
"Of course it works, Elena." From behind Kainer answered Elena's words, Kainer who was the last to enter the apartment was seen carrying Christian's laptop in his hand. "We will prepare all the documents for the meeting tomorrow morning."

Elena was silent, her focus stolen on Kainer who was preparing for their work tonight by turning on two laptops on the table in front of Christian who was shaking his wine glass.

"Still want to stand like that?" Christian speaks again, signaling Elena to sit down.

Elena quickly walked to the empty sofa in front of Christian, without daring to open her lips, Elena then took out her laptop from the bag that she had been hugging for a long time. Since the preparations were complete, the three of them began to focus on their respective laptops. Except for Christian, he works with two gadgets at once. Laptops and smart tablets that had been on his lap.