
Amy's pov

Next morning, I swear to myself that I'd stop trying with Anton. I couldn't do anything to bring us close again and there was not even the slightest chance to make him like me. I had to move on.

Today was practice day. Us that we don't have our wolves we are practicing 4 days pear weak. Practice is mandatory for us under 16 but I am practicing since I was 5 alongside with Fabien and Anton. Me and Fabien have to prove ourselves everyday because our mother was a human and everyone thinks that we are weak.

Our pack isn't a big one and it isn't the strongest pack either. Moreover, we lost many of our allies when my Father was mated to my mother. Many wolfs are mated to humans but it's not common for alphas to be mated with humans.

Never mind, today is the first day that I won't practice with my brother and Anton. They will practice with those who have wolfs. I am the best in my class in dodging and I am quicker than everyone mostly because I am smaller and an alphas daughter.

''So today let's see how will you defend yourself against 3 of them'' our trainer said. 3 boys vs me yeah nice odds. Everyone was laughing, they knew I was good but not so good. I was dodging every punch and kick that they made until we heard the siren.

The siren meant that we were under attack. ''Alpha mind linked that we are under attack from rogues, kids go inside'' our trainer commanded. And then it hit me today Fabien and Anton won't come inside with us, they will fight.

I was standing there not wanting to go inside. When I saw Anton and my brother in wolf form coming. They had blood at their fur, I was so worry but when they got closer I saw that they didn't have injuries.

Anton didn't ever look at me and got passed me. Ok now we are not even at speaking terms, nice. I don't know why I expect something to change. No I am not overthinking it again, I have to move on.

My brother went behind a tree and changed back to his human form wearing clothes that we had stocked behind several trees for emergency. ''you shouldn't be outside. There were only 5 rogues but you wouldn't be safe here if there were more'' he said strictly and i just nodded ok. ''So, what was all this about? Why did they attack?'' I asked. ''We had reports from other packs this year that they are searching for high rank unmated shewolves''.

For the next few months things were peaceful. My brother and Antony started to hang out with us more because of my brother's relationship with Katia.

After his birthday party they are always together. My brother stopped flirting with other girls and most girls in school were jealous looking at Katia with venom. Peter was annoyed that they were dating because they weren't mates at list not yet. He was worry for his sister's feeling cause Fabien could find his mate any day now. He only respected their relationship because Katia was happy, happier than she ever was.

Antony was mad all the time and even my brother didn't know what got to him. He didn't sit with us for long and he snapped many times at Peter.