
Viez quickly stood up, trying to calm her friend's bad temper. She was worried that the pan would land on Viktor's face.

"You surely mean it's delicious arent you boss?"

Viez's eyes flickered to Viktor, asking him to cooperate.

Julia looked fiery. To her, the phrase 'edible' was like an insult. Much worse than the word 'fair'. It was as if the food she cooked was comparable to emergency food.

"Can you explain where my food went wrong?"

The customers in the vicinity started observing Viktor and Viez's table. They thought there would be a second show today.

Julia was a chef who had been in the culinary world for many years. She knew very well how to process raw materials into food.

Every time she cooked, she made sure she poured her entire technique and knowledge into making that one dish.

If someone said that the food was bad without giving a reason, that person was definitely tasteless.