
"Morning, Anji, early, Candice." Anji and Candice are classmates of Lu Ning.

   "Morning, Lu, early." To Lu Ning's greetings, Anji and Candice looked surprised, my God, Lu said hello to me.

Passing the two, Lu Ning quietly waited for the school bus to arrive, and there was a vacuum zone around him. The boys and girls around him kept peeking at Lu Ning in the center, and got together in twos and threes and whispered without thinking. , The topic must be around Lu Ning.

   Lu Ning, who belongs to the central point, may also be embarrassed. In his previous life, he was a little transparent and had never been a focus. Now this situation makes Lu Ning a little uncomfortable and even regrets coming to the school bus.

   "Wow, wow, let's see, who is this? God, Lu, you finally recovered?" Hearing this voice, Lu Ning suddenly relaxed. There is no need to stand alone.

   "Steve, you bastard, the dog can't spit out ivory." Lu Ning showed a sincere smile and hit the chest between the man and the man.

   Things are gathered by kind and people are divided by groups. The second generation of friends must also be the second generation.

Steve's Lao Tzu, a legendary financial oligarch, has stayed together since he was a student. Steve belongs to the standard white aesthetics. He is tall, half a head taller than Lu Ning, and he is very powerful. His muscles, the blond handsome guy, his private life is a little bit more erosive, and he is fascinating every day. Lu Ning has not been corroded by him, and his self-control is absolutely perfect.

   "Lu, you guy, this time you really made a fool of yourself. That **** Lyman has been bragging about his record during this time."

   Steve didn't know that his brother had actually entered the gate of a ghost once, otherwise, he would definitely go into battle shirtless and desperately.

   "Accident, Steve, this is an accident."

   "Come on, I don't know you yet. Seriously, don't pool parties smell good?

   What welcome party are you going to, just for that girl? If I were there, that idiot Lyman would never dare to shoot you. "Steve said the truth. If Steve was there, Lyman would never act rashly.

   "I will retaliate for this hatred." Lu Ning, who has the system, has absolute confidence.

   While talking, the school bus had already arrived, and everyone got on the bus one by one.

   The school is not far away, ten minutes away, when the school bus drove into the school gate, Lu Ning had a systemic voice in his mind.

   "Ding, mission completed, reward: close combat (mastery)."

   Hearing the sound of the system, Lu Ning smiled slightly, closed his eyes, and felt a lot of fighting knowledge, and his muscles trembled.

   take a look at his own attributes:

   Lu Ning, male, 16 years old

   Face value: 93 (you completely surpass the so-called small fresh meat, I have to say that your genes are really strong)

   Intelligence: 8 (out of 10, you can learn everything very quickly, belonging to the children of other people in the mouth of the parents of your classmates)

   Physical strength: 6 (It can only be said to be so-so, such physical strength may be rejected by individual women)

   Skills: Proficient in English, proficient in Mandarin, proficient in French, proficient in German, driving (beginner), fighting (proficient)

  Current task: None

   Current wealth: For you, who owns an American Express Centurion, you don't actually need to fight.

   Lu Ning and Steve dangled in front of their locker together, during which Steve had been showing off Victoria's Secret model he hooked up with at the pool party.

   The surrounding students all walked away, and some of them showed some inexplicable eyes. The fight between Lu Ning and Lehman has spread long ago, and both sides are considered second generations (without the confidence of family background, Lehman would not dare to confront Lu Ning).

   Now that the protagonist is back, and Steve is also there, Lu Ning will definitely not give up. Lehman is also very rampant recently, and there must be a dragon-tiger fight.

   opened the locker, and as expected, a small piece of paper fell like snowflakes, and there were some bold courtship messages among them. Looking at the fiery red lipstick mark on the white paper, Lu Ning momentarily sighed for the opening of America.

"Hey, Lu, honestly, I'm so jealous of your luck, damn, those big-minded women, isn't Steve handsome? They are all blind." Steve on one side is not without jealousy Speaking of, by the way, brightens his strong muscles.

   "Come on, Steve, you can't be jealous of things like face value, let's go, it's going to go to class." Lu Ning closed the cabinet door and left while holding his buddies.

The morning courses are American history and mathematics. Lu Ning is not a schoolmaster, but he is definitely not a scumbag. He belongs to the middle class. He does not have the kind of earnestness to change fate with urgent knowledge. There is no famous Ivy League school. Will reject the second generation like Lu Ning and Steve.

  Compared to Lu Ning, Steve is just a scumbag in his studies. In fact, the knowledge taught in school is of little use to the second generation.

   Knowledge only changes the fate of ordinary people. Maybe through hard work, you can become a golden collar and a working emperor in the future, but you can never become a rich man.