Chapter 3: Cornbread and a fateful encounter


3 years later

Through these three years Shin has come to a certain conclusion about this shabby orphanage.

'This place is absolute garbage other than the blatant discrimination of the common populace the funds for this orphanage are just basically nothing even with the head caregiver stealing some of it also its way too crowded here.'

Even with all of this Shin didn't let it get to him because soon his quirk will awaken and with it the start of his plans.

The next day

'Today is the day my quirk should awaken.' Shin thought, gripping his fist as a devious smile formed on his face.

"Kids gather around. We have a special guest from the Pro Hero Association, he came today like every year to do their yearly assessment." The caregiver of the orphanage said, putting on a forced warm smile.

Seeing the head caregiver act like this made him almost chuckle though he held back, this warm caring demeanor didn't suit her ever since he saw the real her.


"Please Mrs. Whitworth we're so hungry." A young child said with teary eyes.

"SHUT UP! STOP BOTHERING ME WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FEED YOURSELF UGH!" The caregiver said clearly disgusted looking at the orphans in front of her who dared to complain about feeling hungry.


"Mr. Agent, like I was telling you earlier, the funds received aren't enough, the children are starving. If you could find it in your heart to give us more funds this year the children would be grateful." She said playing the part of a woman in distress that was willing to put the children's needs in front of her own.

"Mrs. Whitworth like I've been telling you before, the funds are all we can give at this time, I apologize for changing the subject but I came for evaluations not discussing your financial situation." The agent said, adjusting his tie, rolling his eyes at her.

'You'll just end up pocketing even more money you old hag.'

The agent looked down at the children who were filled with happiness at the prospect of having a quirk, his eyes surveyed the crowd until his eyes landed on those of a small child who wasn't happy in fact he looked annoyed at his existence.

The agent raised his eyebrow however continued his process setting up his equipment ready to start the examination.

2 hours later

The agent recorded every kid's quirk thoroughly with their threat level ranked from low to high, just then a small child walked through the curtain revealing himself to be Shin.

The man gestured for him to sit down, however Shin stopped him.

"I know my quirk." Shin started walking closer to the man before stopping in front of him.

"Oh and what might it be?" The man said, raising an eyebrow.

"I can heal minor wounds but I feel all the pain and trauma they experience." Shin said, causing the man to flinch.

The man fell into a state of shock looking at this kid who didn't even flinch when talking about pain and trauma, however no matter what Shin told him he would start the test regardless as it was protocol.

Further tests concluded he was right causing the man to look at him suspiciously at how he would know this.

"How did you come to find out about your power uh...Shin." The agent couldn't maintain eye contact before looking at his clipboard for his name.

"There was a wounded squirrel on the sidewalk and I felt like I could help it so I did and well...I felt everything it felt." Shin said, pretending to think about something very traumatic starting to shiver at this very thought.

The agent let his guard down seeing this state knowing that his cold appearance is just a front.

'He's just a kid what was I thinking, and his power is horrible.'

The agent looked at his clipboard and marked low for his risk assessment, also writing down his quirk.

"You should be careful kid, your quirk can really hurt you, try to limit yourself." The agent smiled at him, rubbing his hair.

Shin didn't look up as his eyes started to glow and his new powers started to unfluish the unaware agent without his knowing.

"Well good luck kid, maybe someday you can be a hero like All Might." The agent said leaving Shin in the room.

Shin couldn't force down his crazed smile looking at the doorway in which the agent left, the second he walked into her his quirk awakened and upon receiving the information no matter how much he tried he couldn't stop smiling.

Overview of his abilities

Recover: Recover is just your typical healing ability. It allows Shin to heal wounds and injuries. That includes injuries he himself has sustained. This ability is so potent that it can even recover severed limbs, but it has one great drawback. Using Recover forces Shin to relive the suffering of the person he's healing, which often makes him collapse. Using it on himself, however, has no negative consequences.

Simulation: Simulation allows Shin to copy skills and abilities of people he has healed. This ability doesn't have any cap, meaning the skills and abilities Shin steals only stacks up. He also permanently gains these abilities and can use them at will.

Corruption: This skill allows Shin to destroy things simply by touching them. Contrary to what a healing ability is supposed to be doing, this can also be used to destroy humans with a single touch.

Upgrade: Upgrade has two revealed uses. First, it allows Shin to change his appearance. It's also possible to copy another person's appearance, as well as alter other people's appearance. The second function of Upgrade is Memory Erasure. As the name implies, this ability allows Shin to erase a person's memory and put in false one's as well.

Toxic Resistance: Allows one to overcome all forms of toxic material like drugs, poison, and any toxic like material.

Calming himself down he walked out the door before clicking his tongue seeing the agents disgust while looking at the other children.

'Tsk, he doesn't even have a quirk but at least I could plant that false memory in his head.'

While checking to see if he had a quirk, he put a false memory in his head so that whenever someone asked about Shin he would say he was not a threat nor was he worth paying attention to.

At Dinner time

The kids gathered around to get their daily rations while the caregiver just sat in her office drinking wine straight from the bottle.

Shin received his sloop and when he meant slop he meant just straight up mush. Disgust was clearly present on his face however no matter how much he complained this slop was quite nutritious though now with the emergence of his quirk he could steal better food to feed himself.

The only good part about dinner time and the only part that every kid looked forward to was the cornbread you were given.

Shin sat down alone but not before three kids came up to him being the classic bully trope.

"Hey loser, give up your cornbread now or else." The kid said and on queue his fingernails started to grow slowly into sharp claws.

Shin looked at the kid for a while sizing him up while also looking at the two lackeys behind him and a devious plan formed in his head.

The kid smiled but Shin just ignored him looking back down on his food, anger appeared on the bullies face at being ignored and he slammed the table.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE!" He screamed causing some kids to look at the confrontation but none dared to start anything knowing of the kids quirk.

'Just because his nails can grow he thinks he's hot sh*t' Shi thought looking at the furious kid in front of him knowing he wouldn't let this go.

'No way I'm giving up my cornbread.'

"Okay Ricky but not here I'll give it to you over there." Shin said, pointing to a desolate area with no witnesses.

Seeing this area Rickey smiled, the location was perfect and better yet he wouldn't get caught so he happily walked over there following Shin.

"Okay loser now give me your cornbread." Ricky said while the two lackey behind him snickered

Shin looked at him then at his cornbread before slowly walking in front of Ricky, Ricky's figure resembled that of a rat flaring whiskers out of his cheeks who showed a triumphant smile at Shin's actions

"I'm glad you took the easy wa-" But before the rat could finish, Shin punched him right in his throat.

"KYAA!" Ricky let out grabbing his throat while gasping for air.

Shin didn't give any monologue charging forward at the retreating Ricky, Ricky tried to stammer away however Shin grabs his hair throwing him face first into the ground.

His jaw hit the ground in full force, two teeth falling off as his face made impact with the floor while blood started to flow from his gums.

His eye's unconsciously filled with fear looking up at Shin's cold red eye's, his instincts started to take control of his body as he started to scramble backwards

"Whait pwease I-" Ricky slurred out but his pleas were only met with Shin's icy stare.

Ricky's eyes became teary at this but before he could spit it out anymore words Shin's right hand crashed into his face at full force.

Left, Right, Left, Right, over and over until his face was black and blue, Ricky's breath became staggered trying desperately to even take in a mouthful of air.

The two lackeys that witnessed this shivered in fear, Shin rose up as blood slowly dripped from the tips of his fist. He slowly turned his head to the left looking at the two lackeys who were scared out of their right mind.

"You didn't see anything, in fact if people ask you'll tell them that you and Ricky wanted to apologize to me by giving me all your cornbread from now on." Shin clenched his fist walking slowly to the cowering little kids.

Their bladders couldn't sustain the overwhelming fear causing them to pee their pants leaving two wet marks forming slowly at their nether regions.

They finally comprehended his words, nodding vigorously. They turned around yet they remained in the same place. Turning their heads they saw Shin holding their collars while shaking his head.

"*Sigh* Why did I even threaten you when I could just wipe and restructure your memories." Shin signed resuming his evil smile putting both his hands on their faces.



Shin erased the memories of him and Ricky's altercation and changed it to a heartfelt apology where they apologized for being rude to him seeing the error of there was and striving to be a better member of society.

They sat there in a daze for a while before shaking their heads returning to a right state of mind before completely coming back to their senses.

"Well thank you for your apology I'll see you later okay!" Shin cheerfully said, pulling a complete 180 from his previous expression.

The two lackeys saw this and also gave him a smile waving goodbye before returning to dinner.

Shin resumed his cold expression, turning his head to look back at Ricky's blooded face before a look of disgust appeared on his face.

'Ugh gross I haft to touch this greasy rat' he thought walking closer to Ricky kneeling down next to him.

'It can't be helped though I need to test the drawback of my healing ability and it's better to do it now rather than later.' Shin shook his head putting his hand on the rat's face.



Fear, confusion, anxiety, pain, all these sensations flowed into Shin's very being feeling the wounds he inflicted. Every punch, every sensation, and every emotion Shin felt.

His ability however bore fruit as Ricky wounds start to heal as if they were never there in the first place, completely returning to his original state before Shin got to him.

Ricky was still lying there unconscious sleeping peacefully but the same couldn't be said for Shin who was grabbing his heart panting vigorously before coughing up a little spit. After a while he finally calmed his breathing before looking at Ricky with a hate filled look.

'Fucking Rat why are you such a pussy!'

The drawbacks of his healing ability were more than he thought it was, while he healed Ricky it felt like he was in Ricky's shoes while experiencing every minute detail of his pain including emotional.

Wanting to be rid of this rat he put his hand on his face before activating his skill, and changing his memories to where Ricky apologized to him and decided to give him his cornbread for a while..

'This heal drawback is pretty big no wonder he didn't like to heal people in the anime and was so traumatized by it.' Shin thought as he watched Redo of healer but now could understand why he was so traumatized by it.

Shin started to walk away but not before kicking Ricky a little and hucking a loogie at him, he put his hands in his pockets walking out of the area calmly.

Returning to his seat, what appeared on his plate was two pieces of cornbread courtesy of the two goons.

Later that day

Shin's stomach growled and a clear expression of annoyance crept on his face rubbing his stomach, he sat up looking around making sure the coast was clear and once he did he crept out of his makeshift bed.

He snuck past the caregivers office seeing her totally passed out drunk clutching a bottle of wine in her hands.

Opening the front door he gazed up at the moonlit night before putting his hood over his head and walking down the garbage littered alley.

On that same moonlit night a battered up animal was running through the alleyways in an erratic hurry. Every step it took it gritted its teeth in pain forcefully moving leaving a trail of blood in its wake.

"Damn it's getting away!" A shout echo's behind him.

"Subject 13 cannot escape, come on!" Another shouts echo's.

The animal bit its lip hearing their voices while looking frantically for a different escape, it had memorized the map of the whole city. If it could just get to the sewers it could cover his tracks while hiding.


But contrary to his calculations an object appeared in his way, he looked up seeing a small child and let out a sigh of relief but the pain from his wounds finally caught up to him whimpering a little grabbing onto his whole body.

'I.....I was so close.' The animal thought, clutching his heart realizing how dire his injuries are, thinking escape was now impossible.

The child was thinking something completely different looking down at the injured animal.

'Is this Nezu?' Shin tilted his head looking down at the beaten Nezu.

"He should be close, the blood is still warm COME ON!" one of the men shouted from behind the corner.

Shin looked down at Nezu and a wicked smile tried to form on his face before pushing it down into a gentle one.

"I don't know what you're running from but it can't be good so come with me." Shin tried to say as gently as possible, holding out his hand to Nezu.

Nezu looked up at this smiling kid, his villagence would not break from a mere human child as he fully knew what a human could be capable of especially those who help people without getting anything in return but right now it's not like he had a choice before grabbing onto the boy, Shin was ecstatic at this and scooped Nezu into his arms.

Shin immediately turned around with Nezu, his top priority now was getting Nezu out of here so he could get his ability.

The only problem was he couldn't heal him now knowing the backlash from Nezu's wounds wouldn't be easy so right now he had to get Nezu to a safe place.

While running he tried to cover up falling blood from Nezu by pulling him closer into his embrace so as to stop them from finding their trail.

Nezu, who could only see out of one eye at the moment, looked at this human child's attitude in shock wondering what this kid was thinking.

'To think this kid is trying to limit my falling blood to keep them off my trail, interesting.' Nezu thought reevaluating his first impression of the human child.

After sprinting for a while they suddenly arrived at a pass where only two options lay in front of them left or right.

Shin looked both ways, seeing the crossroad in front of him before coming to a decision as he cupped some of the dripping blood falling from Nezu, it started to pool in his hands and after getting a handful of it he threw it to the left entryway.

But instead of running right he tucked himself along with Nezu into a couple nearby trash bags holding Nezu's head close to his chest trying his hardest to control his breathing to be as silent as possible.




Two men dressed in security attire ran up to the crossroads seeing the two ways, they looked left and right but then saw the blood trail going left making a hasty decision.

"Come on, he went left, let's go, we have to hurry!" The man shouted running towards the left as the other followed from behind him.

Shin waited for a while looking to see if the coast was clear before running back the way they came, he ended up coming to a deserted building before setting Nezu down.

Shin looked at Nezu's condition and when he gazed at his multitude of wounds it did not look good.

'I have to heal him now or else he could die. I just hope the drawback isn't too severe?'

"Hey little guy I'm going to heal you now so don't move okay." Shin said to Nezu who was barely holding onto his consciousness.

Nezu didn't really have a choice in this just hoping he had a quirk that could heal minor wounds but his guess would go beyond what he expected.


Anger, pure embrittled anger, hatred unmatched by any frustration he had ever felt, sadness, the feeling of being unable to escape from a trapped cage as time slowly passes right in front of you.

Shin saw it all, he saw the pain in these experiments that Nezu had undergone. Everything from being ripped apart to being put back together all while being completely conscious .

Constant suffering and pain flowed in his mind as memories of all the wounds on his body were channeled into Shin.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shin let out a pain filled wail as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Nezu's eyes widened in shock at his wounds being completely healed, even his internal ones that the scientist couldn't even fix were as good as new but what made him speechless was the child's reaction like he was feeling his pain.

'He can't be feeling what I've felt can he? It can't be? Why? Why would he put himself through this?' Nezu deduced immediately, he was unable to comprehend why this kid would go through so much for an animal he just met.

"ARRRGH STOP PLEASE STOP!" Shin let out seeing himself be dissected while fully conscious over and over and over again.

Nezu saw this confirming that his theory was correct, his wounds kpet healing yet the childs screams kept getting louder.

Nezu for the first time in his life became extremely flustered knowing that a child shouldn't go through what he did trying to pry Shin's fingers off of him yet they wouldn't budge

He eventually pried his fingers under Shin's and finally managed to get out of his grasp yet it didn't matter as Shin had completely finished the healing as he fell backwards.


"Experiment #384, subject 13, today we will examine his vocal cords while closely monitoring his brain." A man said, hovering over Shin.

'What.....What's going on?' Shin thought to himself surveying his surroundings to see himself bound to the table.

"Okay now lets begin." The man said putting a strap over Shin's head making his movements all but null.

The scalpel slowly closed in onto his throat as it slowly pierced the skin, Shin tried to struggle but his body wouldn't move feeling the cold metal slit his throat vertically.

'stop stop STOP!' Shin screamed.

His eye's shot open looking around frantically as his whole body shivered while cold sweat covered his body.

Nezu who was right next to Shin saw this as his eye's filled with sadness looking upon this scared little kid who just wanted to help him.

"Hello young child, people call me subject 13. Nice to meet you." Nezu said standing on his hind legs extending his hand outwards towards Shin.

Shin, still shivering from all those wretched memories, forcefully calmed himself down enough to take Nezu's hand.

"My name is...…..*gulp* My name is Shin."