes. But, for now, let me enjoy this moment. I don't want to think about what could happen. I will make sure he never turns on me."