Chapter 43: A Stone Giant

"Your arrogance will be the death of you-"

"Pffft." Dabi couldn't help but chuckle at Pica's high-pitched voice, unable to maintain his composure.


But he quickly suppressed his laughter, coughing to cover up his amusement since it felt out of character for even him to react in such a way, however the high pitch of Pica's voice was a grimming challenge even for the cold Dabi.

Silence fell between them as they stood motionless, the passing seconds shrouded in uncertainty before a flicker of red light illuminated Pica's eyes.


The ground around the stronghold shook violently as Pica's rage intensified, his eyes burning in a fiery red as stone began to materialize all across his skin.

Gradually, Pica's shadow started to eclipse Dabi's being until everything, even his nearby surroundings, became entrenched in a forced darkness.

The sheer magnitude of his growth seemed so unprecedented, so immense, that even the sun itself seemed ill-prepared for such a transformation.

Yet, even with these drastic changes, Pica's piercing gaze remained fixed on Dabi who returned it as his head slowly moved upwards until Pica's growth halted at a staggering twenty feet.

"Puahahahahaha!" Jinsei's boisterous laughter echoed through the once-silent bunker as he couldn't contain his amusement any longer after witnessing this terrifying yet wondrous spectacle.

"It looks like he's still in fear-"

"Is that it?" Dabi's voice interrupted through the monitor, causing Jinsei's former expression of sheer ecstaticism to suddenly pause in disbelief.

The elders, on the other hand, paled, their eyes shifting involuntarily towards Pica, waiting for his response as Pica squinted, but remained silent, as if already knowing the futility of any action he might take.

"I heard you can control stone, which means you should be able to manipulate it. But it seems to me that I was wrong, since along with the stone, you can't even control the tone of your voice." Dabi rubbed his ear, attempting to provoke the towering figure.


The rumbling of the area around them intensified as Pica's anger seeped into the very ground beneath him.

"DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?" Pica's high-pitched scream shattered nearby glass, its reverberations echoing throughout each and every room in the vicinity as the nearby men desperately covered their ears.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW, PEEWEE?" Dabi roared with excitement finally seeing that familiar bloodlust which always lead to a good fight, his nickname for Pica pushing him over the edge.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Pica slammed his hand into the ground, causing the entire area they stood on to rocket into the air.

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" Dabi laughed maniacally, his body suddenly engulfed in a raging blue flame.

Cracks appeared beneath Dabi as the ground receded before he lunged into the air toward the towering Pica.

As he propelled himself into the air, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded before Dabi's eyes.

The ground responded to his leap with a symphony of towering pillars, mimicking his movements.

It was not merely their presence that astounded him, but the extraordinary flexibility they displayed.

Mid-flight, Dabi skillfully evaded one pillar, witnessing the astonishing sight of the stone structure bending and contorting in response to his evasion.

His respite was fleeting as the pillars relentlessly pursued him, launching themselves at him with relentless force.

Reacting swiftly, Dabi channeled his fiery Quirk, igniting his feet with the intensity of jet engines as the scorching flames propelled him with newfound speed, as he desperately sought to elude the onslaught of pillars.

However, his efforts proved futile as an additional wave of thirty pillars closed in on him, converging from every direction.


Pica's eyes blazed with both fury and satisfaction as his pillars found their mark, successfully colliding with Dabi.

With meticulous precision, he manipulated the pillars, compelling them to yield to the force of gravity.

What transpired next was a mesmerizing display of power and control as the pillar crashed into Dabi, it appeared to liquefy, enveloping him in a seamless embrace.

The individual pillars left out of the binding force that wove Dabi in place seemingly melded together, seamlessly fusing into a colossal stone hammer appearing right above him.

Pica's eyes scanned the surroundings, a glint of satisfaction appearing in the corner of his gaze as he had successfully distanced themselves from the central stronghold of the adapting faction.

Pica had precisely manipulated the terrain beneath them, guiding it to a more inconspicuous location.

However, his efforts seemed somewhat excessive, for in Pica's unwavering conviction, he believed that Dabi's destiny was already sealed within the unyielding embrace of his stony creation.

"I'LL CRUSH YOU LIKE THE BUG YOU ARE!" Pica's voice seethed with the desire to annihilate this insolent and disrespectful individual.

"GOOD, DO YOUR WORST!" Dabi seemed unfazed by the deathly blow about to strike his encased being as a joyful smile eclipsed his face as if wanting to take the full brunt of this attack.



The stone hammer wasted no time, descending upon its target with unwavering determination as in a split second.

The hammer crashed down upon the ground with an explosive impact, leaving only a fleeting blur in its wake.



The colossal monolith of stone, initially intended to elevate both Pica and Dabi into the air, now found itself under assault.

With immense force, Dabi's encasement tore through the solid structure, forcefully wedging itself into the towering propulsion pillar.

The very foundation upon which Pica stood began to tremble and crumble, as the destructive power unleashed threatened to undermine his position.

In stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around him, Pica remained remarkably composed.

Without a trace of concern, he gracefully leaped off the towering tower, which was now collapsing in on itself.


Pica descended with a controlled grace, landing amidst the lush greenery of the nearby forest.

The destination he had meticulously guided them towards had revealed itself, with the dense forest providing them cover and concealment.


The stone column had finally crumbled in on itself, creating a massive cloud of dust that billowed outwards, engulfing the surrounding forest.

The ear-piercing sound of stone colliding against stone echoed through the area, drowning out even the mere thoughts of those who heard this unfortunate sound.

The stone column completely crashed in on itself as its a large dust wave scattered all around the nearby forest.

The sheer force and impact of the destruction dominated the surroundings which only served to leave an eerie silence upon the crashing all but ceasing to exist as the rubble lay all across the forest.

"I might have gone too far, but that man deserved it." Pica muttered, brushing off the debris that littered his ginormous figure, seemingly regretting his excessive reaction.


Pica's keen ears detected a persistent cracking sound emanating from the aftermath of the disaster he had orchestrated nearby.

However, Pica's acute perception made him aware that it was not just the sound that captured his attention in the wake of his destructive actions.

His instincts told him that there was something more, something significant, that demanded his attention in the area where his havoc had taken its toll.

"Huh?" Pica's eyes widened in shock as he exclaimed under his breath.

"Phew~" Dabi emerged from the wreckage, his figure emerging defiantly from the ruins as he brushed off specks of dirt from his shoulder.

"How are you still alive?" Pica stood in utter disbelief, his eyes widening in astonishment as he exclaimed, unable to comprehend how this slender teenager stood tall before him.

Pica seemingly couldn't understand how Dabi had endured being crushed under countless tons of stone while plummeting from a staggering height, a fate that should have left him as nothing more than a mangled mess.


Dabi didn't answer, instead, he popped his dislocated shoulder back into place, his expression unflinching despite the pain which showed its irony since his shoulder was the smallest injury suffered from that brutal exchange.



However, gradually, his broken body started reforming, returning to its original form as Dabi rubbed his neck once his body seemingly miraculously returned to its previous state before Pica baffled eyes.

"Alright, Pica, that was your freebie for me laughing at your voice." Dabi plainly stated, rotating the shoulder he had just fixed.

Pica scoffed, arms crossed, taken aback yet again by the arrogance of this peculiar man, though this time he wasn't unable to brush it away.

"Do you not understand what just happened to you-"

Pica had begun to form the next word of his scoff, his lips parting in anticipation, when in a mere half-second, the distance between them rapidly diminished by half.

The ground behind Dabi, where he had momentarily stood, appeared to explode with tremendous force.

Launching himself forward, Dabi harnessed only a fraction of the immense kinetic energy he had amassed, propelling himself towards Pica with astounding velocity.

Unbeknownst to Pica, Dabi had intended for this outcome all along as the sheer magnitude of kinetic energy accumulated from that singular exchange surpassed any trial he had ever endured.

As a result, his body brimmed with an overwhelming surge of power, pushing him beyond his limits.

Dabi's fist clenched tightly, causing the air to tremble and vibrate with the concentrated energy swirling within.

The sheer force of kinetic power coalesced into a singular space, enveloping his fist with an electrifying distortion as he poised himself to unleash this formidable force upon Pica's towering figure.

Pica's eyes shook violently as his battle readied brain barely registered the crazed speed while quickly crossing his arms into a defensive X shape, hoping to mitigate the damage.



'Double Impact.'


'Huh?' Pica thought, bewildered at his positioning since his once stone feet, once planted firmly in the ground, were completely destroyed and his real body became airborne.

Time seemingly slowed down as the bewildered Pica realized that he wasn't gazing at Dabi through his stone eyes but his real ones.

The air filled with a shower of shattered stone, defying Pica's expectations as instead of witnessing Dabi's fist crumple upon impact.

Pica's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the mid-air lanky figure of Dabi seemingly retreating.

However, to his shock, he soon realized that it was his own figure that had crumbled beneath the assault forcing his own body to retreat.

Their eyes connected and Dabi slowly morphed his calm expression into a bloodthirsty smirk, reveling in the physical and emotional destruction he had wrought upon Pica's very foundation.

The outcome of Dabi's attack was nothing short of extraordinary as it seemed to have an amplified effect which seemingly doubled the initial display of force.

Pica's once imposing armor seemed to vanish before the naked eye, dissipating into thin air as in an instant, he stood exposed and vulnerable, stripped down to his bare essence, devoid of any protective barrier.


It was at that moment that the true impact of their clash registered in the air, resonating with powerful shockwaves that rippled through the surrounding area.

The nearby trees quivered and swayed violently, unable to withstand the tremendous force that radiated from the clash.

Like a colossal tidal wave of air, it surged forward, bending and distorting every blade of vegetation in its path, leaving no plant unaffected by its overwhelming power.




One by one, trees turned to mere bark as Pica's body was propelled through the forest at bullet-like speed, leaving only complete destruction in his wake.


Pica's momentum eventually waned before he tumbled along the ground until finally coming to a halt.

When his movements were once again under his control, he gripped the forest dirt beneath him as his disheveled head turned itself upwards to see Dabi no longer charging forward.

Instead, Dabi nestled down into gravity's embrace until his shoes touched the floor.


A massive amount of blue flames suddenly exploded from his being though Dabi didn't propel himself forward, but instead seemingly waited for something as instead the blue flames started to wreak havoc upon the surrounding trees.

Pica stood up, his former stone armor which was supposed to be almost impenetrable to the normal quirk user had been completely marred under a single punch.

The sheer audacity of it all was insulting, and it sparked a profound realization within Pica.

"It seems that I was the one who had been consumed in arrogance." Pica squinted, the stone around him launching itself and rapidly wrapping around his being.

"I didn't expect to face a muti quirk user but that ignorance lay with my poor judgment." Pica continued to talk to himself in a resolute high pitch voice which seemed to unknowingly strengthen the very stone around him.

Since having this job issued to him by his family, Pica had yet to encounter someone who could match him.

But now, he faced an opponent who wouldn't be subdued by a simple display of force causing a deadly serious aura to perumate around him.

"I cannot fail, my family is depending on me to succeed." Pica's voice resonated in the highest tone conceivably possible for a mere human yet it rang out in a deeply serious nature, enveloping the forest in an intense aura.

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT, PICA!" Dabi yelled as anticipation highlighted his voice upon feeling the sheer resolution echoing from Pica's being, knowing that he was finally beginning to take him seriously.


The ground beneath Dabi once again shook with a incredible vigor; however, this time, it wasn't with the intention to suppress his enemy, but to kill him.

However, even when the ground was visibly ruptured beneath him, Dabi's gaze remained fixed on Pica, whose form grew larger by the second, surpassing his previous height to replicate that of a towering skyscraper standing at a whopping five hundred feet.

A wide smile graced Dabi's face as he beheld the colossal existence of Pica before it suddenly froze as the ground beneath his feet erupted into a torrent of fiery flames to launch himself into the air.


As soon as Dabi's feet lifted off the ground, the earth erupted in a violent explosion of stone.

The material desperately reached out, striving to grasp his being, yet Dabi deftly slipped through the stony existence, evading its clutches with remarkable agility.

Though that attack only marked the beginning as an entourage of spikes followed, emerging from the earth like an overgrown garden, each one aiming to impale Dabi's very existence.


Dabi intensified the flames beneath his feet, igniting them to a blazing fervor.

With a surge of adrenaline, he propelled himself upwards with unparalleled speed and determination.

His senses heightened, he quickly noticed an array of menacing spikes hurtling toward him.

Reacting swiftly, Dabi's instincts kicked in as he braced himself to avoid the imminent danger as his body constantly barreled and twirled to avoid the homing pillars that continuously chased his being.

As this interaction was transpiring another towering shadow seamlessly covered Dabi once again though the difference between before was evident as it greedily consumed the light below Pica with a renewed vigor.

Dabi's eyes gleaned in excitement at this realization, his flames bursting forward as the distance between them was closing at rapid speeds.

Unfazed by Dabi shortening the gap, Pica instead allowed his body to grow denser, resembling a mountain, as his stone armor continuously fortified.

The privy of Pica's ginormous towering figure wasn't only evident to Dabi and the adapting faction but also the Yakuza as they widened their eyes.

Everyone in the Yakuza became increasingly astonished by this sudden turn of events, including Arashi, who began to panic until he caught sight of Shin gazing at the battle with slight boredom.


"D-Doctor, will Dabi be able to defeat that behemoth?" Arashi managed to clear the budding question that riddled his being as the calm Shin leaned back against a nearby tree.


"If Dabi can't kill him then I wouldn't have sent him and if by some chance he doesn't win." Shin side eyed Arashi who instinctively gulped.

"Then he's better off dead."


Dabi's maniacal laughter echoed through the air, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

With a calculated grace, he skillfully navigated the onslaught of spikes, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes as they gazed at their targeted destination.

However, through his perceptive gaze, an intricate network of strings materialized, each one revealing a pathway to exploit Pica's numerous weak spots.

While others might mistake Dabi's demeanor for pure thrill, it was actually a twisted form of amusement.

He found subtle delight in Pica's futile attempts to gain an advantage, unaware that each failed attack only exposed more vulnerabilities since with the combination of his quirks, trace and dodge, Dabi effortlessly evaded the relentless barrage, emerging unscathed from the sea of Pica's attacks.

As the laughing figure of Dabi drew nearer, Pica couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Laughter, in general, made him uneasy, and witnessing Dabi derive enjoyment from the situation only intensified his discomfort.

The flicker of anger already pulsing through his eyes began to slowly smolder within him, causing his seething resentment to rise until it had overwhelmed his entire being.

"STOP LAUGHING!" Pica's voice boomed, commanding attention to his towering being, a sight that would strike fear into any hapless hero.

However, this display of grace would go unnoticed by the hapless heroes who, if they happened to catch a glimpse of Pica through the thick veil of raging smoke engulfing the city, would mistake him for a mere mountain as they were lost in their futile attempts to pacify the destructive storm that had ravaged their once beloved home, remaining oblivious to the true force that stood in the distance.

With a clenched fist, colossal in size, Pica committed himself to crushing this maniacally laughing psycho.

However, just as he prepared to strike, Dabi abruptly propelled himself toward the ground, narrowly avoiding Pica's colossal blow.

Though as Pica observed Dabi's unexpected evasion, a glimmer of realization blossomed within his stony gaze.

Pica's stony visage revealed little of his reasoning, but it was in Dabi's keen eyes that the truth flickered to life.

A complex network of strings materialized, no longer adorning Pica's own chest but instead weaving their way towards Pica's left ankle.

This revelation illuminated Dabi's gaze a brief second before he weaved downward, hinting at a calculated plan hidden within the intricate strings as Dabi harnessed another fraction of his remaining kinetic energy, preparing to launch himself forward with alarming speed, effortlessly accumulating more power along the way.

Comprehending the puzzle of Dabi's intricate movements, Pica swiftly grasped his adversary's intended destination.

This understanding propelled him into immediate action with an intense hurriness as whenever Pica transformed into a towering stone behemoth, his body became his sole vulnerability.

Recognizing this apparent weakness, Pica devised a strategy to protect himself.

Instead of fortifying a specific part of his body, he opted for a dynamic approach, constantly maneuvering his form around the massive construct.

By continuously shifting his position, he sought to create an ever-changing barrier that would provide him with greater protection since it would be virtually impossible for his foes to pinpoint his exact location, until now.



"Found you." Dabi's mocking tone resonated in Pica's real ears as his breath became still.

Pica's heart raced as a massive chunk of his stone armor was instantly blown away, revealing half of his body to the outside world.

He never imagined Dabi would find him so quickly, catching him completely off guard.

In disbelief, Pica raised a trembling hand as he watched Dabi slowly approach, about to grasp his face with a crazed smile littering his face.


A deafening boom reverberated through the air, and to Pica's astonishment, Dabi's body seemingly vanished before his frozen gaze.

Lost in the euphoria of finding Pica, Dabi had completely disregarded the remnants of Pica's previous attack, which he had only dodged, not destroyed and had slightly maneuvered downward instead of giving up entirely.

The repercussions of suffering this blow sent Dabi's body hurtling into the trees, while Pica remained petrified, momentarily frozen in fear.


But then, a chilling breath swept through the air, a realization sending shivers down Pica's spine with his pupils trembling with an unprecedented surge of fear.

'I almost died.' Pica, for the second time in his life, felt the true essence of death.

This sensation stirred up remnants of his past, harkening back to his intense battle against All For One.

It was a moment when Pica had come face-to-face with the breath of death, and his survival had hinged entirely on his boss's intervention.

As the memory darkened his face, the stone began to quickly close around him, encapsulating his form.

Yet, as the stone consumed his figure, the resolute gaze in Pica's eyes never wavered, remaining fixed on Dabi's form until the very last traces of his being merged back into the stone.


A tremendous burst of blue flames exploded in the vast area of trees as Dabi's emerging figure presented himself to Pica once more.

His clothes were tattered, covered in dust and dirt, but he once again bore no visible wounds.

"I guess I got a little too cocky?" Dabi shrugged nonchalantly, encasing himself once again in his raging blue flames.

Though when Dabi uttered these words, he didn't stare at Pica's stone face but rather at Pica's real body, making Pica realize something crucial.

'It wasn't mere luck; he can genuinely see my body in this state.' Pica finally understood this truth as he concluded that Dabi also possessed the ability to discern his location somehow.

'Then this oversized form is useless.' Pica once again concluded, as his stature slowly began to shrink.

But instead of discarding his mass entirely, he redistributed it, forming a new appendage on the back of his stone body.

At twenty feet tall, Pica's figure regained its original imposing stature, however, what set this incarnation apart was the profusion of large stone tentacles that adorned his back.

Hundreds of them sprouted from his form, their length and girth capable of expanding whenever Pica commanded them to do so.

Rather than launching an immediate attack, Dabi chose to bide his time, patiently awaiting Pica's actions.

His amusement had been present from the start, but deep down, Dabi had desired to be pushed to the very brink of death.

It was this tantalizing prospect that compelled him to wait, savoring the imminent confrontation that would test his limits.

Dabi's desire to be pushed to the brink of death wasn't fueled by arrogance, but rather an insatiable thirst to test and surpass his own limits.

It was a deep-rooted hunger within him, a relentless drive to explore the boundaries of his own abilities and discover the extent of his power.

Dabi yearned to grow with each fight he engaged in, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for personal development which lead him to form the habit of letting his opponent reach their peak state before finally crushing them which is why he purposely lengthened most of his fights.

"COME ON, PICA! LET'S FIGHT TO THE DEATH!" Dabi bellowed, no longer staying still as a colossal burst of flames erupted behind him, rocketing himself forward at unfathomable speeds.

"Very well, but I have no intention of meeting my end here." Pica declared resolutely while squinting his eyes.

The previously swaying tentacles on Pica's back surging into action, launching themselves at Dabi with unrestrained fury.

Though some tentacles hung back seemingly weaving themselves all around Pica and the area around him though each still had an unmistakable intent to end Dabi's life.

Dabi's vision was consumed with a relentless onslaught of tentacles hurtling towards him at a breakneck speed.

To the average observer, it would appear as a futile endeavor, an imminent defeat.

However, amidst the chaos, all Dabi could perceive was a singular solitary red thread.

Extending his fingers, he began to trace a path along the thread, even as the tentacles descended upon him for their final strike.

Contrary to a perceived shocked reaction from Pica, a slight smile emerged on his face, as if he had anticipated this remarkable sight as a slight crack could be seen in his left arm.

Dabi gracefully swayed and weaved through the constant barrage, constantly altering directions and contorting his body to align with the elusive thread.

To an outsider, his jerking motions might have seemed arbitrary, but to those observing, it resembled an intricate dance, executed with precision.

This dance had its repercussions as Dabi's skin slowly bore the mark of blood, the sole evidence of the wounds inflicted upon him.

Despite narrowly evading the onslaught, the superficial cuts he had sustained during his agile maneuvers swiftly healed, leaving behind only the illusion of bloodstains.

An alarm blared in Dabi's mind as his body swung to the side, narrowly avoiding a spike that could have decimated his head.

The cost of evading the attack was steep as his skin scraped agonizingly against the unforgiving stone, leaving his left arm stripped of its outer layer.

Despite the excruciating pain that gnashed at his senses, Dabi gritted his teeth and pressed on.

Undeterred by the consequences of his reckless action, Dabi's pace only intensified, pushing himself even faster.

The flames under his feet exploded furiously as the swirling of spikes surrounding him showed an exit as he launched himself forward.

The light of freedom shone on Dabi's smiling face as the thread highlighting his vision fully encompassed Pica's apparent weak spot, his left arm.

"So you can see my weak spots as well." Pica's high voice resonated as Dabi, about to deliver a crushing blow onto his left arm, suddenly cocked his head to the right.

A spiked fist rocked Dabi's head to the right as the tentacles that hung back from that start, anxiously lying in wait for a command, shot up from the ground in which Pica had nestled them in.


Blood sputtered out of Dabi's mouth as the force of the blow suffered from the punch utterly shattered his jaw along with the jagged edges of the stone fist ripping the flesh on the left side of his face.

Pica's eyes gleamed with the radiance of impending triumph, his remaining tentacles coiled with the intention to impale Dabi, aiming to obliterate every ounce of his flesh and render his soul incapable of enduring the torment, forcing it to pass into the realm beyond.


Even as the side of Dabi's face was being utterly torn to shreds by the stone fist, he managed to realize the gravity of this situation knowing he had to use one of his hidden cards.

Dabi rarely employed this formidable quirk, knowing that it could swiftly overpower his opponents and hinder the thrill of a true battle.

However, in this particular circumstance, using this power meant securing another precious second of life.

The single word echoing in Dabi's mind made the entirety of Pica's being along with his quirk hesitate right before he could take the wisp that was Dabi's life.



Dabi, having a second to breath, surrendered himself to the force propelling Pica's fist, but rather than succumbing to the pull of gravity, he embraced the momentum.

With a fierce swing of his leg, fueled by the immense kinetic energy he had amassed, he unleashed a devastating onslaught as the very objects that had posed a mortal threat to him were now torn apart, reduced to minuscule fragments, utterly eviscerated in the wake of his formidable strike.

"NOOOOO!" Pica roared at losing this optimal time while angrily trying to compensate for this by throwing all the nearby tentacles at Dabi.

'FUCK IT!' Dabi threw his own mortality to the wind as he threw his half destroyed head at the oncoming attacks with another large chunk of kinetic energy.


Pica's relentless barrage of attacks was swiftly neutralized once more, but the fire in his eyes blazed even brighter.

In a sudden burst of power, Dabi used this chance to reignite his feet with vibrant blue flames, hurtling himself towards Pica's body like a human projectile wanting to close this short distance between them with one short stride.

Gritting his teeth with determination, Pica clapped his stone hands, bringing them together in a desperate attempt to finally crush the resilient cockroach that was Dabi.

As they each closed in on each other, a profound stillness settled, and time appeared to slow down.

Pica and Dabi remained locked in an unblinking confrontation, seemingly at arm's length.

However, in a twist that defied all expectations, Pica's vision inexplicably turned black, shrouding his sight in darkness.

"What!" Pica's panicked shriek reverberated through the air, his high-pitched voice reaching an even higher pitch in response to this unexpected turn of event of losing his vision.

Caught off guard, his hesitation allowed Dabi to swiftly through the narrow space that was his stoney hold, finding temporary respite within the grasp of the stone hands that momentarily halted their movement.

Regaining his composure almost immediately, Pica tried to compensate for this momentary falter by pulling himself back, attributing this unknown darkness almost immediately to another one of Dabi's tricks.

Despite the obscured sight, he continued to press his hands together with unyielding determination, still intent on squashing the elusive bug that was Dabi.

The walls surrounding Dabi began to cave in, constricting the area and making it increasingly cramped.

Yet, Dabi remained fixated on the center of Pica's chest, his smile contrasting with the deadly seriousness in his eyes.

Even the slightest movement of his eyes seemed treacherous as the space between the stone hands rapidly diminished, causing the light to slowly fade as the enclosure closed in.

A thin bead of sweat trickled down Dabi's forehead though not at the exit closing off but from the immense strain currently coursing through his untrained brain.

"Dammit." Dabi muttered through gritted teeth, realizing that his control over eclipse was slipping.

Although using multiple quirks simultaneously can be incredibly useful, Dabi had initially underestimated the difficulty of managing more than two or three at a time.

Right now Dabi was cognitively using Cremate, Kinetic energy, Trace, Balance, and Eclipse while passively using Shock absorption which was undoubtedly showing itself as an incredible mental burden in this very moment.

As the fight prolonged, he hadn't thought much when using multiple quirks since he had witnessed Shin effortlessly employing multiple quirks without any strain, but unlike Dabi, Shin possessed a mind capable of seamlessly processing, handling, and executing these abilities which lead Dabi to form this false misconception of ease in his mind.

The exit closed off, leaving the only space for Dabi to reside in being the palms of the stone hands.

Undeterred, Dabi pressed forward, his determination unwavering and with swift precision, he started bringing his right hand to the forefront of his body, ready to unleash his next move.

However while pulling his right arm to the forefront of his body, his arm started to increasingly suffer under the narrow space causing his skin to scrape against the rough stone surface leaving a trail of blood and flesh along his wake yet Dabi refused to relent in his pursuit.

He pushed himself even harder as he finally managed to pull his right hand to the front of his being before convulsing almost half of his remaining kinetic energy within it.


With a resounding sound, Dabi seemingly detonated the kinetic energy around his hand like a makeshift grenade as this attack allowed for him to create enough space for him to escape the enclosure.

However, this impulsive action caused one of his quirks to slip from his control as the eclipsing darkness faded from Pica's pupils as his vision returned, revealing Dabi in a partially peeled state, ready to confront his stone body head-on.

Warning signs blared in Pica's mind, prompting him to instinctively propel himself backward, choosing to abandon the massive mountain of stone armor instead of suffering from the inevitable blow.

"IF THAT'S ALL YOU GOT THEN JUST F*CKING DIE!" A guttural scream escaped Dabi's lips as he forcefully thrust his left fist forward, unleashing the remaining reservoir of kinetic energy surging within him.

'MOVE MOVE!' Pica internally screamed, trying desperately to eject himself from his stone as quickly as possible.

In a desperate attempt to buy himself some time, Pica commanded the chest area of his stone armor to lash out with sharp spikes.

However, Dabi showed no hesitation as he swiftly thrust his fist directly into the vulnerable spot, disregarding any and all injuries.

The reasoning lay within Dabi's fist as he finally connected longingly with the single red thread and even as spikes penetrated his body, he didn't even flinch but endured.

Blood seeped from the fresh wounds, saturating Pica's stone body in a dark red hue.

However, as the blood attempted to stain his skin, it was swiftly incinerated upon contact with the scorching blue flames suddenly emanating from Dabi to give him an extra boost of speed.

A thick scent of iron filling the air, a result of this fiery interaction.

The bloodied fist of Dabi pushed relentlessly through the spike until it finally cut the red thread, morphing Dabi's maniacal smile into a psychotic one as he unleashed every bit of the kinetic energy he had left into this lone attack.




The once stone spikes that had impaled Dabi disintegrated instantly under the sheer force of Dabi's blow.

Pica managed to eject himself from his massive stone armor, only to find his eyes widening in disbelief as he witnessed the stone in front of him suddenly vanishing in the next split second, revealing Dabi once again.

The stone surrounding the chest area of the towering figure vanished completely, leaving behind only a handful of scattered pebbles suspended in mid-air.



The disappearance of the very area that connected the remaining vestiges of the once formidable stone armor as cracks spiderwebbed across every region that had been connected to the wrath of Dabi's fist, shattering the structural integrity.

Without Pica's ability to repair it, the remaining areas of the stone armor began to crumble, its fragments succumbing to the gentle embrace of gravity, descending downward.

Despite the crumbling surroundings, neither Pica nor Dabi diverted their gaze from each other even when falling down at rapid speeds towards the ground.

Their vision was solely fixated on the other's figure.

Dabi, driven by his unwavering determination, instinctively ignited his flames as with his battered hands outstretched, he unleashed an intense inferno.

Pica swiftly swiped his hand through the air, causing the remaining pebbles from the shattered chest area to converge around him and as the fierce blue inferno advanced relentlessly, Pica managed to encase himself in a protective layer of stone.

"Urgh!" Pica let out a pain riddled grunt as the flames plunged him further to the ultimate collision that was the ground below him.

Despite the protective layer of stone, the flames carried an overwhelming force that penetrated through, searing Pica's body with an intensity that made every fiber of his being vibrate at dangerous levels.

The relentless barrage of Dabi's flames began to inflict not only external damage but also internal harm, gradually cooking him alive from the outside as the force jarred him from within.

Pica gnashed his teeth, bearing the pain of the blue flames that riddled his sight before they suddenly parted revealing Dabi's figure.

Interrupting his own attack, Dabi reached out eagerly, his eyes illuminating the intent to intervene in Pica's inexorable descent towards the ground.

"GOT YOU!" Dabi's hysterical proclamation reverberated in Pica's ears, causing a surge of panic to form in Pica's heart.

Dabi tightly grasped onto Pica's neck, his other fist raised defiantly in the air.

"ARCK!" Pica coughed as the stone armor around his neck cracked under the pressure as he desperately reinforced it knowing that death would be imminent if Dabi broke through.

Pica's mind raced as he witnessed the impending doom coalesce in the rise of Dabi's left fist.

The air surrounding it rippled, indicating the devastating power that awaited him with Pica knowing that no matter the strength of his armor, he wouldn't be able to survive the impending blow.

Both figures hurtled towards the ground at a terrifying speed, but this only seemed to fuel Dabi's energy.

He brought down his fist, aiming to obliterate Pica's body into countless pieces as his intense battle spirit flowed within his attack.



Instead of bracing for the impact, Pica swiftly positioned his arm in front of Dabi's fist as in a moment of split-second brilliance, he severed his bulging forearm from his elbow, discarding the stone covering it and reinforcing the remaining vital parts of his body.

As a result, his severed arm exploded into flesh, drenching them both in blood; however the leftover force didn't explode Pica's body but instead small space between the two as the impact propelled them apart, sending Pica hurtling towards the ground with a second difference.

Undeterred by this minor setback, Dabi unleashed a tidal wave of flames, directed towards the dust cloud that formed upon Pica's impact.

However, to his surprise, a sudden dome shield materialized, deflecting the force of the flames as they dispersed mere smoke.

"Sh*t." Dabi muttered under his breath as a massive stone hand rocketed towards him, and without hesitation, he met it head-on, squeezing out the remaining remnants of kinetic energy to meet the incoming attack head-on.


The stone fist shattered into fragments upon impact, achieving its intended purpose as Dabi was pushed back slightly, but his balance remained unwavering.

Meanwhile, the protective dome crumbled, revealing Pica standing beneath it.

He held his severed arm against his side, grimacing from the additional internal damage caused by the impact.





Both of them took deep, exaggerated breaths, their gazes locked in an intense stare-down.

"This fight is futile. We'll eventually collapse from exhaustion-" Pica began to say, but before he could finish his thought, Dabi burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Dabi's laughter echoed through the air as the sight of Pica's disheveled and weakened state initially amused him, but it was Dabi's own amusement at Pica's reaction to this obvious outcome that intensified his laughter.

"Listen, Peewee-" Dabi sneered, his smirk widening as Pica's brows furrowed at the resurfacing of that nickname, his expression growing more determined.

"No you listen!" Pica squealed outwards in anger at the sight of Dabi's condescending gaze towering down at him.

"You might be arrogant because of your healing factor, but right now, our stamina is equally depleted-" Pica declared, attempting to emphasize their shared predicament but Dabi's smile only widened, almost mocking, as he released a deep exhale.

"Stamina is what concerns you?" Dabi retorted, his tone laced with amusement.

"Then let me show you why I have every right to be arrogant in this situation." Dabi spoke his last words on that breath before suddenly inhaling deeply.

Dabi had rarely resorted to this technique before, as he had never found himself in a situation where his stamina was so dire.

Under Pica's disbelieving gaze, a sight unfolded that made him realize escaping this encounter alive was never an option.

Pica's vision witnessed a radiant orange energy leaving his own body, only to be absorbed into Dabi.

In that moment, a knowing understanding washed over Pica that this orange energy being drained was in fact his own stamina.

"STOP!" Pica's voice reverberated with authority as he finally felt the draining effects take hold.

In response, he unleashed a tidal wave of stone, propelling Dabi to easily dodge upwards while the relentless stream of energy continued to be siphoned away from Pica's being.

Unlike Dabi, Pica's breath grew heavier with each passing second, his strength waning.

Eventually, he fell to his knees, the desperation on full display in his eyes as this very moment was what Dabi so longed for.

"I live for moments like these." Dabi declared with unwavering determination, a smile stretching across his face.

He knew he had pushed Pica into a corner, realizing that his intention was about to be fulfilled.

With both hands raised high into the air, he conjured a massive ball of fire, ready to unleash his full power.

As always, he compressed and expanded it repeatedly, but this time the efficiency was multiplied by his mastery of fire manipulation.

"The satisfaction of toppling arrogant individuals who always look down on me brings me immense joy." Dabi taunted, his eyes turning into crescent moons filled with mockery knowing Pica needed one final push.

Pica, hearing these words, could only clench the dirt beneath him, acknowledging his mistake in underestimating Dabi from the beginning.

The continuous disdainful laughter of Dabi intensified as he observed Pica's unwavering gaze directed upward.

Pica forced himself to his feet, aware that this would be his final stand on this unforgiving earth.

"COME ON, PEEWEE! SHOW ME YOUR LAST STAND! I'M GIVING YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO FIGHT AGAINST THE FLAMES YOU CLAIMED AT THE BEGINNING WERE USELESS AGAINST YOU!" Dabi's voice took on a maniacal tone, reminiscent of a cliché villain, as Pica rose to his feet, gathering every piece of stone around himself.

"IT'S PICA, YOU ASSHOLE!" Pica squealed, fully embracing his impending death in that very moment but refusing to let this despicable person walk away unscathed.

"AND IF I DIE, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" Pica proclaimed, pushing his quirk to its absolute limits.

The immense strain exerted on Pica's body caused the blood vessels in his eyes to rupture, turning his once clear gaze bloodshot.

However, this was merely the initial sign of his assault as in a startling display of his unleashed power, blood spurted from his tear ducts, ears, and mouth, marking the beginning of a relentless and ferocious onslaught.

Yet, his unwavering gaze remained fixed on Dabi even when burning the very essence of his soul.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, BIG WORDS COMING FROM SUCH A SMALL-VOICED MAN!" Dabi yelled, his flames growing brighter above him.

The blue hue surrounding the flames slowly transforming into a pale white shade as its beautiful hue shione all around.






The ground violently shook, as if a magnitude ten earthquake had struck, and massive tremors rippled outward around Pica.

Dabi was aware that he could easily fly higher into the air and wait for the chaos to subside, ultimately ending Pica's life.

But if he wanted to kill Pica from the beginning, he would've gotten over with the first exchange of his fist.

No, Dabi refused to retreat from this perilous brink of death encounter as this confrontation, if observed further, carried a significance that ran far deeper than merely surpassing his own limits.

It was fueled by an underlying shadow of inferiority that had cast a slight shade on his heart.

From the start while he may appear lazy on the outside, whenever he had any free time it was immediately dedicated to training.

Some might assume this effort stemmed from enduring his father's abuse and that Dabi could never quell his unquenchable thirst for strength to finally prove his father wrong.

But in reality, he felt diminished whenever Shin replicated a power, further widening the gap between them.

The shadow of his father had no longer haunted him, but instead the increasing gap between him and Shin did.

Even as Shin's propelled Dabi's own strength to new heights, he still felt the gap between them only grow, driving him to believe that the only way to catch up to the insurmountable wall that was Shin's power could only be attained through life or death confrontation.

It was through countless battles, facing walls that seemed insurmountable, that he yearned to break through and surpass his limits.

So despite the fractured ground and the immense crevices that formed, instincts urging him to flee, Dabi continued to stroke his flames, relentlessly striving to break through the barriers that held him back.




A sudden breeze whispered through the air, heralding the release of air from Dabi's colossal sun-like form.

The shifting colors finally settled into a pure white hue, emanating a bright, purified flame devoid of any pigmentation.

No more words or threats were exchanged; only a smile adorned one face, while the other remained resolute.

Pica wasted no time, as the earth around him parted like a crimson sea, yielding to a towering monolith of stone.

With Pica's command, the stone ascended, enveloping him as it reached above.

The circumference of this monolith expanded to the size of a full football field, morphing into the likeness of a dragon's head.

Witnessing this spectacle, Dabi abandoned his aerial position and surged forward, charging into the jaws of the stone dragon.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Their battle cries reverberated with resounding defiance, echoing through the air as a testament to their unwavering determination.

Fate intricately entwined their paths, yet neither of them would yield to the clutches of death in this moment.

Dabi thrust the blazing sun forward with an immense force, propelling the attack along with his body towards his opponent.

Simultaneously, the mouth of the stone dragon unleashed a barrage of razor-sharp spikes, each composed of thin, formidable stone.

The once-bright light dimmed as the dragon's mouth closed, the stone within its jaws reshaping into various structures, poised to pierce and shred Dabi.

Finally, the dragon's mouth clamped down seemingly enclosing him into oblivion, shrouding the scene in silence.

A moment passed, stillness prevailing until a single crack formed in one of the dragon's eyes.

Then, a radiant light burst forth, and a similar pattern unfolded across the dragon's entirety of the head.

Its form began to transform, slowly resembling a luminous disco ball, reflecting dazzling lights in all directions.


The immense energy and pressure contained within reached its breaking point, unleashing a cacophony of crushing and ear-shattering sounds that reverberated through the atmosphere.

An explosion erupted, the full extent of its blinding white light engulfing the dragon's form, consuming it entirely.

The naked eye could only perceive a blinding whiteness but just as suddenly as it appeared, the light vanished, leaving behind a scene of desolation.

Everything that had been covered by the light was reduced to ash, leaving only barren blackened dirt to cover the half-circle indentation.

A sizzling sound permeated the air as smoke billowed, rising from the cooked dirt, releasing steam as it struggled to adjust to the sudden temperature shift caused by the impact of the unleashed power.

With a gentle breeze, the smoke dispersed, revealing the aftermath of the explosion.

Dabi's body was now punctured by an indiscernible number of thin stone needles, his figure now resembling a human porcupine as they lodged themselves into his flesh.



A sharp breath escaped Dabi's pierced lungs, followed by a gush of blood, while his nervous system screamed in agonizing torment.

Despite the pleas of his nerves, Dabi refused to succumb to their urging for his subconscious to fall.

Below the ragged breathing of Dabi stood amidst the charred remains, Pica lay, his blackened body devoid of limbs, his breath however still weakly escaping his lips.

"Resilient bastard." Dabi painfully chuckled, recognizing Pica's resilience, as he watched the life slowly fade from Pica's eyes.

Two streams of blood flowed from Pica's eyes as a replacement for the lack of tears, his gaze fixed upon the warm, gentle sun, its polar opposite to the one he witnessed moments before.

"I'm sorry, Doflamingo-" Pica began, his sentence cut short as the last traces of life slipped away, leaving behind a hollow husk that once possessed overwhelming vitality.

"Damn." Dabi muttered, his breath weary, as he fell to his knees, weakened by the constant loss of blood.

The fault of this moment of weakness was evident with a glance and with a grimace, Dabi grasped a stone spike embedded in his stomach and forcefully pulled it out.

Blood splattered onto the ground, instantly searing under the scorching heat of the charred black dirt beneath him.

Throwing the spike to the side caused Dabi's wound to close swiftly once the object had been removed as this grotesque process of extracting the countless spikes that riddled his body repeated, forming a pile of sharp and jagged projectiles.

Exhausted, Dabi collapsed to the ground while hanging his arms over his knees.

Despite his weariness, he acknowledged that his mission was far from over as he gazed at the long path that stood between him and the adapting faction.

"F*ck." Dabi grumbled, mustering the strength to rise without losing his balance as he walked over to Pica, nodding to the battered dead figure.

"It was a good fight, Pica." Dabi acknowledged, gripping Pica's neck.

"It was a good fight, Pica." Dabi said once again as if wanting to engrave his name into the corner of his mind that deemed respect to only two located above him.

Dabi began to drag Pica back to the stronghold, contemplating his next move as each step Dabi took filled him with renewed vigor.

After thirteen steps, he regained his previous vitality, though his displeasure was still evident on his face.

"It's not enough." Dabi lamented, feeling a deep disappointment in his own lack of strength.

Not only did Pica, with only one quirk, push him to the brink of death, but he would have emerged victorious if not for Dabi's excessive array of quirks.

With a sigh, Dabi closed his eyes before releasing them to gaze at the smoke-filled sky as a new thought sparked within his mind.

'I wonder if the clown died?'

30 minutes earlier


"Yes of couse-what?" Even when the ground beneath Atsuhiro shook violently the words of Vander Decken was where all his attention turned to.

"Oh Shirahoshi, soon we'll be together! I think." Vander licked his lips while showing a look of ecstasy.

'I never expected a sudden twist to occur in the opening sequence of this performance.' Atsuhiro thought to himself as he actually rubbed his ears thinking he heard wrong.

"I'm sorry Vander but are you in fact referring to Araki Hassaikai, the daughter of the oyabun?" Atsuhiro inquired for clarification only to see Vander aggressively nod his head.

"Ah, it seems you do not know the true name of my soon to be wife, I think." Vander waved a finger as Atsuhiro scratched his head.

"Wait, she had white hair and blue eyes, correct?" Atsuhiro inquired, wanting to make sure they were indeed talking about the same person.

"Yes, I can still remember her from ten years ago-"

"TEN!" Atsuhiro, shocked, yelled outwards at Vander who clasped his hands together longingly.

"Wouldn't she be twelve at that time?!?!" Atsuhiro had a disgusted look on his face which only intensified at Vander nod.

"Unfortunately we couldn't wed because-" Vander started his heartfelt speech.

"She was too young-" Atsuhiro tried to guess the end of the sentence with clear hope resonating in his voice.

"Because I wasn't strong enough however now that's changed! I think." Vander clutched his heart, now showing a longing expression for her as Atushiro shook his head.

'I suppose it is hypocritical for me to think this way since Shin is in fact a child however still-'

"Yes! Then once we marry then I will be the king of the underworld!" Vander Decken proclaimed, causing Atsuhiro's thoughts to flatline before reaching a whole new level of confusion.

"I would appreciate it if you could explain the reasoning behind this decision and how it leads you to the position of the king of the underworld," Atsuhiro calmly requested, putting his performance on hold in order to gain insight into this peculiar individual before proceeding.

"Bahohohohohoho! It's actually quite simple! I think." Vander enthusiastically acquiesced to Atsuhiro's request before proceeding matter-of-factly.

"Before the era of heroes, the Yakuza reigned supreme in the underworld. Their power and influence struck fear into the hearts of all, including my family. The Decken family, a lineage of criminals, which has a long history of coveting the throne of the underworld, only to be defeated time and time again by the Yakuza. But as my family wished to destroy the Yakuza, I had a different approach. I think." Vander explained as he raised a finger.

"Instead of attempting to usurp the throne, we, the Decken family, should have joined forces with the Hassaikai family to create an unstoppable force that would thrust the Yakuza back into the spotlight! I think." Vander proclaimed, though Atsuhiro couldn't help but facepalm upon hearing the last part.

"Are you not already part of the Yakuza-"

"Bohahahahhhahahaha!" Vander burst into hearty laughter before Atsuhiro could finish, clutching his stomach as a result.

"Of course not! It's merely a partnership. The Yakuza and I are on equal footing. I think." Vander clarified, leaving Atsuhiro dumbfounded for the first time in a while as this eccentric individual only seemed to raise more questions.

"How is that possible?" Atsuhiro couldn't resist continuing the questioning, as Vander seemed to embody a cliché from a fictional story.

"Thanks to the assistance of the Villain Factory, I am now a force that the underworld can no longer ignore! I think." Vander arrogantly declared, pointing to his four legs before flinching.

"Whoops, I think." Vander immediately covered his mouth upon realizing his slip of words.

'Villain Factory?' Atsuhiro squinted beneath his mask, recognizing that familiar term, causing his eyes to widen.

'That's the place Shin mentioned when he visited Giran.' Atsuhiro realized that this situation had become even more serious, as a new element emerged onto the stage.

'Shin needs to know about this.' Atsuhiro clenched his fist, discreetly pocketing the marbles located around his body, while his mind raced to find an efficient way to bring this to an end while ensuring a spectacular performance.

"Did you hear that correctly? I think." Vander asked, slowly reaching inside his jacket while squinting his eyes though keeping his smile.

"And what if I did?" Atsuhiro raised his hat, locking eyes with Vander.

"Then you'll have to die!" Vander's bloodthirsty smile revealed his sharp teeth as he swiftly drew two oversized axes from his trenchcoat, wielding one of them with frightening speed.

"Oh, on the contrary, Vander." Atsuhiro elegantly retorted, revealing an object in his hand as a large red cape suddenly fluttered into the air.

"The only one who will dance with Lady Death tonight is you." Atsuhiro gracefully flicked the red cape into the air, raising his arm confidently.
