Ivanka Airborne

   Getting up early in the morning, Lu Ning felt sluggish, not physically, but spiritually.

   Take care of yourself at will, um, I'm still so handsome, but what's the matter with the bags under the eyes?

   came downstairs, fucking, what's the situation?

   How did Ivanka Trump appear here?

   Ivanka and Paris are sitting face to face, each occupying a single sofa, which can be described as distinct.

   Ivanka has a graceful and charming posture, with Erlang's legs upturned, showing a charming smile.

  Paris has a cold expression, dressed in home clothes, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, revealing a touch of sexy.

   Lu Ning had to admit that each of them had their own beauty.

   One represents intellectual beauty, one is **** and playful.

   However, the atmosphere between the two was not very friendly. Both of them chose to ignore the appearance of Lu Ning.

   "Why are you here?" Paris was beautiful and slightly awkward, her tone a little bit bad.

   "You can come, why can't I come?" Ivanka asked slightly jokingly.

   Lu Ning was a little dazed, that, if he remembers correctly, this should be his home, you two outsiders really don't think of yourself as outsiders, right

   "Ivanka, if I remember correctly, your family has a house in Beverly Hills." Paris continued to attack.

  Hey, didn't this sentence I asked Paris yesterday? So should I borrow Ivanka to answer? . .

   "Under renovation."

   Fuck, it really is!

   "Your hotel is not far away, why don't you go to the hotel." Paris was a little annoyed.

   "If I remember correctly, my hotel is not far from Hilton, right."

   Miss Ivanka won this round.

   "I moved in, but Aunt Lin agreed." Paris offered his assassin.

   "Coincidentally, me too." Ivanka, smiling, slowly spit out "Me too", instantly killing Paris.

   Queen Lin, what are you trying to do?

   I have to smash your baby on the road to the end. One Paris is not enough, and another Ivanka is inserted?

   Not even Georgina Bloomberg and Nikki Hilton will come last.

  Queen Lin, don't worry, Georgina Bloomberg can't do it again in England.

   As for Nikki Hilton, she was taken by her parents to study in Africa, and she will not show up in a short time.

   Seeing that she couldn't stop Ivanka from staying in, Paris curled her lips unwillingly, but was helpless.

   "Lu, I've interrupted this time." Seeing that he defeated Paris, Ivanka stood up calmly and gave Lu Ning's iconic smile.

"Ah good."

   Wait, what is it? This is my home. Why do you want to live?

   "Then I live on the second floor." Before Lu Ning could react, Ivanka directed the employees to move her salute to the second floor.

   "Hey, wait, I live on the second floor." Paris, who was sitting on the sofa, heard that Ivanka was going to live on the second floor and hurriedly jumped to stop it.

   "There are so many rooms on the second floor, don't worry, I won't live next door to you." Ivanka ignored Paris's objection.

  . . .

  . . .

   Lu Ning, am I the air? What about human rights? Isn't America the place where human rights are the most important?

   Should I call the police?

   crooked, 911? There are two women who must live in my house.

  They are Ivanka Trump and Paris Hilton.

  911: Sir, who do you think you are? Is it Lu Ning? If we molested our police again, we will arrest you for abusing police resources!

   Okay, Lu Ningnao made up the result of the alarm, and then. . . There is no then.

   Ivanka instructed the staff to finish the room, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, indicating that she was in a good mood at the moment.

   I originally saw Lu Ning and the "American Sweetheart" happening at Staples Arena on TV.

   Ivanka, who has an excellent conservancy, couldn't help but explode.

   However, I am sad, but I don't have much sense of urgency.

   After all, this "American sweetheart" was born in a small household, maybe this is just Lu Ning's youthful commotion.

   But when I heard the gossip last night that Paris Hilton had moved into Lu's manor in Beverly.

   Ivanka can't sit still.

  Paris Hilton is one of the biggest threats to her, and Paris, a little bitch, might use some tricks in order to get Lu Ning.

   After obtaining Queen Lin's permission, Ivanka rushed to Los Angeles by private jet overnight.

   just had the scene just now.

   It seems lucky now, that little **** of Paris hasn't succeeded yet.

   For Lu Ning, Ivanka is also a little bit annoyed.

   When he was 10 years old, this bad guy used a family game to cheat his first kiss away.

   Okay, it's the former's pot again, Lu Ning, I'm back

   Girls always mature earlier than boys. For this friend who grew up as a child, Ivanka had already accepted her fate and planned to be a good wife and mother in the future.

   I learned later that this guy had not only lied to his first kiss.

  Georgina Bloomberg, Paris Hilton, Nikki Hilton were all tricked out of the first kiss by him using almost the same technique.

   Lu Ning, I don't know if it's too late to return the product now?

   The four girls tore for a while, and finally reached an agreement

   But it's okay now, this **** even dared to get in touch with flowers and grass outside, and actually showed his affection in the global live broadcast.

   Ivanka almost crushed her silver teeth.

   If it weren't for the sinking too deep and unable to extricate himself, he would definitely cut Xiao Lu Ning.

   Xiao Lu Ning: please let it go. I am a baby and have never experienced anything. Whether Ivanka or Paris, why do I like this tune? I like to threaten myself at every turn, what happened to Da Ning if I had the ability!

   The scissors in Paris's hand yesterday have frightened herself for a long time.

   Aren't you afraid of going on strike when you are together in the future

   I also blamed myself for putting too loosely on him before, hum, from now on, Lu Ning, just wait and see.

   After finishing the room, Ivanka went back downstairs. Lu Ning and Paris were both here.

   "Lu, it's boring, go shopping with me." Paris flashed her big watery eyes and acted like a baby at Lu Ning.

   "Don't go." Lu Ning strongly refused.

   "Go, I want to go shopping."

   "I want to go out too." Ivanka also joined in.

   Lu Ning is a bit big.

   Surrounded by two top Bai Fumei, Lu Ning was a little shaken.

   The most important thing is that the two of them don't care about their physical contact, and even take the initiative to move their bodies closer.

   Fuck, I'm really afraid that I can't control it! ! !

  Don't force me, force me and I will rectify both of you.

   Lu Ning thought evilly, well, just think about it.

   "Go, two grandmothers, can't you go."

   The most persuaded Young Master Lu, your characteristics have been determined.

  Lu Ning,,???,,