"My mother will come for you"

After eating breakfast, Lu Ning went directly to the Montage Hotel to find Alice.

   "How is it? Did you rest last night?"

   "Not bad." On the presidential sofa, Alice half leaned against Lu Ning.

   Now that the two of them have accepted the more intimate behavior, everything happened naturally, and there is no need to deliberately change.

   This is also the most comfortable state of getting along between couples.

   "Let's talk about the interview in the afternoon, I know a little bit about the inside story about the movie."

   In fact, whether it is James Cameron, Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount, the secrecy measures are very good this time.

   only announced to the outside world that he would make a love disaster film about the Titanic, claiming that the investment was very large, and everything else was not penetrated.

   Including the one hundred acres of land purchased by Fox, an 8-acre huge reservoir and the 1:1 hull model being built in Mexico.

   These are all concealed, but to Lu Ning, these are not secrets.

   I have watched the whole movie no less than 5 times.

   "What do you know?" When it comes to movies that will be exempted, Alice is interested.

   "Well, in 1997, a marine salvage team discovered the sunken Titanic and found a box for storing "Heart of the Sea" in it..."

   Lu Ning recalled the main plot while narrating it to Alice.

   The 1-hour narration may be Lu Ning's language talent, or the plot is really touching, anyway, Alice is crying.

   "Lu, it's really touching." Alice wiped her tears while looking at Lu Ning dimly.

   "Indeed, if I were Jack and you were Ruth, I would definitely do the same." Lu Ning looked at Alice and said affectionately.

   "Well, I know, you will." Although Alice was shy, she did not escape Lu Ning's gaze.

   The two are attracted to each other when they want to kiss each other.

   A soft cough came, and the two of them bounced off instantly.

   "Well, you can go back to the room, but can you not treat me as if I don't exist." On the single sofa not far away, Isabella wrapped her arms around her chest with a playful smile.

   "Ah, hate, mom, when did you sit here?"

   "When the ship hit the iceberg, that is, more than half an hour ago."

  Lu Ning, Alice

  . . .

  . . .

   At 2 pm, Lu Ning appeared in front of the Paramount Building while driving a Ferrari F355 and carrying Alice.

   Paramount has long sent a mid-level company to wait downstairs.

   Both sides exchanged greetings, Lu Ning and Alice were taken to the interview room on the 5th floor.

   "Ha, your kid is finally here."

   There are only 3 people in the room, James Cameron sitting in the middle, and two directors of Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount sitting on both sides.

   This lineup is not small, and it also reflects the importance of Lu Ning.

   "Uncle James, let me introduce you, this is Alice King." Lu Ning introduced Alice next to James.

   did not say before that he would bring other people.

   "Well, I know, American sweetheart, the acting is okay, are you guys?"

   "My girlfriend." Lu Ning directly stated the identity of the two.

   "Well, I have to say, your kid has a good vision, but please call me the director from now on." James Cameron looked serious.

   "Of course there is no problem, Uncle James." Lu Ning made it clear that he was here to walk through the back door.

   James Cameron this stinky boy is absolutely deliberate, whatever it is, it's just a name.

   "Be prepared to have any role you want, but let's say it first, acting first, acting is not good, then don't blame me for not giving you face."

   "Of course, Uncle James, I won't make you embarrassed."

   Your kid is endless, right?

   "I want the hero and heroine." Puff, Lu Ning's next words caused James Cameron to squirt out the coffee he had just drunk in his mouth. The white shirt was covered with coffee stains all over, making it particularly embarrassing.

   Not only James Cameron, everyone present, including Alice, looked at Lu Ning in surprise.

   Lu Ning never mentioned to Alice that he was here to grab the hero and heroine.

  According to Alice's own thoughts, if Lu Ning were not available, maybe he would interview a small character with a few lines. After all, this is a big production directed by James Cameron.

   Now, Lu Ning brought himself here, so he set his target on the third and fourth females.

   But Lu Ning is good, as soon as he opens his mouth, he is the leading actor and actress, and Alice is really taken aback.

   "What did you kid say? The hero and heroine, you kid really dare to think, I tell you clearly, no way, don't even think about it." James Cameron has fallen into a frantic roar.

   "My mother will come to you." Lu Ning answered calmly.

   "Don't let the Lin girl press me, it doesn't work, it doesn't work."

   "My mother will come to you."

   "I said, don't use Lin girl to press me."

  "My mother will come James,

   "Tell you, I won't be able to use Lin girl to press me down, the big deal is that I won't shoot."

   After all, James is really a little afraid of Lin Wanning. That girl is the lawless lord. Before marrying Lu Jingran, the upper class of the United States was dwarfed by this girl, absolutely lawless.

   Many people have suffered from her loss, but Lin Wanning's family has a hard lineage, and there is nothing to do with her.

   Fortunately, it was taken back by Lu Jingran soon, otherwise I don't know how long the harm will take place.

   As for how much Lin Wanning favors Lu Ning? Ha ha, if Lu Ning now called Queen Lin and said that he was bullied by James. Queen Lin is desperately going to return to the arena, and Queen Lin is not fighting alone now, behind him is a wealthy king of the country, Lu.

   "My mother will come for you." No matter what James said, Lu Ning was just that.

   MMP, where is my quick-acting Jiuxin pill?

"Lu Ning, it's really inappropriate. I'm a screenwriter for this movie. I know it myself. If Alice's acting skills meet the requirements, I'll use her as the heroine, okay? I will also give you an important supporting role. Stop making trouble." James gave in. The heroine, the Hollywood actress does not stare at this role.

   Facing the compromise that James almost begged for, he originally thought that Lu Ning would agree to it.

   In James' thoughts, it must be Lu Ning who forced herself to speak loudly for Alice's heroine, and now he promised to give her the heroine as long as Alice passed the acting skills.

   Now, Lu Ning should have stopped.

   "My mother will come for you"