
Now that Viktor had established a target to aim at, he planned to once again head toward the arctic landmass in order to hunt more mutated leopard seals.

Considering how he was going to be gone for an entire day, he inquired as to whether the group would rather stay in the town or return to the bunker.

The bodyguards, Tori and Boris, appeared to have no preference, while Barry was content to wait for Eva to make a decision. With a smile on her face, the girl expressed her wish to get to know more about the people of Arkhangelsk.

She made her decision, and to her surprise, the rest of the group instantly followed her lead without any hesitation.

This made Viktor question his plan to continue living in the bunker once again.

Thinking about it, even though living in a bunker was safer, living among a group of people, a community was probably much more preferable for them.