Chapter 27

I was hoping everyone would be finished with the errand they were running for the principal by now, but it seems I will have to enter by myself. I have no idea what it is that the principal needs, but it must be important if he is to have someone like prince Marshal carry it out. I give one last look hoping to see one of my friends appearing before stepping inside.

This event was planned nearly a week ago. At the beginning of class last Monday, Daniella announced that a party would be held for all first-year students in one of the multi-purpose areas halls. Graham Lennon is a terrible noble who would have been Marshall's friend if not for my and Arial's interference. All he does is bring out the nasty side of Marshall and use him to advance his own goals. Making sure he didn't get anywhere near Marshall is one f the best changes I made to the story. I don't remember him hosting this event in the game. I don't think there was such a party in the first place. Well, it must have been a side effect of something I changed along the way.

It looks like they must have invented everyone. I can see countless faces I know and ones I don't as everyone turns to face me. Strange, I don't see any teachers. I thought the school had a policy where there needed to be at least one teacher supervising any event held. Why do I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach? Am I missing something? Why is everyone keeping their distance as they stare at me?

"You're finally here?"

Why did they turn a spotlight on me? Why is Graham giving me that look? Up on a small stage, Graham stares down at me as two of his family knights come up from behind me. Why are they even here? What is going on?

"Today's the day we finally expose you for who you truly are," Graham declares. "Today, I will ensure everyone learns who you truly are."

My heart starts to race. Did I mess up? I was so careful to avoid making the same mistakes the villainess had.

"Your first crime is manipulating your fiance, prince Marshall Malone," Graham begins. "Some here know this already but for those who don't allow me to explain. Lady Lamonia has been keeping the prince all to herself. She has been choosing who he talks to and interfering whenever someone she disapproves of approaches. Do you deny these allegations, lady Lamonia?"

What can I say? It's true. Everything he just said is true. I kept croup nobles away from Marshal. I ensured none of the people leading him down a dark path got close to him. No, I need to remain calm. It isn't over yet! I just need to put on the act of my life.

"Lady Lamonia!" Graham shouts. "Do you deny these allegations? Do you deny keeping prince Marshall all to yourself?!"

Perfect. Graham may have just given me the out I needed.

"I did want him… all to myself…." I do my best to look love-struck as I answer. "I wanted to hold his hand… kiss him, never leave his side and dance with him all night long. But is it so wrong to want to be with the person you love?"

A few people look sympathetic towards me, but most still look like they condemned me.

"So you don't deny it," Graham looks like he didn't expect my answer, but he continues on regardless. "But if you are so in love with him as you claim, why do you spend so much time alone? Plenty of us have invited you to tea parties and social functions, but you turned us all down."

Great, he's giving me just what I need.

"Well, because my… my parents told me to not cling to prince Marshall so much…." I explain, looking downcast. "They said it was unseemly for a lady of my standing to act that way, so I have kept my distance."

Serval people nod at my answer. As nobles, we all understand what it is like to put on a mask. In our life, everything is about appearance.

"I turned everyone's invites down because, without my prince, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy myself," I pretend to whip a tear. "I just didn't want to ruin everyone else's time."

Graham looks at me looking, slightly panicked, as he tries to plot his next move. Is he even the one behind this? Graham keeps looking to his side at someone just out of view. He was probably told I would crumble under his questions. Instead, I admitted to everything in a way he didn't expect and made him look like he was picking on me. The crowd looks more sympathetic towards me by the second as I wipe away another fake tear.

"Then… then what about… how about when… when you joined the maid and butler café club?" Graham looks like he is really struggling now. "If you cared so much about your image, why are you playing around being a servant?"

"Because it lets me relax," I admit. Well, I am taking part in the club. I find all my worries melting away. "I was put on a stage ever since I was engaged to prince Marshall. But in my club, I am no longer being judged by everyone."

During club activities, I can truly relax. I don't worry about meeting bad ends. I don't fear that Ellis will lead me to my death. I found myself laughing and enjoying spending time with her. Ellis would shine as she smiled while running around in her maid uniform, looking cute and stealing everyone's hearts. Before school started, I would have never imagined myself enjoying spending time with Ellis as we waited tables together.

"But someone like you… you should… you must have…."

The crowd is starting to flock to my side as Graham struggles to regain control. He keeps looking off to the said as if asking someone for help. Who put him up to this? From how he is acting, it is clear Graham isn't the mastermind behind this plot.

"Did we miss something?"

"At last," I breathe a sigh of relief as I quietly mutter to myself.

I smile, seeing Noah looking around at the silent room. Marshall and Zeno are staring daggers at the stage while Ellis looks concerned about what is happening. Looking back on the stage, Graham is starting to sweat. I could hear someone running off, but I couldn't see them. It doesn't matter. With Bozzair's aid, I could easily find out who they were.

"Sir Lennon!" Marshall calls out. "Can you explain what you are doing?"

"I was… I…." He runs out the back door, but he won't get far. I'm pretty sure Marshall will have some knights sent after him before long.

"Are you okay?" Marshall asks as Graham's family's knights make their exit.

"I'm fine," I assure them. "I had everything under…."

"Lady Lamonia!" Everyone jumps as the door is thrown open, and serval heavily armed soldiers enter. "You are under arrest for treason!"

"You better have evidence, or your heads will roll,"

Treason! When? How? I have been keeping to myself and doing my best to stay out of trouble… even if my friends say I can never stay out of it. I couldn't have done something like that. I need to calm down and not panic. This is probably part of Graham's puppet master's plan. They wanted me to admit to a crime and then arrest me. Everything will be fine. With Marshall demanding evidence, they can't possibly have the charges will soon be dropped.

"We have found classified military documents in her room after an anonymous tip," The captain of the soldiers replied. "We also have captured a spy from the Great Eastern Empire who claims to have come to collect the documents."

That can't be right. I never had access to the none classified military documents, let alone the secret stuff. As for the Great Eastern Empire, I have only met one person from that land. He was an adventurer who helped train rookies.

"That's ridiculous. How could she have met with foreign spies without anyone noticing she was missing?"

"We know she can fly," The captain answers. "She could disappear into the night and return before anyone notices."

"Stop it. My sister isn't a traitor," Noah yells, coming to my defence.

"I can testify that she never leaves her room at night," Zeno adds. "Trust me, I tried to sneak in enough times to know she was there."

Zeno, while creepy, I appreciate his help. A few people I recognise from my club also speak up in my defence, but the captain isn't listening.

"I'm sorry, but we need to bring her in," The captain says signally to guards to arrest me. "She will be held in Grey Sands… she will be confined to the castle until her trial."

Wait, what was that? Did he just glitch? Why am I the only one that noticed? Looking around the room, I can see Marshall, Noah and Zeno, and every other student acting like nothing had happened. Wait! That screen again. When I glance at Ellis, I see that same screen from the store room. Did she do that?


"Well, everything didn't go to plan, but it still worked out in the end," I announce, entering a disused shed in the back of the school's grounds. "Charlotte, Rosalie, how did things go on your end?"

"Well, we planted the evidence and called the guards just fine, but…."

"Oh my god," I gasp, seeing the state the two are in. "Are you two okay?"

"We will be fine after being healed," Rosalie shakes her head. "For a little guy, he put up more of a fight than we expected."

"This is bad!" Charlotte cries. "He won't let me feed him anymore."

"Just see to your injuries. I'll keep an eye on him,"

I see my two friends out. Covered in cuts, bruises and burn marks, they aren't in mortal danger, but people might get suspicious seeing them in such a state. I seal the door shut behind them and walk over to our guest. Even with a collar that weakens his power, I'm surprised to see him crack the barrier.

"You are going to be a pain," I groan, using my magic to repair the damage.

"When I am free, I will kill you," The silly little dragon threatens, putting another crack in the barrier. "I am not as merciful as Angelina."

"Lady Lamonia will be dealt with shortly," I tell him. "I just need to keep you hear so you can't help prove her innocence. After that, I know someone who will pay a small fortune for you."