Christian intelligence

And Anne's question was immediately answered when Asher and Johan suddenly appeared at the door. Charlotte and Chester's faces immediately changed drastically when they saw Johan's unexpected appearance.

Charlotte, who felt that she had held Johan's death card, was sure that the man would hide far away with her paralyzed father, but all of her beliefs were immediately fulfilled when she saw Johan in front of her eyes. This man really has no shame at all.

"Welcome," Christian greeted warmly while waving his hand towards Asher and Johan.

Asher, who did not expect to receive such a warm welcome from Christian, almost dropped the cellphone in his hand and not only was Asher surprised, Anne, Jack and Suri were also very surprised to see the warm treatment Christian gave to Asher.

Because Asher never gave an answer, Christian then walked towards the door where currently Asher and Johan were still standing.