
"I often regret that I have spoken; never that I have been silent.


Early in the morning, the phone was ringing Repeatedly. I was sleeping in the hotel room like a horse. The irritating sound was disturbing my beautiful sleep.

"Damn!! Who the hell is this in the early morning"?!

Reacing over to the nightstand I took phone and answered the call without watching the caller name.

"Hello"! (With sleepy voice)

"Good morning sleepyhead"!

Hearing the voice I opened my eyes.

"Bri! Good morning! Hey, how are you?"

Bri is Brianna, my twin sister. We looked alike. There is no difference between us in our looks except our behavior. She lives in LA, USA. We love so much each other. Our parents died in an accident when we were 9 years old. Till now Brianna is my family. And I respect her so much.

"I am fine. I heard that you are in California and you didn't even inform me" Brianna said angrily.

I bite my tongue "Yeah! I came yesterday for work. But how do you know I came here?" I asked her with curiosity.

"You are asking how do I know? Not telling me you came here and didn't care to inform me. I am so angry at you that I had to learn your arrival news from others." She said angrily.

I was so shocked hearing her angry voice

"I am so sorry, I didn't inform you. I was about to call you. I arrived here so late that's why I didn't disturb you. I swear!

After finishing my work I will come to you in LA, promise." I told her hurriedly without taking any breath.

Hearing my panic voice Brianna started laughing and said, "Fine! Fine! That's why I called you. You don't have to go to LA, I am in California. Now listen I have to tell you an important thing."

Hearing Brianna's serious tone I became worried.

"Hey Bri! Are you alright. Did something happen. Do you need anything".

If I hear Bri's serious tone I always get worried. I could easily figure her emotions hearing her voice for our because of our twin connection. The big matter is Bri is my weakness. My another weakness is I panic easily. And when I panic, ask lots of questions together.

"Hey hey hey!! Relax! I am fine. Ok?

Just listen to me".

Brianna took a deep breath and continued

"I am getting married".

Hearing this I sat down abruptly. I was so surprised that I couldn't talk for a second.

"Su! Are you there? Hello!"

"Wait! What? Am I hearing right? Because I am too much sleepy. You are not getting married right?"

"Yes, darling! (I could Sense her eye roll)

You heard right. I am getting married and my engagement is today. So I am sending you the address please come fast."

"OMG! What? Today? This is so surprising! I still can't believe it. Who is the guy? You didn't tell me anything. I am so angry with you."

I couldn't believe that she is getting married but she didn't tell me so big news yet she was angry at me.

"Ok. I know I am sorry Su. I will explain everything if you just come to me as soon as possible. Please. And I am sending you the address."

After listening Brianna's worried voice I became worried.

"Fine I coming to you fast."

After hanging up the phone I got up from the bed hurriedly though I nearly saved myself falling from the bed. I got up and ran to the bathroom to get ready.

When I was searching for my dress I realized packed all simple casual dresses as I came to California for only 2 days.

How could I know that I will go to my own sister's surprise engagement. And there was no time to buy a dress. I groaned. After searching finally I wore black jumpsuit with 5 inch heels.

After getting ready I checked myself in the mirror though I always look beautiful. Then I took my most important thing camera, without this I can't live. After checking everything I left for the engagement party hurriedly.

I took taxi and went to the destination. After an hour I reached to the engagement party. The place was beautiful. It was European-style castle. Seeing this place I realized I never came to California and many other states though my birth country is USA. I visited many country but never had a chance to visit California until now.

The party was packed with so many people actually tooo many people.

"Woah!! I can't believe this is my sister's engagement party and I also can't believe she was going to married without telling me"

There were no signs of any recognizable face, I started searching Brianna. While I was about yo call Brianna suddenly someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around  and saw a guy.

"(In mind)Whoah!!So hot! Hello, who are you?

Ugh, shut up my mind just focus. Stupid mind."

The guy was really hot. He was tall and fit like a model.

"Hi! You are Susanna, right"?The guy asked me.

He was speaking in British accent. His voice was also so good like his figure.

Clearing my head and throat I said,

"Hello! Yes, I am Susanna. But how do you know me?"

"I am Andre Russell. I am Brianna's assistant. And she told me you are her identical twin sister. So I recognized you as you are really like Brianna."

"Yeah! Of course.Haha

(Of course you idiot Susanna)

I still can't believe Brianna is getting married. Most surprising is that Brianna's engagement is today suddenly."

Andre was quiet for a second. His quietness was different, suspicious. I felt like he knew something about Brianna.

"Actually I should take you to Brianna. She will explain everything. She is waiting for you."

He told and took me to Brianna.

I didn't know what she will explain so I nodded my head and followed him.

When I entered the room where Brianna was waiting for me, Brianna was not there. The room was empty. There was no sign of her.

Where is Brianna? Has she escaped from her engagement? What will Susanna do?

Btw I didn't introduce myself. I am Susanna Martinez. I live in Milan, Italy. I am a renowned photographer and painter. But Photography is my favorite hobby, so I always kept the camera to myself. So I am very happy with my life in my 2nd dreamland. Yes, my 1st dreamland is Paris. I finished my study in Italy. But I had to move into Italy as My first permanent job was in Milan. After then I started freelancing and became popular for my photography and painting skills. I also have my own famous studio in Italy.

I hope you will like the story!