The main plan

After a long and tense debate last night, Christian finally allowed Zwetta help Suri take care of the Clarke House of Jewel for a while until Suri was able to run one of the best subsidiaries of the Clarke Enterprise business network. Even though he still objected a little, on the other hand Christian was happy because his spoiled little sister had turned into a responsible adult girl.

"Why is Zwetta taking so long to come down?" Suri grumbled annoyed. "Looks like Christian kept Zwetta from going to work this morning with me."

"Your sister-in-law is pregnant, honey. And pregnant women need a lot of preparation when they have to go to work especially in the morning like this." Anne tried to explain as briefly as possible to Suri who had been grumbling since thirty minutes ago because Zwetta and Christian had not come down from the second floor.

Suri, who had been grumbling all along, immediately froze, her cheerful face suddenly turned pale and looked panicked.