Big meeting

Although still annoyed with Christian, Zwetta still accompanied the man to the office. An important meeting that must be attended by Christian in person makes her unable to refuse the boss's invitation to accompany him to the office.

"I'm going straight to the meeting room, you can go to my own room, right?"

Zwetta nodded slowly. "I'm not a child who needs constant guidance, you don't have to worry."

A paper-thin smile appears on Christian's lips, hearing Zwetta speak again curtly makes him happy. Even though he's in a bit of a mess, Christian is feeling much better than an hour ago. The slap given by Zwetta managed to make him wake up from the pseudo world he had created himself.

The tinkling of the elevator made Zwetta and Christian straighten up, both of them preparing to leave because they had arrived at the destination floor, the highest floor in the Clarke Enterprise building where Christian was.