buy a car

Steve, I want to buy a car, what can you recommend?"

   "Hey, Lu, you are asking the right person, what do you think of the Escalade I drove?"

   "It looks cumbersome, it's not my dish."

   "You don't know how to appreciate, tell you, my car is the big heart of V8, those CIA guys like this car."

   Lu Ning and Steve whispered in class.

   "I think I should go to see a sports car." Lu Ning pondered for a long time, he had a dream of a sports car.

   "No problem, Lu, I drove here today, and I will accompany you to see after school." Steve has a soft spot for cars.

   Steve's voice is a bit loud because of excitement, and Mrs. Anderson can't stand it anymore.

   "Ahem, ahem, two, it's class time now, you are not gentlemen like this, are you?"

   "Ah, I'm sorry, teacher, you continue, Steve is a well-behaved kid." Steve raised his hand and surrendered.

  . . .

  . . .

   Escalade was speeding along the coastal road, with heavy metal music playing on the car, and Steve shook his head and waved his arm.

From time to time,    whistled at the beauty who walked alone on the side of the road.

   Lu Ning, the co-pilot, wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist, Steve, are you really good like this?

  The destination of this trip is Wood Avenue, where luxury car sales gather.

  . . .

  . . .

   Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Porsche, Aston Martin, Bugatti, Pagani, Spyker.

   Whether it is mass production or all-hand-made, you can find it here.

   These models are enough for Lu Ning to pick a flower eye.

  ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, and Porsche are outdated.

   Aston Martin's styling, I can't admire it, so I eliminated it.

   Bugatti, alternative.

   Pagani, yes, my favorite type.

   Spyker, the national treasure of the Netherlands, alternative.

  . . .

  . . .

   "Welcome." Lu Ning and Steve walked into the largest sales store, and the sales of the blonde beauty immediately greeted them.

   did not neglect because the two were young, and the temperament speaks for everything.

   The moment she saw Lu Ning, the beauty sales' eyes brightened, the first-line big names without logos, restrained and unassuming.

   Jaeger-LeCoultre diamond tourbillon, unparalleled temperament.

   Well, these are all nonsense, a sales person, how can I know this.

  The main reason is that beauty sales have a good habit: reading the newspaper every morning.

   Young Master Lu, there has been more fire recently.

   "Bugatti, Pagani, Spyker, just look at the current car."

   In this era, the concept of 4S stores for later generations has not yet emerged.

   Today, it is still in the form of a hodgepodge.

   Hearing Lu Ning's answer, the sales beauty's eyes were brighter, big business.

   These luxury cars in the store generally cannot sell one in a week, but Lu Ning reported several brands.

   are all used by the boss in the town store.

   As for Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Porsche, they are all available, and the price is 100,000 or tens of thousands. It is not too tiring to take out a loan.

   But Bugatti, Pagani, and Spyker are different. Spyker is relatively cheaper, but the price of more than 600,000 yuan is not acceptable to all second generations.

   "Lu Shao, please come with me. By the way, my name is Lilian. I am honored to serve you."

   Steve was simply ignored, so angry, why as long as he came out with Lu Ning, he didn't have a sense of existence.

  Hello, I am also a second-generation Steve in Miami. Is it really okay for you to ignore me like this?

  Steve, 〒▽〒, never want to come out with Lu Ning again.

  . . .

  . . .

  " Shao Lu, first introduce this Spyker KPYKERC12 to you,

   is a supercar jointly created by Spyker and ZAGATO.

   A total of 24 mass-produced cars around the world, perfect collectible sports cars,

   There are only 7 vehicles in the U.S., 10 in Europe, 4 in the Asia-Pacific region, 1 in South America, and 2 in the world auto show parade.

   6-liter W12 engine, with a maximum output of 500 horsepower, all-car aluminum alloy frame,

   100 kilometers per hour acceleration in 3.8 seconds, top speed 200 miles per hour.

   An additional annual global response service fee of 150,000 US dollars is required,

   This car is directly ordered by our big boss, as a show car to attract customers,

   The standard price at the time was US$600,000, and the boss also ordered an all-crocodile leather interior and got US$900,000.

   If Lu Shao is interested, I can report to the boss. I believe the boss is willing to Lu Shao to become its new owner. "

   I have to say that Lilian is very suitable for sales, and it always raises Lu Ning's position, which is very smooth.

   "Tsk, tusk" After listening to the introduction, Steve gently caressed the paint, and his saliva was about to flow out.

   Lu Ning is also very tempted.

   "Very good car, let me introduce the other two cars."

   "Okay, Shao Lu, please follow me." Lilian led the two Lu Ning to the other end of the exhibition hall.

   A domineering, stylishly designed supercar lay there.

  "Lu Shao, this is the ZondaLaNonna, the second Pagani launched, which belongs to the prototype of the production model C12.

   However, it is different from the C12's 394 horsepower. It is equipped with a 6.0L liter V12 first concept engine and is a beast with 600 horsepower

7000 US dollars. Since it is a prototype car, its possession is also very scarce. It is also a collectible supercar. "

   The last one, Bugatti EB118

   "Lu Shao, today Volkswagen acquired Bugatti and launched this Bugatti EB118,

   This is a large luxury two-seater convertible sports car,

   and equipped with the only 18-cylinder engine in the world, the price is 750,000. "

  Lu Ning made a comparison. Pagani and Bugatti did not reach the most dazzling moment of the later generations. The current models are still in the exploratory stage and do not have much advantage.

   As for the Spyker KPYKERC12, he really moved his heart.

   "Spyker, ask your boss, how much money can be transferred?" Lu Ning shot decisively.