Welcome home Zwetta

A black Gulfstream G650 jet that was getting ready at Luxembourg airport had just closed its doors when Jack and Christian's men arrived at the airport to conduct a check. The pilot, who was a former US Air Force's best pilot a long time ago, looked so calm when he faced Jack's men who were holding him right in front of the plane.

"What is this, Andres?"

The pilot named Andres smiled. "Don't worry, these cockroaches are my business."

"Be careful then," said a woman who was standing at the entrance to the cockpit with a very thick British accent.

Andres nodded slowly, after removing the headphones that were attached to his head, he slowly got off the plane and approached Jack's men who were forming a posse right on the plane's path.

"Is there anything I can help you with, gentlemen?" asked Andres politely.

"We want to carry out inspections on the plane you are currently on, Capt."