Finding my mate

Amy's pov

It was 2 pm around the time I was born so I was waiting for my wolf near the forest. Peter, Katia and my brother were with me. Anton wasn't here with us but I caught him glance at us from the window.

After few minutes the transformation began claws appeared, my white fur appeared and my spine was breaking. ''it hurts like hell'' I screamed. The first transformation is the more painful. When the transformation finished my wolf spoke to me ''hello Ams, lets run'', we didn't get far, we barely went 10 feet when my Wolf said ''Mate''. What? Only my brother and Peter were here and neither of them could be my mate. Peter didn't turn 16 yet and my brother well is my brother.

My wolf turned around and we saw a black wolf with crystal blue eyes running towards us. No doubt he was Anton. So, the boy who I had a crush and broke my heart saying that he could never have a romantic interest in me, was my mate. Great, just great. Our wolf where playing and liking each other feeling happy that they found their other half. ''No stop, don't play with him'' I told my wolf and fought for control.

When I got control, I went behind the tree I had my clothes and put them on. I was starting to go to my friends and Katia and my brother were cheering saying congratulation and Katia came running for a hug. ''I' m so happy for you. You found your mate! And he is Anton'' she said enthusiastically. ''don't be, cause I ain't gonna accept him as my mate'' I said going to the house, not wanting to see Anton.

Everyone was in shock and their smiles had faded. ''Wait what?'' Anton's voice spoke. He had transformed to his human form and I was pretty sure he was completely naked in front of the others. I didn't look back and I was keep going to the house.

''Katia please wait, what do you mean you won't accept me'' he said running after me. He caught me and grabbed my wrist. I felt sparks at his touch but I choose to ignore them. ''You heard me'' I replied giving him a cold look. I took my hand from his grip and went straight to my room not giving attention to my father and his parents who were waiting for me at the living room.

I went to my room and closed the door. My wolf was weeping at my head driving me crazy. ''why did you do that? He is our mate''. ''You weren't there the last year. He said that he couldn't see me romantically. He would have rejected us and even if he didn't I can't be with someone who wants me only because of a stupid mate-bond.

There was a knock on my door and from the cent, I was sure that was Anton. His cent was driving me crazy. I thought even before I turned that I would never find more exquisite smell then his and now that I turned to a werewolf his cent got even more attractive. I thought that wasn't possible but it is that stupid bond.