North Fist

When Greg began to run, his subordinates spontaneously started following him. Most of them were only in the Earth Realm, so their agility stat was exceedingly low compared to those in the Sky Realm. This caused most of them to be left behind, especially when they were still in the Initial Stage of the Earth Realm.

They did not pose a serious threat to Viktor, only draining his stamina at most.

Greg ran until he left the storage area and the city buildings started to enter his sight, and the area of their fight widened as they entered an area where people resided.

Viktor looked around. Greg's figure was nowhere to be seen.

"Djinn, can you track them?"


The moment Viktor arrived on the main road of Perm City, the sight of Greg smirking with at least 50 people around him greeted his eyes.

"Haha, one man against the entire Widow Maker."