Need A Lawyer

"Leave Yudi, he has betrayed you, again," Galih said firmly and straightforwardly.

"Dad, remember your high blood pressure," said Kinanti. There is a doubt that is etched in Ayu's soul when she looks at her father's face, is there something Ayu is missing?

"Daddy, Ayu, is something wrong?" asked Ayu.

"Your only mistake was to forgive and let Yudi come into life again. Daddy, Daddy is a fool who easily gave Daddy's precious treasure to a man like him," Galih carried his daughter in his arms. Ayu brought her two thick eyes to look at Kinanti, as if asking for an explanation for this incident.

But Kinanti did not give any answer except a reassuring smile. Ayu returned Galih's hug, rubbed the middle-aged man's back, there was no longer a sad expression on the face of the widowed candidate.

Apparently God has strengthened the heart of a person, Suci Indah Ayu.

"Dad!" Ayu squeaked as the hug between the two unraveled. Galih understood that his second child was demanding an explanation. Galih took out the brown envelope that he had received from Bayu Rianto this afternoon.

"What is this, Dad?" Ayu asked when she received the envelope with narrowed eyes and furrowed brow like orange peel.

"Open it!" Galih ordered. Currently there are only father and daughter in the living room, because Kinanti has gone up to the second floor to check on her favorite granddaughter.

"I already know that Zaskia's father has remarried and today they are carrying out aqiqah," Ayu explained.

Galih was surprised to hear Ayu's statement, "How did you know?" asked Galih. Ayu issues an invitation which is the root of her divorce with Yudi.

Shut up the old man's mouth. Ayu returned to focus on the second sheet that her father gave her. Ayu was shocked, it turned out that she was not the only one who had to be disappointed and heartbroken due to Yudi and Bella's marriage.

Someone he once admired, and he loved in his heart was also disappointed.

"Daddy, isn't this true? Is this a lie? Tell me, if this is a lie," Ayu asked. Tears welled up in her eyes again and in a blink of an eye they would roll down her cheeks.

"But, in fact it is like that," answered Galih. This afternoon, the number one person in Angkasa Group ordered his right hand, Bayu Rianto, to investigate his son-in-law. Not a single thing should be forgotten.

Galih Surya Atmadja is furious when he finds out that his son-in-law has had a love that violates norms and etiquette with another woman. There were even two children in their midst. What makes him even more striking is that the figure who becomes the forbidden love of the daughter-in-law is the fiancé of the man she once hoped to be the last port of her beloved daughter.

"So, how is he now, Dad?" Ayu asked in a trembling voice. Only his father gave him a shake, he didn't even know how to answer Ayu's question.

Ayu took out her cell phone from her handbag, made a voice call but unfortunately the caller did not give an answer.

"Who are you calling?" asked Galih while looking at Ayu's sour face.

"Akbar Dad, he has to help me find his whereabouts ...."

"There is Daddy dear, Daddy will find him and bring him to you," interrupted Galih. Galih clearly saw the worry on his daughter's face.

"Promise?" Ayu said while moving her little finger in front of her father.

"Then I'll go to the room first, Dad." Ayu was about to get up from her seat but was immediately blocked by Galih.

"What are you and Yudi doing?" asked Galih.

"What Akbar said is true, Dad, there is no justification for mistakes," said Ayu without carrying the slightest burden.

"Yudi has left me for no reason, so I won't let him come back with an explanation," Ayu added.

"I'm ready to face him in Court."

"But you need legal assistance, Daddy will find a lawyer with the best track record in civil cases." Galih asked.

"Dad, don't you forget Daddy's daughter, a law graduate with camlaude graduation degree?"Ayu asked confidently.

"But you haven't followed PKPA let alone followed UPA?" Galih teased Ayu then pursed her lips. What her father said is true, only having a SH degree does not necessarily make Ayu a lawyer. Even so, she graduated from Camlaude.

"Daddy will ask for help from Uncle Agasa, he is a lawyer with a very good track record, he has won many cases," explained Galih.

"Use a lawyer? What are you doing, Dad?" Ayu grumbled. She thought the divorce would end if he did not appear in 3 trials.

"You have to get custody of Zaskia, get your rights as a wife, and Zaskia too," Ayu was still thinking hard about what her daddy's decree meant.

"For more details, let Uncle Agasa explain tomorrow, can you find him tomorrow?"

"No, I have a meeting with investors. Daddy just met him, who wanted me to use a lawyer?" Ayu got up from her seat and immediately climbed the stairs to her room.

"Do you have a meeting with investors or do you want to find the love in your heart?" Ayu's temperature is suddenly cold, why is it so hard to outwit her daddy, she thought.

"I have a meeting with Akbar, Dad. There are investors who want to invest their capital," Ayu still argued.

"Blood is thicker than water and no one knows you as well as Daddy and Mommy." Ayu chose to avoid before she was forced to back down to admit her lie.

To Be Continued ….