Chapter 37: The Calm Before The Storm

"I hope Araki likes these." Koji muttered to himself as the clerk's ears perked up.

"Are these for a special someone?" The clerk suddenly popped up next to Koji making him flinch.

"I-Is it that obvious?" Koji blushed a little while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Here let me help you." The clerk took the daisies out of Koji's hands and put them back in their original place while roaming around.

"Is your significant other perhaps into flowers?" The clerk side-eyed while Koji showed a shocked expression.

"How did you know?" Koji asked, yet the clerk only chuckled.

"Well sir, every time you went across a flower I saw you were searching them up on your phone and after a while I put two and two together." The clerk gestured as Koji sighed.

"Her dream is to be a botanist and she has a certain love for flowers but recently we have come to a sudden...…impasse." Koji hunched his back showing a troubled expression and the clerk patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry young man! I will help you with the best of my abilities!" The clerk gave him a resolute expression, making Koji show a bit of a smile.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." Koji bowed though the clerk waved him off.

"It is my job." The clerk then went back to scouting around the shop.

"How long have you and your girlfriend been together?" The clerk asked, reaching for a purple flower.

"She's actually my fiancée." Koji's smile expanded at the mention of the word 'fiancé', the clerk's hands immediately stopped inches away from the flower after his sentence finished.

"I know just the flower for this occasion." The clerk immediately ran to the other side of the store, grabbing a certain white flower.

"This is a white rose." The man introduced the flower to an interested Koji.

"It is known as the bridal rose and is the symbol of the pureness of a relationship. The trend of using this flower at weddings was brought upon by Queen Victoria who walked down the aisle with said flower." The clerk explained as a gentle smile formed on Koji's face.

"I'll take a bouquet of these." Koji nodded his head as the clerk smiled.

"Right away sir!" The clerk bowed while making his way back to the counter.

The clerk immediately went to work making a bouquet for the young man and once it was done the clerk rang him up.


"Thank you for your purchase valued customer, and I wish you success in your future relationship." The clerk wished the young man his regards.

"Thank you." Koji waved as he walked out of the small flower shop.

Once outside Koji gazed down at the flowers, he showed a warm expression as the flowers reminded him of his dear Araki.

"I hope these will help me reach you Arak-"


Suddenly a black van came to a screeching halt in front of Koji who turned his gaze upwards upon hearing the sudden ear piercing sound.

The black van immediately opened revealing three men dressed in black all wielding guns ranging from a common 5mm to a sub-machine gun.

Not even a second later did a barrage of gunfire unload towards the unarmed Koji as all he could do was watch in horror at the sudden event transpiring right before his eyes.

Time suddenly slowed down as the near death experience let him relive everything that happened in his past though all he saw was Araki.

Koji was truly in love with Araki, he wanted to make her happy, he wanted to make her smile, he wanted to see her show him the love he always held deep within himself, and all he desired was to be with her.

Everything he did was to one day make Araki the happiest woman on the earth though as the bullets started to pierce and rip apart his flesh, that future seemed bleak.

Shells hit the ground as Koji's body convulsed upon being continuously shrouded by bullets as they slowly started to drain the life out of him whenever they made contact with his flesh.

Then once the loud firing stopped Koji's body fell lifelessly to the ground but the flowers still remained in his hands.

A tear rolled down the side of his eye as he gazed at the flowers as an image of Araki appeared in his line of sight.

Though the flowers slowly started to change colors as the petals soaked up the blood laid out beneath them, and once the flowers all became drenched in the dark red fully eclipsing the once vibrant white, did Koji's eyes finally dim.

"GO GO GO!" The man roared as the door slammed shut as the van scurried off.




The civilians all around screeched and gazed in horror at what just transpired but Koji's lifeless body only slumped down onto the ground amidst the cries.

Meanwhile in the main compound

"Doctor, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Shie curiously asked since all of a sudden Shin had asked him to walk with him around the courtyard.

The passing Yakuza all bowed at their passing before scurrying off to continue doing whatever it was they were doing.

"It's about the elders, oyabun." Shin turned his gaze towards Shie who heaved a sigh.

"Doctor, our relationship right now is.....complicated." Shie was reluctant to talk about this topic though as of late Shin's approval within the Yakuza had skyrocketed and with it Shie had been feeling less uncomfortable when in Shin's presence.

"Oyabun they are Yakuza yet they dare act against their head-"

"Doctor I know." Shie held up a hand at Shin's fake chivalry.

"I know once they see my vision for the underworld they will surely come aro-"


"INTRUDERS!" A sudden shout resounded along with a booming sound making Shie flinch.

A small explosion happened at the main gate of the compound as black vans started to pour in through the sudden manmade entrance.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Shin took the lead and shouted prompting the other confused Yakuza to knock out of their daze.

"ESCORT THE OYABUN AWAY!" Shin commanded the nearby grunts who immediately ran to Shie's side knowing how grave it would be for their head to be caught in a sudden crossfire.

The black vans suddenly opened as Yakuza members from the origin faction came rushing out all holding weapons varying from swords to guns.







Bullets unloaded upon all the nearby Yakuza members who fell down hurling blood curdling screams at the force and power from the barrage of bullets.

"INFORM YAMADA THEY ARE AT THE FRONT GATE WHILE YOU GET THE OYABUN OUT OF HERE! GO!" Shin commanded the members guarding Shie who quickly followed his orders while Shie gazed in horror, recognizing some of the assailants.

Shin pulled out a spike from his palms as a bullet shot directly at his forehead though a green glaze suddenly covered his eyes.

He found that if he altered his spikes to somewhat form a sword while still making them resemble spikes that he could still be able to wield Yamada's quirk.

Everything suddenly slowed down in front of Shin's gaze, even the bullet became clear.

Focusing on it he saw it rotate at a clockwise rotation, wind slightly swirled at the tip while tearing through the air as it broke through all bindings, rocketing closer and closer to its destinations.

Then almost in an instant did Shin bring down his spike in a flash, cutting the bullet into two while simultaneously forcing the two newly formed halves into different trajectories.

Then without even blinking did Shin see the halves fly across his face as his hair ruffled under the sudden passing force.

Shin pushed off his feet while cutting any bullets that crossed his path as he made his way to the first van.

Arriving in front of the closest van in what seemed like a second, he didn't waste anymore time and swung his spike diagonally as a large gust suddenly shocked everything in his surroundings under his slash.

All five people still residing in the van were all instantly cut in half without even the chance to react along with the vehicle itself.

The slash formed a slope as the newly cut piece of the van slowly slid down until it crashed down onto the ground, then only upon the sound of metal hitting the ground did the assailants' upper halves finally slide off their bodies as well, following by example.

"PUSH FORWARD!" Shin yelled after he cleanly sliced the van into two, prompting a swift boost in morale while simultaneously crushing his opponents spirits.

The Yakuza's sudden battle cries resounded all across the surroundings as they started charging into the frey.

Shin didn't waste any more time showing off after he deemed that he had made a decent impact into these random grunts' minds.

Shin's movements then became swift as he propelled himself all around the surroundings while massacring anyone that dared step into his path.

Blood stained the ground with each and every swing Shin unleashed upon these grunts that he in fact sent his own way.

All members on the side watched in awe at his seemingly overwhelming strength, this action alone let them throw away their fear of perishing at the thought of following someone who seemed somewhat invincible on the battlefield.

Minutes passed yet no sounds of fighting rang out as an image of a complete slaughter appeared in the eyes of all who saw it.

Then once finished with his work Shin turned his back to the scene he himself had painted as he now started operating as his name proceeded.

One by one the members who had once fallen into what seemed like lady death's clutches were now being forcefully pulled away by Shin.

"Gather all the severely wounded before me!" Shin shouted out as a man ran up to him clutching a clearly dead man.

"Please doctor, please save my brother!" The man teared holding the lifeless man in his embrace.

Shin ran up to the clearly dead man but put his fingers on his neck while faking a look of surprise.

"Give him to me!" Shin yelled as the man immediately released his brother into Shin's hold.

Then a miracle graced the man's vision as he saw his brother's skin slowly start showing signs of life again instead of the previously sullen pale color.

"You're lucky, he was only holding on by a slither." Shin explained while slowly healing the man, wanting to make it as dramatic as possible while everyone watched in battered breaths seeing him heal this guy who was on the 'edge' of death.

Why was Shin doing this? Because the members within the compound didn't or couldn't believe that Shin could heal people on the brink of death.

In fact some people had even started questioning his ability lately so Shin was using this man as proof in his abilities.

Originally he was dead and Shin didn't even have to look twice to see that, however the surrounding members didn't know that, and the brother who was holding him was too far in denial to accept that he was dead so he made the perfect dummy.

"Brother?" The man whispered out as the man who had originally brought him to Shin grabbed his hand tightly.

"You're alright *Hic* thank you Doctor." The older brother thanked from the bottom of his heart not wanting to think of the possibility of losing his little brother.

"Bring me the others." Shin ordered as he gazed at a clearly dead man lying to the side.

"I cannot bring back the dead." He showed a sad gaze as some other members bit their lips in distress.

The reason for not telling people about his true ability was mostly because it was a hassle, if it got out he could bring the dead back to life, then all members would beg profusely for him to revive their brother/mother/father/sister/wife/husband etc.

It was a hassle and Shin wouldn't revive anyone if it didn't benefit him and especially not for the kindness of his heart since he had none.

"What is the status on the oyabun's safety?" Shin inquired while healing the last of the injured members who were in desperate need of aid.

"The oyabun has been escorted back into the main hall but the-"


Another explosion rang out but this time in the northern area of the compound prompting everyone to be on alert.

"Alert the oyabun, they have reinforcements! The others will stay here and guard the main gate in case of more adversaries while I go towards the explosion!" Shin ordered as the yakuza all bowed.


Shin pulled out his phone and dialed Dabi's number since Atsuhiro was busy preparing for the broadcast.

"Kinda busy right now." Dabi voiced from the otherside of the phone.

"What's the situation?" Shin asked, rushing closer to the northern part of the compound.

"It's nothing serious but we're being attacked at the western section of the compound." Dabi boredly spoke as desperate cries resounded from the background.

"After you finish, go to the eastern section since there will most likely be an attack on that side." Shin ordered and Dabi sighed.


Shin hung up as he increased his output before hovering over the garden seeing Araki shivering under the vicious gazes of the oncoming assailants.

Shin smiled helplessly at this cliché plot of a damsel in distress though wasn't complaining since he would surely score an immense amount of brownie points with her if suddenly swooped in and saved her.

Right now Araki was shivering intensely in a flower bush trying to cover her exaggerated breath with her hands.

Then slowly before her eyes a random assailant pulled some of the flowers to the side as a look of horror appeared on Araki's face.

"If it isn't the daughter of the head herself-" His words were cut short by Shin's spike.



Both ends of his body fell to the ground as blood spewed out countlessly painting the walkway in a scarlet color instead of its original gray.

"It's okay, I got you." Shin appeared as the shivering Araki started letting out tears of joy upon seeing him.

"Shin~" Araki jumped into his arms while immediately wailing in his embrace.

"SHOOT HIM HE-" The words were again interrupted as four spikes suddenly impaled the random grunts body causing massive holes to form in his flesh.

Shin suddenly became like a turret as he held Araki safely in his embrace while tearing any grunt who came into his view apart from the barrage of his spikes.

Realistically Shin could have done this at the main gate though he wanted to be a little flashy since slashing enemies down appeared and sounded better than him just standing still and shooting people with spikes.


Once the last assailant fell lifelessly to the ground he gazed down at the sacred and frightened Araki who was clinging onto him with all her might.

"Araki, they're gone now." Shin caressed her head while showing an evil smile after confirming he would be getting so many brownie points from this.

Araki gazed up and when she did, a gentle smile replaced the evil one that once illuminated Shin's face as she ducked her head into his chest once more.



"Thank you *Sniff* for saving me." Araki gripped the front of his shirt harder as the thought of what would have happened if Shin wasn't there started to swirl around her mind.

"I'll always save you, Araki." Shin cringed a little after saying that line while picking Araki into a princess carry.

"Let's get you back to your father." Shin announced though Araki only gripped him tighter, not responding as her body only seemed to calm down under his warmth.

Meanwhile at the main hall

"WHERE IS ARAKI!" Shie shouted after realizing that Araki wasn't in her room nor was she in the bunker.

"Oyabun, I have sent almost the whole first division towards the garden." Yamada showed a pained look knowing it might be too late since they only just found out a minute ago of her absence.

"FIND MY DAUGHTER!" Shie didn't appear as the head of the yakuza at this moment but as a father concerned for his daughters safety.

"Oyabun!" Hari ran into the main hall with an anxious look but only after seeing his oyabun unharmed did he heave a sigh of relief.

"What is the situation!" Yamada turned to Hari who saw Shie rubbing his forehead in an anxious manner.

"The Doctor quelled the force at the main gate and went to see the sudden disturbance at the north side of the compound, Dabi and Joi are currently fighting the the forces at the western section and I sent the fourth div-"

"Where is the Doctor!" Shie suddenly stood up interrupting Hari's report.

"He is currently headed towards the northern section from the reports he himself ordered to be sent to us." Hari instructed, showing a confused look until he had a look of realization.

"I already dealt with them." A voice rang out from the side as Shin opened the sliding door with Araki in his hands.

"ARAKI!" Shie scrambled forward at the sight of his precious daughter.

"Dad?" Araki released her head from his embrace with a questioning look but upon seeing her father she teared up again.

Shin, understanding the social cues, released Araki and upon doing so Shie immediately hugged her in relief.

"What were you doing without any guards!" Shie clutched Araki like his most prized possession while Araki broke down in arms.

"I'm sorry father." Araki knew she had been in the wrong since she snuck out to check on her garden only to suddenly be ambushed.

Then upon seeing the situation she immediately ducked into a nearby flower bed, she tried to hold her breath under the voices of the assailants but once she had been found a fearful expression eclipsed her face though in the end Shin had saved her which made her eternally grateful for him coming to her rescue.

"What's the situation?" Shin asked the two and Hari nodded his head while side-eyeing his oyabun.

"Everywhere seems to be under control except the eastern section." Hari responded prompting Shin to nod his head.

"Then I'll make my way to the eastern section, I won't need backup so you two can stay here and guard the oyabun and the young miss." Shin instructed, they both nodded as Yamada unsheathed his sword.

"You're going back?" Araki suddenly spoke out after hearing Shin's words, showing a worried expression.

"I'll be back, don't worry young miss." Shin gently smiled as Araki bit her lip.

"Be safe, okay?" Araki couldn't stop the anxiousness seeping out of her words.

Hari, who stood by the side, raised an eyebrow at this conversation as Yamada and the head were too busy talking so they didn't notice.

'Are they a thing?' Hari wasn't an idiot and after seeing how affectionate Araki was acting towards Shin he deduced there might be a connection between them.

"I'll be back." Shin swiftly waved to the three while taking off into the sky.

Araki clutched her hands together seeing him depart and once she saw him go out of her sight she turned around only to see Hari giving her a look.

"Yamada send the first division reinforce to the northern and southern side of the compound and inform me of the current situation." Shie, who had calmed down after the appearance of his daughter, started acting like the leader he should be in this situation.

"I understand oyabun." Yamada bowed before he started to explain all he knew so far.

"Araki." Hari came next to Araki's side causing her to flinch.

"I won't inquire since it's not my place to get into someone else's personal life but be careful." Hair spoke his peace before walking over to Shie while Araki showed a guilty expression though it washed away at the thought of Shin.

'Thank you Hari, but I don't think I can be careful anymore.'

At the Eastern compound

"ACK!" A fourth division member let out a bone chilling cry after getting pierced with several bullets.

Their leader had sent them here while personally going to check on the status of their oyabun however the situation was turning dire.

Only some members had pistols while the assailants all had submachine guns along with some quirk users.

One particular assailant had broken through their line of defense with his quirk which made him an armadillo hybrid and allowed him to be able to curl up into a ball which essentially made him bullet proof since they would only bounce off once they fired at him.


Suddenly a man hit the ground at fast speeds causing a sudden dust cloud to form all around him shrouding him completely.

"So noisy." Dabi picked his ear while boredly sighing.

"Retreat while I deal with them." Dabi instructed the helpless fourth division members while pointing to the assailants with his thumb.

"Do you have a death wish!" The armadillo man crazily roared holding two knives in his hands while slashing them down onto Dabi.


Dabi immediately turned around and gripped his face with one hand before smashing him into the ground.

The man became stunned for a moment though his shell blocked most of the impact, but before he could even think another thought Dabi's bloodlust suddenly hit him making him freeze.

"Just die." Dabi coldly spoke as his hands suddenly ignited in a burst of blue flames.

"AHHHH-" The screams only lasted for a second until the man's head became ash.

The surrounding people watching this all became stunned while the assailant all became horrified.

Dabi calmly stood up while tracing his other hand through his hair, still showing a bored expression to the people in front of him.

"Just surrender or wind up like your friend here." Dabi pointed, knocking the assailants from their shock.






Bullets rocketed towards Dabi who just stood silently but before the fourth division could give him any warnings they suddenly saw all the bullets bounce off of him while impaling themselves into the ground.

"I guess you guys really want to see your friend again!" Dabi smiled maniacally as both of his hands ignited in light blue flames.

"WHY AREN'T OUR BULLET WOR-AHHHH!" Before one of the assailants could finish Dabi swung both his arms horizontally, unleashing a tidal wave of light blue flames.

The assailants could only watch in disbelief before they all became caught in the tidal wave of light blue flames as a symphony of screams of agony resounded in the surroundings at the burning of their flesh.

Five seconds later, those screams that seemed to monopolize the surroundings members' hearing were all replaced with the sizzling sound of flesh.

"It seems you already took care of it." Shin words were the first to break the silence as his feet touched the ground.

"Yeah, they were only small fries." Dabi turned around while stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"And this?" Shin pointed at the man beneath Dabi's feet.

"His quirk lets him have like an armadillo shell and evidently its bullet proof at least from what I saw." Dabi shrugged as Shin touched the man.

Armadillo Shell: Allows the user to protect its back with the hard shell of an armadillo.

'This might be useful in the future.' Shin thought before turning around towards the fourth division members.

"Where is the injured?" Shin suddenly asked, prompting the fourth division members to come out of their shock.

"We'll get them right away Doctor!" The member rallied his comrades to gather all the injured for Shin to heal.

"What's the situation on the western front?" Shin calmly asked as Dabi scratched his chin.

"They're dead." Dabi responded while Shin nodded his head.

"After I'm done healing these members we're going to head to the main hall so wait by the side until I'm done." Shin instructed seeing the first injured person brought to him.

Dabi nodded while yawning and pulled out some manga to make the time pass faster as he waited for Shin to finish increasing his reputation.

The fourth division watched in admiration seeing Shin turn their injured comrades who were holding onto life with battered breaths into men full of vitality.

Shin finally finished healing these men while internally expressing boredom at how long it took to heal them.

'This will greatly benefit me.' These were the thoughts flowing through his mind every time he wanted to just leave them to die.

"Stay here and guard this opening, don't let anyone pass without approval of the higher ups." Shin instructed as the fourth division all bowed.


"Dabi let's go." Shin made a gesture with his head while propelling himself into the air.

"Alright." Dabi closed his manga showing a distressed expression as he had just gotten to the climax.

Shin and Dabi made their way to the main hall where a commotion was taking place, and upon entering he saw Arashi also present.

"Doctor, what is the situation?" Shie suddenly asked, putting every conversation he was currently having on pause.

"The eastern section is secured with only a couple casualties." Shin reported and upon hearing casualties Shie's face became gloomy.

"Thank you Doctor for your support." Shie nodded though Shin put up his hand.

"It is only right that as a Yakuza do this." Shin decided to take the chivalry approach once more, getting a couple nods of appreciation at this attitude.

"I have also contacted Mr. Compress who is currently residing in his house so he should be here in about half an hour." Shin suddenly spoke of Mr. Compress whereabouts while shedding light on the topic of missing individuals.

"Any news on Koji's side?" Shie suddenly asked after being subtly reminded by Shin.

The people surrounding Shie all shook their heads as a worried look appeared on Shie's face before he forcefully calmed himself down.

"We should go ahead with the emergency meeting and fill all those who are currently occupied in later." Arashi suddenly spoke out with Yamada, Joi, and Hari nodding their heads in agreement.

"Y-Yes *Cough* Let us begin the emergency meeting." Shie coughed while calming himself down by telling himself Koji was perfectly fine and probably had his hands tied up right now.

"Hari, please start the meeting." Shie gestured to Hari who nodded and took center stage.

"It's as we feared, after receiving some reports from the members of the fourth division. I have come to a concrete conclusion that the elders from the origin faction have caused this attack." Everyone except Shin and Dabi showed a look of shock and horror at this 'sudden' betrayal.

"T-They wouldn't." Shie spoke out a little helplessly, not wanting to believe that his own Yakuza would turn against him like this.

"I'm afraid so oyabun." Hari showed a solemn look knowing how closely Shie held the elders in his heart.


"OYABUN IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" A Yakuza member rushed into the main hall garnering everyone's attention.

Shin smiled internally at this disheveled messenger already putting the dots together since Koji should have been ripe for the pickings after he sent him to go get some flowers.

"What is it?" Shie raised an eyebrow as an awry feeling formed internally just by only looking at this Yakuza member before him.

"IT'S KOJI HE'S.....He's dead." The Yakuza member shouted though he remained quiet, having to regain himself to utter the latter half of the sentence.

Silence ensued as the words didn't fully register in the ears of everyone present in the main hall.

"W-What?" Shie voice became weak, thinking he must have heard those words wrong.

"Koji was shot outside a flower shop and the sightings confirm that it might have been members of the Yakuza." The member bowed showing a pained expression at being the one to utter these words.

Araki gasped as she fell to her knees while she covered her mouth in horror, tears raged out of her eyes while her pupils trembled vigorously under the proclamation.

Hari showed a surprised expression as he let down his cold facade, he didn't really think much of Koji however in the end he was still a member of the Yakuza.

Joi showed an enraged expression while tightly gripping his fist as a stream of blood suddenly formed from his fist as droplets of blood hit the tatami mat below him.

Yamada had a solemn expression upon registering the declaration as his face began to twitch in grief, unable to comprehend the words.

Arashi closed his eyes in sadness as even if Koji and him had their disagreements in the end he still respected him.

Then there was Shie who helplessly stood still after processing the words, he couldn't move his body before realization hit him like a train.




"N-No." Shie's voice shook as his tears hit the ground softly underneath him showing his grief.

His knees became wobbly until they could no longer support his body causing him to drop helplessly to the floor.

"Oyabun!" Araki, Hari, Arashi, Joi, and Yamada all rushed to his side after seeing him drop to the ground.

Sadness, grief, anger, rage, helplessness, emptiness, frustration, guilt, all these emotions filled Shie but most of all a feeling of powerlessness became the most prominent.

Shin on the side showed a solemn expression blending into the corresponding atmosphere however internally he couldn't be more delighted.

Side-eyeing Dabi, he gave him a nod to which he responded by taking out his phone while pressing a button signaling it was time.

"Who dares do this." Shie spewed words of rage as the member before him shivered under the sudden pressure.

"We think it was one of the someone from the 2nd division-"

"So the adapting faction has betrayed me as well!" Shie already deduced the meaning as he gripped his fist tightly.

"HOW DARE THEY!" Shie roared in anger, surprising the people around him at his sudden action which was unlike him.

"Oyabun." Shin suddenly spoke out causing everyone in the room to turn their eyes towards him.

"I think these elders have stepped out of line." Shin spoke out knowing this timing couldn't get any better.

"They have abused your sincerity and kindness for too long and have forgotten who the true leader is." Shin's voice hit Shie right in the heart as he showed a troubled expression.

"We must retaliate and finally quell this nonsensical internal struggle and finally unite the Yakuza once more. For too long have we allowed them to run amok under the guise of letting them calm down and eventually see your way, these attacks have shown us that they will no longer take your orders and with this, they should no longer be classified as Yakuza but as traitors." Shin's words made everyone in the room solemn, they all have very close relations to these members including the elders however since they never made any moves they still thought of them as family but after today that could no longer be the case.

They decided to bite the hand that once fed them and made their stance clear, one by one a look of acceptance passed through everyone's face until only one contemplating expression remained.

Shie gritted his teeth, the elders were all his sworn brothers and even part of his direct family.

It is the reason he never made a move since he knew that with time they would surely see it his way however after they attacked him and Koji who he thought of as a son, he knew that they had gone too far.

"I Shei Hassaski, Oyabun of the Yakuza declare the elders all traitors." Shie firmly announced as everyone nodded their heads.

"I can no longer overlook their blatant acts of undermining me and have decided that the Yakuza shall retaliate and finally reunite what we have lost under these traitors." Shie proclaimed, the people all in the main hall all bowed at this.

"Yes oyabun!" They agreed and Shin also joined in as a look of ecstasy formed on his face though it returned to normal once he stood up.

"Oyabun if I may, I think I should lead this charge to unite the Yakuza and punish these traitors." Shin voiced out his thoughts as Shie nodded.

"Thank you Doctor, please unite my Yakuza." Shie acknowledged Shin's words as the other members all side eyed each other.

"The thirteenth division will follow the Doctor." Arashi immediately voiced his thoughts prompting a domino effect to happen.

"The fourth division will follow Oyabun's orders." Hari unmasked himself as the leader of the fourth division while he proclaimed.

"The first division will send some members to aid the Doctor." Yamada nodded his head though he couldn't hand over his whole division since they still needed to guard the compound and the oyabun.

"Doctor, I will leave this to you." Shie stood up, he walked over to Shin and held out his hand to which he grabbed it.

"I will an-"

"Greetings citizens of Musutafu." A sudden voice sounded out from the T.V located to the side.

The gazes of everyone in the main hall suddenly turned to the T.V only to see a man dressed in robes holding a familiar book in his hands.

"I am Fusao Shima, a loyal servant of my goddess, and today I will release you from your binding shackles that you have been tricked into thinking is life!"

Author Note: Spent like 14 hours staring at my computer not knowing how I was going to Segway into the bombings so sorry if it took too long but writers block is real and its a bitch.

P.S: For those asking about the symbol I choose, to be honest it was a picture I got from google that means death in Tarot and in other board games, I thought it looked decent so I picked it, nothing more nothing less.