Chapter 13: Ambush

Overhaul cladded in black was seen with eight figures following him, his sight however didn't move from Yu Hojo.

"You're sure that they're here Hojo." Overhaul quietly said and Yu Hojo nodded his head.


Two people immediately started to hold Yu Hojo down forcefully pushing him to the ground, Yu Hojo immediately started to struggle but it was useless since Rikiya Katsukame and Kendo Rappa are among strongest members in terms of physical fitness in the eight bullets.

"Boss wha-"

"You're hiding something from me, you think I wouldn't notice your actions have slightly changed ever since you got out of the police's grasp." Overhaul bent down slowly putting his hand on his face.

Overhaul was extremely obsessive and along with his misophonia he also has severe OCD which makes him prone to always having things a certain way.

Seeing his pawns actions his sociopathic behavior started to bubble and after arriving at a scene with no one around his psychotic suspicion became full fledged.

"You'll tell me after I tear you apart and put you back together a couple of times, I wonder who it is? The association? The Sumiyoshi? The Inagawa? One of those small fries? Well it doesn't matter, you'll tell me eventually." Overhaul took off his glove as he put his hand on his head.


Yu Hojo's head exploded as brain and blood residue painted everyone except Overhaul, immediately after this horrifying scene his head reformed with another touch.

"Now before I disassemble you a couple more times I've decided to give you a chance since you're my most loyal 'subordinate'." Overhaul eyes stared coldly at Yu Hojo who was still in a daze.

Then Yu Hojo's eyes became clear as his pupils started to shake uncontrollably, his mind was essentially reformed back to what it was previously and after realizing what he had done he was horrified.

"BOSS IT'S A TRAP!" Yu Hojo screamed knowing what was about to happen.

"Tra-" Overhaul eyes widened as a sudden light appeared above him.

Not even looking back, Overhaul tore the other glove off and slammed his hands down onto the ground as a huge earth wall surrounded them almost instantaneously.


The wall was being constantly vaporized though he made sure that the wall kept reforming since Overhaul kept using his power on the ground, his mind raced as he was sure he knew of no rival gangs with fire power like this.

The feeling of burning stopped before the wall was released, Overhaul scanned his pawns before gazing at the scene in front of him.

Once free from the wall their eyes laid upon a sea of blue engulfing the tree's all around them, on a particular tree branch above them was three people being Shin, Dabi, and Mr. Compress.

'This is why I don't want to make my direct subordinates mind controlled.' Shin had confirmed one of his fears while waiting for the exact time to surround them in flames and Overhaul's confrontation gave them the opportunity to do it.

Shin didn't know the full scope of the abilities of Overhaul since the information he could analyze on him was limited to what he saw in the anime and to his knowledge Overhaul always under utilized his own quirk so the real possibilities could be endless.

Shin had also taken Overhaul's paranoia and tendencies into account but what he left out of his calculations was in fact the change in behavior of Yu Hojo.

'Very interesting, Yu Hojo's actions should have only changed slightly, only barely noticeable. This shows that I need to be even more efficient in the future when I change people's memories to blend them in better so as to not have any discrepancies.'

"Boss, run away! He can copy quirks and can control people's minds!" Yu Hojo screamed as spit flew from his mouth onto the dirt.

"So it was undone by taking your brain apart then putting it back together, evidently that does the trick huh?" Shin raised an eyebrow releasing more fire behind him while controlling the wind to make the flames surrounding them even more ferocious, stalling for time until he could make the environment of flames as deadly as possible to make his move.

"What did you do!" Overhaul kicked Yu Hojo's head and Shin just smiled.

"Isn't it obvious? He just brought me so many useful quirks."

1 day earlier

"How was it?" Shin asked seeing Dabi walk into the house.

"I hid the money near the Sumiyoshi and Inagawa stash houses while spreading a small part towards the rising midsize gangs." Dabi collapsed onto the couch.

"We'll start spreading rumors about the money after the ambush." Shin took a sip of the tea in his hands and Dabi scrunched his eyebrows.

"Why him Shin? He's so weird." Dabi couldn't let go of Shin wanting to recruit Mr. Compress.

"Everyone is weird in their own ways." Shin put the tea onto the table.

"And besides he's useful, his only flaw is his excessive showmanship." Shin's words caused Dabi to rub his forehead.

"Whatever, you're the boss. I don't even know what's going on in that brain of yours and I probably wouldn't understand if I tried." Dabi was too tired to think about this anymore, slumping further onto the couch.

"Alright, the meatloaf is ready!" The old man who was named Arata cheerfully smiled.

"Thanks gramps." Dabi greeted and Arata smiled.

"Ren, have you been rubbing that lotion I've been telling you to apply to your tattoos, right?" Arata squinted and Dabi nodded his head.

"Yes it's just peeling." Dabi took off his coat showing the outlines on both his arms.

"When can we start doing my neck?" Dabi started rubbing his neck and Arata frowned.

"Ren the public-"

"Gramps, I really don't care what those drones think of me." Dabi waved him off and Arata sighed.

"Well I need to finish the final coat so after a week I can start on your neck but below the eyelids is a little-"

"Gramps, I really need this." Arata saw his serious look and sighed.

"Alright, anyways I'll leave you two boys alone." Arata rubbed his forehead and walked into the kitchen.

"So, you're really going to replace all the parts of your skin that were once filled with burn scars with tattoos?" Shin raised an eyebrow and Dabi nodded.

"I-I just can't-"

"Dabi it's fine you don't have to explain yourself it's your body." Shin held out his hand motioning him to stop and Dabi nodded.

"Be ready tomorrow, meet me at the abandoned building at 5:00pm." Shin drank the rest of his tea before walking to the door.

"Alright." Dabi grabbed the remote, turning it on.

"He'll never love your scales!"

"Lies! You're lying he loves my scales he even said so!"

"That's what they all say!"

Dabi set the remote down as Love Scales started to play on the T.V, Arata walked in and laughed sitting next to Dabi joining him.

Shin turned into an alley and changed his appearance back into his child-like self until he arrived in front of the orphanage.

Walking in he was immediately hit by someone and turning his gaze downward he saw Toga hugging him.

"Shin I ran away so we don't have to be apart anymore!" Toga said happily.

"Shin tell her to leave!" Inasa ran down the stairs with urgency written on his face.

"No I'm not leaving~" Toga giggled and Inasa face palmed.

"Shin, she literally tore up your closet and sniffed all your clothes! She even rolled around on your bed! She's a weirdo!" Inasa was in dismay at Toga's sudden arrival and actions.

Every time some of the orphans or he tried to stop her she would pull out a knife and point it at them and since she was always around people Inasa couldn't use his quirk as his control was still lacking.

"Do your parents know you ran away?" Hearing this, Toga looked up in a smile while nodding her head.

"Yeah!" Shin started to pat her head making Toga lean into it.

"What was their reaction?" Hearing this Toga stopped while grabbing his shirt.

"They don't care about me anyways, I want to be with someone who cares about me. I want to be with Shin!" Toga jumped up and down as Inasa grabbed his hair.

"Alright." Shin shrugged, he wanted Toga to cut ties with all her roots and she basically did, so living here wouldn't be so bad.


"No way!"

Both Toga and Inasa had opposite reactions, Toga was ecstatic while reaching for Shin's forearm and knowing she wanted some blood he cut his forearm letting her have a taste, Inasa face palmed multiple times until a face print became painted on his face.

"Shin! She-she's a vampire and uh a uh, she's just weird!" Inasa couldn't come up with a coherent explanation so he just started to ramble.

"Inasa would you rather her be next to her abusive parents?" Shin tilted his head to the side, making Inasa flinch.

"No i-its just-"

"Then where else would she go, the streets?" Shin tilted his head again and Inasa started to look greatly confused.

"Well no it's just she's *sigh* nevermind." Inasa decided it was useless arguing with Shin because even if it was wrong Shin would convince him it was right so why bother arguing with the inevitable.

Mrs. Whiworth accepted Toga very quickly seeing Shin's approval, Toga fit in along with the other misfits since they also had 'villain' quirks so they didn't immediately hate her which made her very happy finding people who didn't automatically shun her.

"Toga no!" Inasa shoved Toga out of the boy's room as this crossed the line.


"We change here, don't be weird!" Inasa yelled while blushing furiously slamming the door in her face leaving a sad Toga at the door.

Later that night Shin's eyes shot open immediately cocking his head while reaching out behind him, under his grip lay Toga's throat who was starting to squirm at his sudden hold on her neck.

"S-shin?" Toga whispered out in a stutter and Shin released her.

"Toga don't sneak up on me." Shin sighed and Toga nodded meekly.

"What are you doing here?" Shin rubbed his eyes not being that tired as he had been practicing not fully sleeping so it wasn't that hard to recover from his groggy state.

"I-I couldn't sle-"

"Just get in." Shin didn't want to hear the excuse and opened his covers while scooting over on his bed.

"Eep!" Toga happily squeaked and jumped into Shin's bed.

"I'm trying to sleep~" Inasa whined, dragging his hands across his face as he was located above Shin's bed as the orphanage had recently gotten a donation of bunk beds to which they graciously accepted throwing away the cheap hammocks.

Shin saw the donation and looked into it unconsciously but surprisingly he reached a dead end which surprised him that someone managed to stump him since that hadn't happened since he had gotten High specs.

'It's probably him.' Shin had drawn a conclusion though couldn't understand the sudden appearance

Raising his suspicion as nothing was ever free in the world he started to be more weary when inside the orphanage while constantly observing his surroundings.

The next day they woke up and Toga was pushed out by the other boys in the room as they needed to change.

The day started like any other except Toga was next to them on the bus ride over to school, Bakugo hissed at them, the green haired kid was scared off, and the teacher taught them about subtraction.

"Why are you leaving~" Toga whined holding onto Shin's leg since he all of sudden had to go after they arrived at the orphanage.

"Toga let go and wait." Shin needed to go since he had to set up a whole bunch of things in the beast forest and he didn't have time for this.

"I-I'm sorry please come back." Toga flinched as she became teary eyed and Shin patted her head.

"Of course I'll come back." Hearing his reassurance she calmed down a little and Inasa watched silently.

Then Shin disappeared, he saw Inasa following him and easily lost him leaving Inasa confused and roaming around before huffing then heading back to the orphanage.

Meet me were we first met - Shin

Of course! - Mr. Compress

Shin changed his appearance to his normal face but with different skin and hair colors while putting on some black clothes, arriving he saw Dabi was already leaning against a broken pillar.

Twenty minutes later

"Stop doing that." Dabi hissed seeing the smoke show again and Mr. Compress appearing.

"Every entertainer needs a grand entrance, unlike your blank and dull mood/appearance I like to be spontaneous and colorful." Mr. Compress rebutted and Dabi scoffed.

"Mr. Compress, would you like to help us in an ambush?" Shin smiled, holding a hand behind his back condensing a fireball ready to attack him if he refused.

Mr. Compress raised an eyebrow under the mask though after correlating the voice to a similar one he deduced that he changed his face with some sort of quirk.

"Of course! I'm always willing to perform when called upon!" The excitement in his tone was fully shown as Shin smiled.

"Great, let's go over the plan."

Present time

"Isn't it obvious? He just brought me so many useful quirks."

"Was Yu Hojo really mind controlled?" A man wearing a plague mask and top hat stepped up as Shin recognized him from Yu Hojo's memories as he was Shin Nemoto.

"Yes." Shin smiled internally, feeling himself compelled to answer.

'Oh that's going to be useful, I wonder if it works over the phone but I'll know for sure later.'

"What are y-"

"Go." Shin didn't give him time to finish as Mr. Compress threw four marbles instantly turning them into boulders.

A man known as Hekiji Tengai stepped up and put his hands into the air. He didn't react fast enough earlier and wanted to make up for his failure.

A barrier appeared encasing everyone in a yellow field, the boulders crashed down yet Tengai's barrier did not break.

"I'll split them up, don't let them near Overhaul." Shin ordered and both of them nodded.


"Of course! I shall show them how grand my performances are!"

Shin and Dabi both condensed two suns while the dust was clearing up, Dabi floated the sun over to Shin to which he took control of both while throwing them down into a certain spot.

"EVADE!" Overhaul ordered seeing two suns thrown at them and Tengai dropped the shield as they all started to scatter.


Overhaul pushed his hands onto the ground putting up a barrier in front of his pawns, Shin immediately rushed at Overhaul while the other two squared up against the rest.

"Fool." Overhaul saw Shin try to close the distance while reaching down with his hand, Overhaul watching all of this stood confidently reaching out a single finger.


Shin's arm burst into thousands of pieces and when it did he kicked Overhaul in the stomach resulting in him being pushed back.

"What?" Overhaul's eyes widened looking down at his arm in astonishment.


The right side of Overhaul's body exploded then reformed, Shin started to quickly analyze Overhaul quirk and couldn't believe that it was in simple terms the control of matter and when Kai felt his body being corrupted at a fast rate he immediately acted resulting in him disassembling every part of him that was corrupted then reassembling it.

"So you can recover from my corruption since you can control your own matter? First my mind control now this? I apologize Kai but you cannot leave this forest alive." Shin stood up as his arm also started to reform, greatly shocking Overhaul.

"You vermin." Hives started to break out on his neck as he started to scratch it relentlessly.

Overhaul didn't hesitate and slapped his hands onto the ground as the ground started to turn into waves.


The waves were destroyed by Shin who stood there smiling calmly, Overhaul froze seeing his quirk effects countered with something similar.

"Your quirk stems from your hands right? That can make things really inconvenient." Unlike Overhaul the quirk was not limited to only his hands but anywhere his body touched.


Shin didn't give him any time to finish and started rushing at him while the ground started to shoot numerous amount of pillars at him, Overhaul didn't hesitate and shot pillars of his own to block it while Shin weaved through all of them.




The pillars collided yet Shin didn't stop his movements as a crazy smile formed on his face while getting closer and closer to Overhaul.

A drop of sweat formed on his face seeing Shin's oncoming figure as his eyes filled with rage unleashing his full wraith.


[Authors Note: I read your comments and have taken them into account, one that stuck out was different ways utilizing high specs which was interesting and I've taken that into account as well.]