Husband and Wife

Zwetta opened her eyes slowly when she couldn't hold back the hunger that assaulted her, after spitting up her stomach contents several times now her stomach was churning to be filled. 

"It's so dark," Zwetta said softly when she realized that the room was already pitch black. 

Unable to contain her hunger, Zwetta finally forced herself to sit down. She had to quickly find food in the refrigerator, where the food was stored. Zwetta didn't realize where she was at this time, she still thought she was still in the hotel. 

slowly Zwetta moved her body, trying to get off the bed where she was now. But Zwetta's attempt to get off the bed was stopped by the presence of a warm object on her left side. With high curiosity, Zwetta touched the warm object which turned out to be a human hand. 

Just as Zwetta, about to scream Christian woke up, the man who accidentally fell asleep in a sitting position on the floor turned on the bedside lamp beside her.