Chapter 20

"You really are the worse,"

"How could you force someone to serve you,"

"But I thought lady Lockridge defended her yesterday,"

"Don't be foolish. She probably ordered lady Lockridge to say those things,"

"How can someone like her be our future king?"

My hopes that the bullying would stop after yesterday were dashed instantly. Before I can even sit down, I am surrounded and accused of slavery. At least I don't have to clean my desk today. I let out a sigh as I sit down, ignoring the people around and start getting ready for class.

"Aren't you going to defend yourself?"

"Come on, it is clear she is guilty,"

"Just confess to your crimes already,"

I stay silent as I search for my textbook. I only make a movement to glance at the door, hoping my friends will arrive soon. They had to be running late today. But that is probably the only reason my classmates think they can get away with making false accusations. Marshal would silence them with his mere presence. Zeno and even Noah would yell at them.

"Just admit it already!"

Some boy slammed her hands down on my desk as he yelled. I'm pretty sure it would have made most people jump, but I barely even noticed. I glance at the boy. He was one of the guys from yesterday. I thought he would have learned his lesson from yesterday, but he must be some kind of idiot.

"Isn't her silence proof enough?"

"Yeah, she's definitely guilty,"

"We should go and protest the principal and get her expelled,"

"Expelled for what?"

Finally, I smile and wave as Marshal walks through the door, followed by Noah and Zeno. None of them returns my smile; instead, they make the class shiver under their glares. My classmates really are a bunch of cowards who back down way too quickly. I fear for the kingdom's future when people like them take seats of power.

"If you are making false accusations against my sister, then I would like you to stop,"

"But… but she won't even defend herself," The who boy slammed his fist on my shivers as he stared at my friends. "Isn't that proof enough?"


"I thought I told you to stand up for yourself,"

"Why waste my breath?" I reply, finally speaking up. "I have the proof I need to show my innocence to the proper authorities. Why should I defend myself to people who have already condemned me?"

"That is no reason to stay silent," Marshal scolds me. "If it happens again, please tell me right away."


After Marshal, Noah and Zeno arrived, the rest of the class ended peacefully. Now I can finally relax under my tree, and this time it doesn't look like anyone will bother me. Smiling, I open my lunch box to see my maid has made my favourite. I guess she heard what happened yesterday and wanted to cheer me up.

"Come on, prince Malone you have to see her wicked ways need to be stopped,"

Great, it looks like I won't be eating in peace once again. This time it is Marshal being harassed, and for the first time in a long while, I feel fear. Graham Lennon is the first son and heir of a powerful noble family. He is someone I tried hard to steer Marshal away from since he is power-hungry and has little regard for others. In the game, Graham is Marshal's right hand. When the time came, I was no longer useful to Marshal's plan. Graham would take part in my arrest.

I watch the scene unfold as Graham tries to turn Marshal against me holding my breath and praying nothing bad happens. If I move now, I could get Marshal away from him before it is too late, but that might backfire. After today I can see rumours going around. I am controlling Marshal as well as the heroine. No, I should just stay here and trust Marshal won't betray me. I make myself as small as possible, watching them walk by.

"I already know the truth," I let out the breath I was holding, hearing Marshal's response. "My future wife is not that kind of person."

"Just look at the evidence," Graham almost shouts but manages to control himself. "There is no way she would hang around with such a low class noble. She has to be using her."

"Lady Lamonia isn't like that," Marshal continues to defend me. He really has become such a better person than the man he would become in the game. "She treats everyone with kindness, from servents to my father and I."

"She must have gotten to you too," Graham mutters, shaking his head. "What is happening? Is she blackmailing you? Threatening? Or does she have some kind of mind control spell she used on you?"

"Don't be stupid," I jump at Marshal's sharp words. It was how he sounded at my execution in the game. "I told you I know what happened. If you continue to accuse my fiancee, I will have your entire family demoted to serfdom."

Marshal leaves Graham behind, who can only stare at the prince as he walks away. He looks like he wants to say more, but his mouth only opens and closes soundlessly. Finally, I hear him groan in pain after kicking the ground hard enough. He limps off, leaving me to relax once again. I go back to my lunch feeling a lot better, knowing Graham still has nothing to do with Marshal.


"Everyone form into your groups from Monday and wait for me to come to you!" Sara shouts out as soon as we gather our training weapons. "I will be coming over to each of your groups and giving you all exercises to complete based on your weapon choice."



The heroine and I greet each other while waiting for Sara to get to us. We watch her move and make small talk about the weather and school work until she finally comes our way. She has a stern look on her face making everyone but me stiffen. I have seen that look so many times I have grown immune to it.

"Your group will be practising punches and kicks against those targets," Sara says, pointing towards a row of punching bags. "I will be moving between groups, but if you think that means, you can slack off. I will personally spare with you and show you the cost of not tacking your training seriously."


My hands hurt. My feet hurt, and I still feel as breathless as I had when our lesson ended. It is painful even lifting my cup.

"Don't push yourself," Marshal says.

Currently, we are sitting on the balcony of his room having tea. Arial is here to sitting down with us. From here, no one can see the two of them together. She is currently sitting on Marshal's lap as they feed each other. I wish they would knock it off while I am here.

"If you need some healing, we have healing sleeves and gloves," Marshal smiles, setting his cup down.

"I'm fine," I assure him.

I have already used healing magic, causing the bruises to fade and the scratches to heal, but I am still aching. I need to build up my stamina. That way, I could use better healing spells after enduring Sara's torturous training. I pick up my cup and take another sip.

"You keep saying that, but I am starting to doubt it," Marshal says, giving me a soft, gentle look. "You are being bullied, pushing yourself harder than anyone in practical lessons and keep everything to yourself. You may say you are fine, but I am still worried about you. People are starting to gather in opposition to you. Just today, I was approached by the son of a powerful noble. If you aren't careful, they could kill you."

"I know," I nod.

I have planned for this. I have planned for every outcome. I have money saved up, learned skills to help me and studied the world map. If I become a wanted criminal, I know what countries to escape to. If I am exiled, I have the skills to survive by myself. No matter what happens, I am confident I could survive it, but I hope it doesn't come to that. If that happened, I would have to say goodbye to Noah and Marshal. I would even miss Zeno despite how much I want to punch him. Strangely I find the heroine mixed in with them as well. I should be happy to be away from someone that could lead to my death, but instead, I feel sadness.