Welcome home.

I was about to call Brianna as the receiver was late someone held my shoulder. His gripped was strong so I stopped and turned around. The person was none other the rude guy Joseph.

He eyes traveled down his black shirt, he was looking so handsome. I was wondering why he had to be rude with so much beauty. Realizing I was again checking him I hurriedly shook my dirty mind.

"Joseph? I mean Mr. Grayson. You are here?What are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone? Is Brianna fine?"

I was so surprised was asking him one after another. Everyone will think why I ask so many questions. Bu It is my habit from childhood actually when I become surprise or panic or be curious ask lot questions.

He rolled eyes at my questions and said-

"Of course I am here. Who will be here. I am here to receive you. Your sister was busy that's why I am here. Your sister is also fine btw."

"Okk. Thank you." I said to him politely.

Though I didn't expect that he would answer my questions one by one. I was quite shock how he came to receive me.

He didn't say anything left from there.

(In mind) huh! Still rude.

The journey to his house was quiet. Nobody talked or made any sound. I couldn't take breath properly. We reached home after almost 1 hour. And the journey was my worst journey in my life because of him, I didn't know why I feel nervous around him.

After getting out from the car, I was speechless seeing the house. The house was so big and beautiful like castle. The house was duplex with european style and really posh. Though the time was 10 P.M but I could see the whole place for the beautiful lighting set up. The environment was very beautiful.

While I was watching the environment I didn't realize when Joseph left me alone . Realizing he went ahead of me I jogged fast towards him but Joseph suddenly stops at a door, I end running into the back of him. At that time I felt like I was hit by stone. His back was so strong. I was about say something he ignored and entered the house. I was already getting irritated by his behavior. Groaning I entered home slowly this time.

After entering the house I was immediately welcomed by Brianna. Brianna hugged me tightly like we used to do. I always miss her so much especially her hug. Though Brianna was showing her happy face still looking worried for something. I was determined to find out about her worry.

"Welcome home. I missed you my baby sister." Brianna whines hugging me again.

I rolled my eyes and said- "What I am not baby I am just 5 minutes younger than you."

Brianna laughed hardly and told- "Thank god you told me you were coming to Los Angeles for work at least we can spend time together for some time."

I was confused and shocked listening this, i was about to tell but Bri held my hand tightly. By this gesture I became sure there was some problem. I was so confused at her behavior, I changed the topic immediately.

"Yeah I am so excited. And I am so hungry. I didn't eat anything. Bri can I get food first?"

"Of course darling the food is ready. Your habit is still same. When you used to came home from school you entered directly into the kitchen and ate your food."

I laughed. "Yeah! I didn't change my habit. That's why I am so healthy." We laughed again and went to the dining room.

I was about to follow Brianna to the dining room, then noticed that Joseph didn't move from the room. While we both sister were talking Joseph was watching us like hawk but didn't talk anytime or didn't make any sound. That was really strange and creepy. He also followed us to dinning room and sat down with us. I felt really awkward and uncomfortable at his presence.

"Wow Bri! All food are my favorite. I am too much hungry now."

"Oh darling! But I ordered this you know that I don't know cooking."

"Oh I know honey you could never learn cooking. And I can't even imagine to try your handmade food. But thank you for all my favorite food.

After hearing my joking taunt she slapped at my shoulder and I was laughing hard.

"Love you too baby sister.Do you remember when I made food first time?"

"Oh my God! I will never forget the day."

Remembering the day we laughed like crazy. When we were 15 Brianna tried to made food for the first time for her boyfriend but the food was so bad that her boyfriend got sick after eating that. Then the boyfriend broke up with her. So she never tried cooking.

We were talking like old time suddenly I felt someone was touching my feet. Thinking that was Brianna's feet I ignored. Then again touched my feet, I peeked down pretending to pick something and saw that was Joseph's. I moved my legs hurriedly. I looked at Joseph but he was looking at Brianna smiling so I ignored that thinking he might taught the feet was Brianna's. But still I was very comfortable.

Suddenly Joseph asked question startling me-

"Are you okay? You seem pale."

I was surprised by his question, first I thought he asked Brianna but he was looking at me raising his eyebrows. I realized he was talking to me actually questioning me for the first time. I answered quickly-

"Yes I-I am fine."

I felt like slapping myself for stuttering.

"I heard you do paint and photography. Why do both?"

He asked me like he was interviewing me.

I was surprised at his question looked at him with mouth open. I didn't know he can show inteterst to something. Even Brianna was surprise. After realizing my mouth was open I retreated myself and answered-

"I wanted to be both artist and photographer from childhood. I couldn't choose between art and photography so I chose both. And I think that by photography I can show my eye clearly and by painting or illustrator I can show my heart." I replied confidently.

He stayed silent again just nodded his head. Then surprisingly he again asked- "For how long you came here?"

I bit my lips at his last question. I also didn't know how long I am gonna stay here. I felt like Joseph didn't like me staying at his home. So I was really embarrassed and was hesitating to answer. But Brianna saved me by answering his question. But her answer shocked me.

"She's gonna stay here for 2 days. I told her to stay here for more time but she has work. But at least I can spend time for 2 days."

She said pouting.

I was really surprised at her acting, she was good. I was very confused at her behavior.

I was curious thinking what was happening. Joseph was looking at me again and again, I was feeling so uncomfortable, so I made excuse-

"I am full. Thank you so much Bri. Everything was yummy. Now I am feeling tired can you show me the room? I want to take rest."

Bri understood that I was feeling uncomfortable so she got up hurriedly and took me to the guest room. The room was beautiful. The decoration was great. I could sense that weird hitler has great choice.

After entering into the room, I attacked her with questions-

"Okay! Now tell me everything. What is happening with you? I felt so weird between you. Why were you lying to him? I know you are hiding some big thing and don't dare to lie so tell me."

Beianna was shocked at my outburst and she knew I sensed everything. So she became quiet for a second  to take deep breath and told-

"I know I hided many thing from you now I want to tell you everything."

She took deep breath again and continued-

"This engagement is not real. This is just a contract not real engagement."

By hearing this i was so shocked like I got shock by electricity.

This engagement is fake.Why? What will Suanna do?

Read this in next chapter to learn the reason.