Chapter 8 Was It Okay To Be The Second Choice?

Vanessa came out of the Simmons mansion and a black Bentley stopped right in front of her. The driver took off his hat and it was one of the men in black who was in the small farmhouse earlier.

'Miss Vanessa, I've been lurking around this neighborhood. From now on, I will be your private driver.


Vanessa was emotionless. She suddenly came back to the Simmons family, those guys in the Institute would certainly be worried.

They soon arrived at the Phantom Court. Aaron had long been leaning against the door and waiting for her. Seeing her actually come over, a smile flashed in his eyes, 'Lamb, I didn't expect you to care so much about me. I can't believe you actually brought me food in the middle of the night."

Vanessa gave him a strange look, 'Didn't you say you got nothing to eat? This is my house, and if anything happens to you here, it could get me into some trouble from a legal standpoint."

Aaron was amused. Were all young girls nowadays talking so officially?