"I knew teacher Yuki is a benevolent person," the town lord said as Yuki came to cure Makio.
When they went to the room, Kiyoko couldn't recognize him.
'Inori, check,' Yuki said.
'The man is in a coma due to shock from your punch impact.'
'What's the cure?'
'Put a flower called veidas. It has effect of spiking the brain.'
Yuki checked, it cost 10 gold coins.
Yuki's twitched with reluctance while crushing the flower above Makio's open mouth.
'It's fine, I will practically get a free bodyguard with this small investment,' Yuki thought.
Drop by drop, the flower got squeezed out of its juice.
The nervous system was dim with a blue glow but once the juice entered his mouth, that sent powerful red color energy that hijacked the nerves.