Chapter 48 Plotting

After everyone left, the more Queenie thought about it, the more unwilling she felt. Finally, after half an hour of tossing and turning on the bed, she angrily got up and knocked on Vanessa's door.

'Come in."

Vanessa sat behind her desk, browsing the web on her computer.

Queenie glanced at Vanessa's computer screen from the corner of her eye, a bit blurry, but found that Vanessa seemed to browse some kind of forum.

She couldn't help but feel a little smug in her heart.

It seemed that Vanessa had completely given up and was bored with the Internet here.

She sat on the chair opposite Vanessa and changed from her previous innocent and simple look to an arrogant one.

'Vanessa, since you're so upset, why don't you think of ways to solve the problem? Or do you suffer from a lack of solutions? If you really don't know what to do, I can come up with an idea for you."