Charity Auction (Continued 2)

The charity auction continued. This time it was Paris Hilton's turn. She donated the right to use the presidential suite of the Hilton Hotel in New York for one year.

   According to the membership price, the basic house price for one day is around US$800, and the price for a year is worth 300,000 dollars.

   But the question is, who has eaten and stayed in a hotel all day?

  Fly to New York?

   So how much the right to use is worth, really depends on the benevolent and the wise.

   It can be said that Paris's donation is quite a distraction.

   However, Paris also has her cares, which also helped her family's industry put up a free advertisement.

   Lu Ning does some waxing, but the others are still real things in the end. Why doesn't a little girl like Paris worry about playing cards?

  Paris is also a little embarrassed until now, after all, he didn't expect Lu Ning to play this one.

   The one-year use right donated by myself is indeed a bit tricky. I wanted to make a wave of advertisements, and then my little licking dogs meant a good price, and then I was fooled.

   But it's better now, which is tantamount to indirectly cheating Lu Ning, but at first, I didn't know if Lu Ning could play this way.

   Lu Ning has paid out 500,000 in the first two times. Now that he comes to himself, you can't pay less, right?

   Otherwise, where will my Paris's face be put?

  Paris gave Lu Ning a fierce look, the threat in her eyes was very strong, the meaning was very straightforward, you can figure it out.

   I'm Paris, but I have a face,

  . . .

  . . .

   "The auction below is the one-year use right of the presidential suite at the Hilton Hotel in New York brought by Miss Paris. Since the items are somewhat special, we started with the starting price of 20,000."

   The organizer also knows what Paris meant. I was going to make a fool of it and set a starting price of 20,000 yuan. Everyone means I will advertise for you. Anyway, it is a charity and the money is donated.

   If there are no Lu Ning's first two quotations, the second generation will look at Paris's face, and they will have to raise the price of 100,000.

   Now, um, isn't it good to taste wine quietly?

   There was no one bidding on the spot, and there was a trace of embarrassment spreading. Paris was a little anxious and frequently winked at Lu Ning.

   "500,000." Sure enough, as everyone thought, the price was still 500,000.

  Paris was satisfied immediately, smiled charmingly, and did a good job, Xiao Ningzi, sister will reward you for a little bit of sweetness.

   Seeing that Lu Ning spent half a million, the second generation felt even more ill, well, the wine in their hands smelled a lot.

   The last item in the four girls, a table lamp made by Bulgari's love donated by Nikki Hilton, was of course also bought by Lu Ning for 500,000.

   There is no favoritism, and the four girls are satisfied.

   However, I didn't think about it, Xiao Ningzi is so good at playing now.

   Well, it's different from before, but it's better this way, and this kind of man is more interesting.

   "Ding, the task is completed, the reward: USD 10 million (has been deposited into the personal account)."

   At the same time, Citibank's SMS notification has arrived, with 10 million credited.

   Lu Ning felt very fragrant at the moment. He spent 2 million and made a net profit of 8 million.

  . . .

  . . .

   The auction continues, and finally, it's Lu Ning's watch.

   Patek Philippe Complication Chronograph, the value of 100,000 US dollars, the starting price of 60,000.

   Lu Ning doesn't care that no one bids at all, so he just can't buy it by himself.

   At this time, Lu Ning was still immersed in the joy of making money, ignoring the strangeness of the four women around him.

   Ivanka looked like he was sure to win, Georgina was calculating how much it would take to grab the watch from the other three.

   The Hilton sisters have been whispering, and finally agreed to unanimously first, and then negotiate what to do after buying it back.

   "Next is the Patek Philippe complication chronograph watch provided by Mr. Lu Ning, with a starting price of 60,000."

   Lu Jingran originally thought about taking his son's watch back later, but reality slapped her face severely.

   "200,000" Georgina took the lead.

   "Oh, 200,000 is also missing the exit you called, 300,000" Paris did not forget to beat the opponent while bidding.

   The first quotation of "500,000" Ivanka directly raised the price to an incredible level.

   Lu Ning was shocked, Lu Jingran was shocked.

   Many big bosses look sideways, such an unheard-of bidding method.

   The faces of the second generations are even more exciting. When they just raised the price, they shouted at ten thousand and ten thousand, and they felt that they were very arrogant. But now, in comparison, I was a clown before.

   Please, this is a good sword, don't do it like this, something worth 100,000, only 3 rounds, you called 500,000.

   instantly persuaded everyone to leave, and only four top Bai Fumei was playing.

   Is the number of 500,000 surprised? How arrogant? But the facts are far more than this number.

   "700,000." Sister Hilton.

   "900,000." Ivanka refused to give up.

   "1 million." Georgina directly raised the 6 digits.

   The highest price of the charity banquet appeared, and it instantly broke the price of Johnson Douglas' 800,000 Franconian vases.

   "1.1 million."

   "1.2 million."

   "1.4 million."

   Few women did not back down, the higher the price.

   "2 million" Ivanka directly quoted the price of a stunning second-generation eyeball.

  Lu Ning: where am I? who am I?

  What is the top rich second generation? The few Bai Fumei in front of us are! Dollars? What is it? never heard of that.