Chapter14 Lack of Good Manners

'What are you chatting about?"

Felton, who's at the entrance, asked. He had just returned from work when he saw this scene.

Sebastian pointed at Vanessa and scolded, 'It's your sister! She has picked up all the bad habits in the countryside and has no good manners at all!"

After getting the whole thing straight, Felton pursed his lips, 'Dad, Vanessa has the right to socialize with people, not to mention that they were just having a meal together. It was not something of a taboo, you don't have to be like this."

'Felton, why are you defending her?" Queenie was upset. Her big brother used to love her the most, but now he defended Vanessa so much.

'I'm just telling the truth." Felton loosened his tie, looking a little tired, 'Vanessa grew up alone in the countryside for so many years and didn't feel much warmth of family. It's too much when you said she was lack good manners."

Sebastian was at a disadvantage, plus he valued Felton, so he did not speak again for a while.