The Witch

After defeating the three powerful creatures, the group took a little break in the middle of the hall. They have just gone through an intense battle and at the moment, their energy seemed to have been drained.

Eva came to heal Viktor's shoulders, while Jessie and Viktor were both aware that they had to regain their energy from the drawback. Viktor's drawback from his [All Might] and Jessie's from that green injection.

In the midst of the drawback, both of them looked at each other. They knew that each of them was hiding something, but none was willing to speak about it.

On the other side, Eva was away to look after the unconscious young girl who was still sleeping soundly. Without a word, the princess only looked at her silently. Jessie, who was sitting near with her suddenly asked,

"So… what do you plan to do with the girl?" Jessie inquired in a curious but somehow anxious tone.