Christian's second baby

Christian nods slowly, after that he walks towards the elevator and immediately presses the button that has the number two symbol like the security guard said earlier. Christian has never been so nervous and panicked in his life, approaching Zwetta who is seeing a gynecologist really makes him almost crazy.

"Your blood test results are out, madam." Doctor Lusiana's voice was immediately heard by Christian's hearing who had just stepped out of the elevator.

Christian immediately accelerated his pace towards the source of the sound, Christian's whole body froze when he saw Zwetta who was standing in front of the doctor Lusiana.

"I'll read the results inside, let's go in," said doctor Lusiana again gently inviting Zwetta to come back into her room.

Zwetta looks doubtful, Zwetta is afraid that the results that doctor Lusiana is bringing are not in line with her expectations.

"Please" Doctor Lusiana again asked Zwetta to come in.