Chapter 22 An Engagement Out Of Surprise

Hearing these, Mack's face turned deathly pale. He's finished! He was completely finished!

He did take money from Queenie and promised to find a way to make Vanessa fail in the exam.

But he never thought things would turn out this way. If he knew that he would end up like this, he would not have agreed even if Queenie offered him more money.

Being expelled from University A and gaining a certain notoriety for framing students would mean that he would be disgraced by the entire music circles!

That's too big a price to pay!

Mack subconsciously looked in the direction of Queenie, 'Actually, I..."

'Shut up, you have slandered my sister and still want to find excuses!"

Queenie was afraid that he would give her up, so she quickly walked over and pretended to teach him a lesson. Then she threatened him in a voice that no one else could hear, 'The situation got out of hand and giving me up won't help! As long as you keep your mouth shut, I can give you another two million!"