Charity Auction (continued)

The charity auction continues.

   Other lots did not show any super-premium prices.

   Lin Wanning's diamond earrings were bought back by Lu Jingran for $200,000, and there was no eye-opening trouble during the period.

   is also considered to have made a small contribution to charity.

   It's Angelina Jolie's romantic candlelight dinner that has become a stage for several second generations to compete.

   The base price of 5,000 US dollars has now been fired to 30,000.

   Lu Ning is also a little ready to move.

   Big-mouthed beauty has always been her idol in her previous life.

   Especially in the movie "Tomb Raider", Julie's dreamy figure in the play has made herself sleepless for countless nights.

   Of course, Lu Ning has a pure mindset of getting acquainted.

   However, the thoughts belong to the thoughts, and the four women around are staring at their every move.

   I really want to make a move, the consequences are a bit scary.

   "Hey." Lu Ning smashed his tongue with a little regret and took a sip of the cocktail in his hand.

   "What? Do you want to spend a good night with beautiful women, too?" Ivanka, who paid attention to Lu Ning's every move, raised her eyebrows and asked slightly sarcastically.

   This question shocked the other three women instantly, and they all cast suspicious glances.

   Although the four daughters are from an extraordinary family, they are all beautiful women, but due to their age, they have not fully grown.

   Now they are a bit worse than the energetic Angelina Jolie.

  Furthermore, any Hollywood actress who hasn't practiced a fascination trick.

   I have to admit that Angelina Jolie's threat is a bit big nowadays.

   "Uh, I think too much, just pure appreciation." Lu Ning responded with a wry smile.

   But the four girls are not easy to fool,

   Heh, man,

  . . .

  . . .

   Julie held a glass of Parisian champagne, taking a sip from time to time.

  Looking at those second-generation competitions.

   However, Julie swept towards Lu Ning who was surrounded by the four girls from time to time, and Julie noticed Lu Ning as soon as she came up.

   America's top second generation, of course, she has done some homework in Hollywood.

   Unfortunately, he didn't make a move.

   Those four little **** have been surrounding him, and it is not easy for him to rush forward to get to know him.

   After all, Julie is still a little jealous of the four daughters' family background, Hollywood's vanity fair still speaks with capital after all.

   Otherwise, by relying on himself, this fledgling little man will not be fascinated by him.

   Looking at those two generations who are spending a lot of money to date themselves, suddenly Julie feels bad.

   So angry!

   In the end, a second-generation car dealer won the qualification to have dinner with Julie at a price of $100,000.

   The second generation seems to be proud, but he doesn't know that Julie has already sentenced him to death.

   Compare with Lu Ning, cut, what a gadget you are.

   Julie has already decided to be perfunctory.

   Unknowing second-generation,

  . . .

  . . .

   Finally, it was the turn of the four women's auctions. I don't know if the organizer did it intentionally. The four women's donated items were auctioned in a row.

   This may also be a stunt by the organizer.

   It is normal to hang up many second-generation bloodlines and be happy for the Pomeranians.

   Besides, the aura of the four women is so dazzling, it can really be related to each other, and it is definitely not a loss.

   Ivanka's TF limited edition jewelry is the first of the four women's first lot.

   All the second generations also cheered up and prepared for a big fight.

   Lu Ning didn't mean to participate, so he was ready to watch the show.

   But the system is unwilling, this second generation of rubbish, wanting to install B in front of this system is just wishful thinking.

  " Ding, system task: As a young man who has reached the pinnacle of his life, how can he let others pretend to be B in front of him, ask the host to shake his body, and collect all 4 lots in the bag. Time limit: 1 hour.

   Reward: USD 10 million (will be deposited into personal account)

  Punishment: All funds in the personal account disappear. UU Reading

   Lu Ning, I don't know whether to say MMP or not.

  I try my best to avoid misunderstandings. When the system is good, just push yourself into the fire pit? How much hatred and grievance is this going to be?

   When Lu Ning complained about the system, the auction had already started.

   TF limited edition jewelry, valued at 100,000 US dollars, with a starting price of 60,000.

   "90 thousand"


   "100 thousand and 5 thousand"

   "110 thousand"

   The price soared rapidly.

   "Oh, sister Ivanka is really charming, look at these young talents are fighting for their heads." On the side, Nikki took advantage of the trend and sarcastically said.

   Ivanka didn't bother to bother about it, Paris hadn't even spoken yet, do you want to dance as a kid?

   A roll of eyes directly blocked Nikki's subsequent words.

   Others don't cut and tear you up, thinking that you are not enough, this is the most uncomfortable.

   Nikki suffered a dark loss and didn't dare to be a demon again, so she had to continue watching the show honestly.




   The price continues to soar and has exceeded the original value of the jewelry. You must know that TF's limited-edition jewelry itself comes with its own brand premium.


  The price has exceeded 200,000, and the enthusiasm of the second generation has not diminished but has increased.

   When the price reached the 300,000 mark, the second generation only calmed down a bit.

   You know, Johnson Douglas only made the items a premium of 300%, and the premium of Ivanka's jewelry has now exceeded 200%.

   The power of top ladies is really terrifying.